围绕着 N 个亲子协会

发布于 2024-08-19 15:58:30 字数 621 浏览 2 评论 0原文


基本上,我有一个包含数千个对象的集合,每个对象都由 Parent 和 Child 属性组成。


public class MyObject{
     public string Parent { get; set; }
     public string Child { get; set; }

我试图弄清楚如何将其构建到一个普通的 TreeView 控件中。我需要建立关系,但我不知道如何建立,因为它们可能是混合的。我可能可以用树的外观更好地解释这一点:


0. Parent: "A", Child: "B"
1. Parent: "B", Child: "C"
2. Parent: "B", Child: "D"



如何在 C# 中执行此操作?我需要它支持最多 N 个关系,因为我们有一些分支,我希望达到大约 50 个节点的深度。

I'll try to explain this the best I can. I'm having quite a bit of difficulty trying to figure out this logic.

Basically, I have a collection that includes thousands of objects which are each made up of a Parent and a Child property.

So, roughly, this:

public class MyObject{
     public string Parent { get; set; }
     public string Child { get; set; }

What I'm trying to figure out is how to build this out into a plain TreeView control. I need to build the relationships but I can't figure out how to because they can be mixed. I can probably explain this better with what the tree should look like:

So if I have the following items inside of my collection:

0. Parent: "A", Child: "B"
1. Parent: "B", Child: "C"
2. Parent: "B", Child: "D"

I would want my tree to look this like:


How can I do this in C#? I would need it to support up to N relationships as we have some branches I would expect to reach about 50 nodes deep.

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叫思念不要吵 2024-08-26 15:58:30




public class MyRecursiveObject
    public MyRecursiveObject Parent { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<MyRecursiveObject> Children { get; set; }


private void PopulateTree(IEnumerable<MyObject> items)
    var groupedItems =
        from i in items
        group i by i.Parent into g
        select new { Name = g.Key, Children = g.Select(c => c.Child) };
    var lookup = groupedItems.ToDictionary(i => i.Name, i => i.Children);
    foreach (string parent in lookup.Keys)
        if (lookup.ContainsKey(parent))
            AddToTree(lookup, Enumerable.Empty<string>(), parent);

private void AddToTree(Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> lookup,
    IEnumerable<string> path, string name)
    IEnumerable<string> children;
    if (lookup.TryGetValue(name, out children))
        IEnumerable<string> newPath = path.Concat(new string[] { name });
        foreach (string child in children)
            AddToTree(lookup, newPath, child);
        TreeNode parentNode = null;
        foreach (string item in path)
            parentNode = AddTreeNode(parentNode, item);
        AddTreeNode(parentNode, name);

private TreeNode AddTreeNode(TreeNode parent, string name)
    TreeNode node = new TreeNode(name);
    if (parent != null)
    return node;

首先,我意识到字典将包含中间节点以及根节点的键,因此我们不需要在递归 AddToTree 方法中进行两次递归调用来获取“B”节点作为根; PopulateTree 方法中的初始遍历已经完成了。

我们要做需要防范的是在初始遍历中添加叶节点;使用所讨论的数据结构,可以通过检查父字典中是否有键来检测这些。使用递归数据结构,这会更容易:只需检查 Parent == null 即可。但是,递归结构不是我们所拥有的,所以上面的代码是我们必须使用的。

AddTreeNode 主要是一个实用方法,因此我们稍后不必继续重复此空检查逻辑。

真正的丑陋之处在于第二个递归的 AddToTree 方法。因为我们试图创建每个子树的唯一副本,所以我们不能简单地添加一个树节点,然后将该节点作为父节点进行递归。 “A”在这里只有一个孩子“B”,但“B”有两个孩子“C”和“D”。需要有两个“A”副本,但无法知道“A”最初何时传递给 AddToTree 方法。

因此,我们实际上要做的就是直到最后阶段才创建任何节点,并存储一个临时路径,为此我选择了 IEnumerable因为它是不可变的因此不可能搞砸。当需要添加更多子节点时,此方法只需添加到路径并递归;当没有更多的子节点时,它会遍历整个保存的路径并为每个子节点添加一个节点。

这是非常低效的,因为我们现在在每次调用 AddToTree 时都会创建一个新的枚举。对于大量节点来说,很可能会消耗大量内存。这是可行的,但使用递归数据结构会更有效。使用顶部的示例结构,您根本不必保存路径或创建字典;当没有子节点时,只需使用 Parent 引用在 while 循环中沿着路径向上走即可。

不管怎样,我想这是学术性的,因为这不是一个递归对象,但我认为无论如何都值得指出,作为未来设计中需要记住的事情。上面的代码将完全产生您想要的结果,我已经在真实的 TreeView 上对其进行了测试。

更新 2 - 事实证明,上面的版本在内存/堆栈方面相当残酷,很可能是创建所有这些 IEnumerable 实例的结果。虽然这不是一个很好的设计,但我们可以通过更改为可变 List 来消除该特定问题。以下代码片段显示了差异:

private void PopulateTree(IEnumerable<MyObject> items)
    // Snip lookup-generation code - same as before ...

    List<string> path = new List<string>();
    foreach (string parent in lookup.Keys)
        if (lookup.ContainsKey(parent))
            AddToTree(lookup, path, parent);

private void AddToTree(Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> lookup,
    IEnumerable<string> path, string name)
    IEnumerable<string> children;
    if (lookup.TryGetValue(name, out children))
        foreach (string child in children)
            AddToTree(lookup, newPath, child);
    // Snip "else" block - again, this part is the same as before ...


This problem actually turned out to be considerably more complex than I originally realized, given the requirement of repeating the entire tree for each path. I've simply deleted the old code as I don't want to add any further confusion.

I do want to keep it on record that using a recursive data structure makes this easier:

public class MyRecursiveObject
    public MyRecursiveObject Parent { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<MyRecursiveObject> Children { get; set; }

You'll see very clearly why this is easier after reading the implementation code below:

private void PopulateTree(IEnumerable<MyObject> items)
    var groupedItems =
        from i in items
        group i by i.Parent into g
        select new { Name = g.Key, Children = g.Select(c => c.Child) };
    var lookup = groupedItems.ToDictionary(i => i.Name, i => i.Children);
    foreach (string parent in lookup.Keys)
        if (lookup.ContainsKey(parent))
            AddToTree(lookup, Enumerable.Empty<string>(), parent);

private void AddToTree(Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> lookup,
    IEnumerable<string> path, string name)
    IEnumerable<string> children;
    if (lookup.TryGetValue(name, out children))
        IEnumerable<string> newPath = path.Concat(new string[] { name });
        foreach (string child in children)
            AddToTree(lookup, newPath, child);
        TreeNode parentNode = null;
        foreach (string item in path)
            parentNode = AddTreeNode(parentNode, item);
        AddTreeNode(parentNode, name);

private TreeNode AddTreeNode(TreeNode parent, string name)
    TreeNode node = new TreeNode(name);
    if (parent != null)
    return node;

First of all, I realized that the dictionary will contain keys for intermediate nodes as well as just the root nodes, so we don't need two recursive calls in the recursive AddToTree method in order to get the "B" nodes as roots; the initial walk in the PopulateTree method already does it.

What we do need to guard against is adding leaf nodes in the initial walk; using the data structure in question, these are detectable by checking whether or not there is a key in the parent dictionary. With a recursive data structure, this would be way easier: Just check for Parent == null. But, a recursive structure is not what we have, so the code above is what we have to use.

The AddTreeNode is mostly a utility method, so we don't have to keep repeating this null-checking logic later.

The real ugliness is in the second, recursive AddToTree method. Because we are trying to create a unique copy of every single subtree, we can't simply add a tree node and then recurse with that node as the parent. "A" only has one child here, "B", but "B" has two children, "C" and "D". There needs to be two copies of "A", but there's no way to know about that when "A" is originally passed to the AddToTree method.

So what we actually have to do is not create any nodes until the final stage, and store a temporary path, for which I've chosen IEnumerable<string> because it's immutable and therefore impossible to mess up. When there are more children to add, this method simply adds to the path and recurses; when there are no more children, it walks the entire saved path and adds a node for each.

This is extremely inefficient because we are now creating a new enumerable on every invocation of AddToTree. For large numbers of nodes, it is likely to chew up a lot of memory. This works, but it would be a lot more efficient with a recursive data structure. Using the example structure at the top, you wouldn't have to save the path at all or create the dictionary; when no children are left, simply walk up the path in a while loop using the Parent reference.

Anyway, I guess that's academic because this isn't a recursive object, but I thought it was worth pointing out anyway as something to keep in mind for future designs. The code above will produce exactly the results you want, I've gone ahead and tested it on a real TreeView.

UPDATE 2 - So it turns out that the version above is pretty brutal with respect to memory/stack, most likely a result of creating all those IEnumerable<string> instances. Although it's not great design, we can remove that particular issue by changing to a mutable List<string>. The following snippet shows the differences:

private void PopulateTree(IEnumerable<MyObject> items)
    // Snip lookup-generation code - same as before ...

    List<string> path = new List<string>();
    foreach (string parent in lookup.Keys)
        if (lookup.ContainsKey(parent))
            AddToTree(lookup, path, parent);

private void AddToTree(Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> lookup,
    IEnumerable<string> path, string name)
    IEnumerable<string> children;
    if (lookup.TryGetValue(name, out children))
        foreach (string child in children)
            AddToTree(lookup, newPath, child);
    // Snip "else" block - again, this part is the same as before ...
晨敛清荷 2024-08-26 15:58:30




Static Class Module1

    public static void Main()
        Common.ITree<myObj> myTree = default(Common.ITree<myObj>);
        myObj a = new myObj("a");
        myObj b = new myObj("b");
        myObj c = new myObj("c");
        myObj d = new myObj("d");

        myTree = Common.NodeTree<myObj>.NewTree;



Class myObj
    public string text;

    public myObj(string value)
        text = value;

    public override string ToString()
        return text;



like rubens, I tried both, but a little better I think A Generic Tree Collection

this tree collection got some nice functionality build-in to move around the tree, go read the whole article

sample with the link above

Static Class Module1

    public static void Main()
        Common.ITree<myObj> myTree = default(Common.ITree<myObj>);
        myObj a = new myObj("a");
        myObj b = new myObj("b");
        myObj c = new myObj("c");
        myObj d = new myObj("d");

        myTree = Common.NodeTree<myObj>.NewTree;



Class myObj
    public string text;

    public myObj(string value)
        text = value;

    public override string ToString()
        return text;

would be exactly what you just showed


梅窗月明清似水 2024-08-26 15:58:30



public class Node
   public Node Parent { get; private set; }
   public IEnumerable<Node> Children { get; private set; }
   public bool HasChildren { get { return Children.Count() > 0; } }

   public Node()
      Children = new List<Node>();

您的 MyObject 类表示字符串值之间的父/子关系。只要您能够实现一个 FindChildren() 方法来返回给定父值的子值,使用此类来合理化父/子关系就很简单:

public string Value { get; set; }
public static Node Create(string parentKey)
   Node n = new Node();
   n.Value = parentKey;
   foreach (string childKey in FindChildren(parentKey))
      Node child = n.Children.Add(Node.Create(childKey));
      child.Parent = n;
   return n;


public IEnumerable<Node> Descendants
      foreach (Node child in Children)
         yield return child;
         foreach (Node descendant in child.Descendants)
            yield return descendant;

要将 Node 添加到 TreeView,您需要两个方法。 (请注意,这些不是 Node 类的方法!)我已经对它们进行了重载,但是可以为它们提供不同的名称:

public void AddNode(Node n, TreeView tv)
   TreeNode tn = tv.Nodes.Add(n.Value);
   tn.Tag = n;
   foreach (Node child in n.Children)
      AddNode(child, tn);

public void AddNode(Node n, TreeNode parent)
   TreeNode tn = parent.Nodes.Add(n.Value);
   parent.Tag = n;
   foreach (Node child in n.Children)
      AddNode(child, tn);

我正在设置 Tag< /code> 在每个 TreeNode 上,以便您可以找到返回原始 Node 的路。

因此,要从顶级父键列表初始化您的 TreeView,您需要这样的方法:

public void PopulateTreeView(IEnumerable<string> parents, TreeView t)
   foreach (string parentKey in parents)
      Node n = Node.Create(parentKey);
      AddNode(n, t);
      foreach (Node descendant in n.Descendants)
         if (n.HasChildren)
            AddNode(descendant, t);


我不太明白您的 MyObject 如何 类正在工作;我想我现在已经这样做了,并且我已经相应地对此进行了编辑。

If I understand this correctly, what you're trying to do is take one tree and transform it into another. The transformation essentially takes each non-leaf-node in the input tree and creates a node for it (and its descendants) in the output tree.

First off, you'll be happier if you design a data structure for your nodes that is genuinely recursive:

public class Node
   public Node Parent { get; private set; }
   public IEnumerable<Node> Children { get; private set; }
   public bool HasChildren { get { return Children.Count() > 0; } }

   public Node()
      Children = new List<Node>();

Your MyObject class represents parent/child relationships between string values. As long as you're able to implement a FindChildren() method that returns the child values for a given parent value, using this class to rationalize the parent/child relationships is straightforward:

public string Value { get; set; }
public static Node Create(string parentKey)
   Node n = new Node();
   n.Value = parentKey;
   foreach (string childKey in FindChildren(parentKey))
      Node child = n.Children.Add(Node.Create(childKey));
      child.Parent = n;
   return n;

It's simple to implement a property that returns a node's descendants:

public IEnumerable<Node> Descendants
      foreach (Node child in Children)
         yield return child;
         foreach (Node descendant in child.Descendants)
            yield return descendant;

To add a Node to a TreeView, you need two methods. (Note that these aren't methods of the Node class!) I've made them overloads, but an argument can be made for giving them different names:

public void AddNode(Node n, TreeView tv)
   TreeNode tn = tv.Nodes.Add(n.Value);
   tn.Tag = n;
   foreach (Node child in n.Children)
      AddNode(child, tn);

public void AddNode(Node n, TreeNode parent)
   TreeNode tn = parent.Nodes.Add(n.Value);
   parent.Tag = n;
   foreach (Node child in n.Children)
      AddNode(child, tn);

I'm setting the Tag on each TreeNode so that you can find your way back to the original Node.

So to initialize your TreeView from a list of top-level parent keys, you need a method like this:

public void PopulateTreeView(IEnumerable<string> parents, TreeView t)
   foreach (string parentKey in parents)
      Node n = Node.Create(parentKey);
      AddNode(n, t);
      foreach (Node descendant in n.Descendants)
         if (n.HasChildren)
            AddNode(descendant, t);


I didn't quite understand how your MyObject class was working; I think I do now, and I've edited this accordingly.

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