
发布于 2024-08-19 09:53:40 字数 1431 浏览 5 评论 0原文

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南笙 2024-08-26 09:53:40

你不理解“设计模式”的含义——它只是意味着在有人命名之前已经完成的事情。例如,对数组进行排序,然后对其使用二分搜索是一种设计模式 - 我过去一定使用过它数百次,当我设计一个需要搜索的小型应用程序时,它是第一个我想到的事情。经验丰富的程序员在最小和最大的项目中都会使用此类模式。

You don't understand the meaning of a "design pattern" - it simply means something that's been done before that someone has perhaps put a name to. So for example, sorting an array and then using binary search on it is a design pattern - I must have used it hundreds of times in the past, and when I'm designing a small application that needs a search, it's one of the first things I think of. Such patterns are used by experienced programmers on both the smallest projects, and on the largest.

萌吟 2024-08-26 09:53:40

我的经验是,90% 的情况下,直接跳到代码并不是一个好主意。即使在小型项目中,我最终也会浪费时间,因为我们错误地实施了事情,或者没有针对 XYZ 失败案例做好足够的计划。没有计划的编码通常是一个坏主意。

我并不是说您必须使用 UML 或编写 300 页的规范,但我发现用例和错误条件对于在编写任何代码之前进行规划至关重要。


My experience has been that 90% of the time, jumping straight to code is a bad idea. Even on small projects, I end up wasting time because we implemented things incorrectly or didn't plan well enough for XYZ failure case. Coding without a plan is usually a bad idea.

I'm not saying you have to use UML or write a 300 page spec, but I find that use cases and error conditions are critical to plan out before writing any code.

When it comes to design patterns, the answer is yes take the time to think about them and diagram out where they can be useful... and where they are not useful. For a small project a week might be overkill but some planning will produce better code which is easier to maintain and is more useful in the long run.

无远思近则忧 2024-08-26 09:53:40


  • 如果您发现自己生成的代码难以维护,那么您的设计可能很糟糕
  • 在开始编码之前花一些时间思考设计可以带来更好的设计
  • 编写明确的设计文档主要有助于协调更大的团队解决更大的问题,这对于“繁重”的流程来说是典型的——当你谈论“过度杀伤”时,你似乎正在考虑这种事情
  • 另一种选择(通常会比做大量的前期设计产生更好的结果)是开始编码并与代码一起开发设计,每当您发现当前设计中的缺陷时就进行重构。这种事情被称为“敏捷过程”
  • ,但这仍然意味着您必须花时间思考和改进设计,而不是专门针对所需的功能进行编码 - 但这会产生更好的代码,包含更少的错误,并且可以改变更容易并且副作用更少。
  • 而且您仍然希望拥有某种设计文档来帮助人们更好地理解您的代码(甚至编写代码的人在 6 个月后回来修复错误时也经常需要帮助)。这不必很花哨;一两句话解释每个主要代码单元(例如类)的作用,以及一个概述文档,让您大致了解它们如何组合在一起(可能包含一两个 UML 图)。

Your question is wrongly worded. You're not asking about design patterns, you're asking about formal design, producing design documents before starting to code. But again, you can have good design without having explicit design documents, and you can have design documents without having to do them before you start coding. Generally:

  • If you find that you're producing code that is hard to maintain, your design is probably bad
  • Spending some thoughts on design before starting to code can lead to better design
  • Writing explicit design documents mainly helps coordinating larger teams on larger problems and is typical for "heavy" processes - you seem to be thinking about that kind of thing when you talk about "overkill"
  • An alternative (that often yields better results than doing a lot of upfront desing) is to start coding and develop the design along with the code, refactoring as you go whenever you notice a flaw in your current design. This kind of thing is known as an "agile process"
  • But that still means you have to spend time thiking about and improving the design rather than coding exclusively towards required functionality - but it will lead to much better code that containes fewer bugs and can be changed more easily and with fewer side effects.
  • And you still want to have some sort of documentation of the design to help people understand your code better (and even the person who wrote the code often needs that help when they come back to it for a bugfix 6 monts later). This doesn't have to be fancy; a sentence or two explaining what each major unit of code (e.g. classes) does, and an overview document that gives you a broad idea of how it all fits together (this may contain an UML diagram or two).
将军与妓 2024-08-26 09:53:40


Design patterns are not something you "decide to use". They come naturally, if you are experienced enough to see them. And they are not overhead - the amount of code to add is rather small.

岛歌少女 2024-08-26 09:53:40

这确实与规模有关。在较大的项目中,您可以通过进行“无聊”的分析来节省时间,而在较小的项目中,您实际上可以延长总体时间。 (话虽如此,即使是最小的任务也会受益于一些预先思考/涂鸦时间)


It's about scale really. In larger projects you'll save time by doing the "boring" analysis, whereas on smaller ones you could actually extend the overall time. (Having said that, even the smallest task will benefit from some upfront thinking/doodling time)

Either way, I'd say don't bend your approach simply to accomodate patterns. They are like any other tool, and not some panacea whose inclusion will guarantee success.

峩卟喜欢 2024-08-26 09:53:40



The old saying goes that "if you have a hammer, then everything starts to look like a nail", meaning that if you know of design patterns, you keep trying to fit them in, even when you might not need them. Keep in mind, that in terms of coding design patters, singleton, factory, etc... are very lightweight in terms of their time to implement and shouldn't really be anything to mention to management.

However, analysis and "diagramming" as you put it, is very valuable. If its a small project, then it will take a small amount of time, nothing to worry about. Often, a quick analysis and "pre-thought" will highlight any issues earlier than while simply cutting code.

惜醉颜 2024-08-26 09:53:40




  • 你已经找到了一种保持低依赖性和小接口的方法
  • 你有一个一致的方式如何分配责任(希望这不是使用 上帝对象
  • 你用合理的命名编写了可读的代码,
  • 你提供了关于你做了什么、为什么这样做的评论,以及

一旦你养成这些习惯, 哪些部分似乎需要审查,你并没有真正变慢,但是你的软件变得更加可维护......而且,对于小问题,有时尝试通过实现来解决它们,然后从错误中学习并用这些知识重新实现它们更有意义。 .. 与自上而下的方法不同,它可能会更快并且包括学习过程...


Bozho said how it should be ... but in the hands of most people, design patterns turn into hammers in search for a nail ... in the end they solve problems such as closing a bottle of coke by putting nails into the screw top, so they have something to hammer on ... in the end, the actual problem is not solved, because although the screw top is now again fixed to the bottle, the bottle still alows its content to escape ...

design patterns are not to be thought of as the components to build a design from ... design patterns are solutions to common problems that emerge within the process of design ...

your question seems to rather be, whether or not you should take the time to design your software, or whether you should just try to deliver software that seems to solve the problem, as fast as you can ... you shouldn't do the latter ... sometimes it is sufficient to actually design on the fly and this is ok, as long as:

  • you have figured out a way to keep dependancy low and interfaces small
  • you have a consistent way how responsibility is distributed (and hopefully it's not the usage of a god object)
  • you produce readable code with sensible naming
  • you provide comments about what you did, why you did it and which parts seem to need review

once you take these habits, you are not really slower, but your software turns much more maintainable ... also, for small problems, it sometimes makes more sense to just try to solve them through implementation and then learn from what went wrong and reimplement them with that knowledge ... it may turn out to be faster and includes a learning process, unlike top-down approaches ...

If you succeed in actually dividing a project into such independant small problems and can define interfaces how to access functionality provided by the respective solutions, then your design is actually perfect and you needn't get into details further ...

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