从 Java 程序中调用外部可执行文件的令人困惑的失败

发布于 2024-08-19 08:01:27 字数 1706 浏览 1 评论 0原文


我有一个独立的 Java 应用程序,偶尔需要调整它运行的计算机(WinXP 计算机)的线路输入音量。它通过调用一对可以获取和设置各种组件卷的外部可执行文件(用 VB6* 编写)来实现此目的。 (它们可以处理线路输入、麦克风、Wave、CD 和主音量控制。)



我不能保证这台机器与所有运行正常的机器 100% 相同,但我们已经购买同一系列的戴尔机器相当长一段时间了;至少,它非常非常相似。


  • 如果我在 Java 代码中做了一些愚蠢的事情(即,没有清除我的 STDOUT/STDERR 缓冲区),为什么这只是这台机器上的问题?
  • 如果 VB6 可执行文件中存在某些问题,为什么它们可以通过命令行在所有其他计算机上在本计算机上运行?
  • 如果这台机器上存在某种硬件异常,那么什么样的异常可能导致音量控制可执行文件在从 Java 应用程序内调用时失败?

我很困惑。我不喜欢感到困惑。有人有任何建议可能会启发我吗? **

-* -- 我知道,我知道,VB6,1998 被调用,他们希望他们过时的专有错误生成器回来,等等。这不是我的决定。但代码有效。通常。

-** -- 在此插入佛教笑话。



  • 调试器:理论上是可行的,但考虑到我们的设置,看起来非常令人头疼。
  • 高详细日志记录,Java:这是个好主意,特别是考虑到问题可能比我最初认为的更广泛。是时候开始重新审视一些假设了。并可能用棍棒打他们。就像海豹宝宝一样。
  • 高详细日志记录,VB6:一种可能性;需要将其合并到详细的 Java 日志记录中以捕获输出,因为我的 VB6-fu 非常弱,我不知道如何将文本输出到文件。但是,是的,知道脚本是否被调用是很有价值的。
  • Window Event Viewer:不熟悉这个工具。可能必须纠正这一点。
  • 路径问题:感觉不太可能; Java 代码构造了可执行文件的相对路径,该路径看起来并不依赖于任何环境变量。



一批无效的假设使我无法更快地看到它,其中最重要的是“我不需要使用更多调试语句来处理代码 - 已经存在的语句告诉我我需要知道的一切!” DaDaDom,如果您想将您的评论变成答案,里面有一个闪亮的复选标记适合您。


All right, I've hit a bug that has simply confused the bejeebus out of me. I'm looking for ideas about what it could be that I can investigate, because right now, I got nothing. It goes something like this:

I have a standalone Java application that occasionally needs to twiddle the Line-In volume of the computer it's running on (a WinXP machine). It does this by calling a pair of external executables (written in VB6*) that can get and set various component volumes. (They can handle Line-In, Mic, Wave, CD, and the master volume control.)

There are several hundred units in the field, running on hardware (Dell machines) that my company provided and controls. At least several dozen clients are using this feature, and it works perfectly -- except for one instance.

For this one troublemaking machine, it simply doesn't work. I watch the volume sliders when the app is running, and when the volume is supposed to drop, they stay put. When I check the app's log file, it throws no errors, and appears to be executing the code that drops the volume. When I run the executables from the command line, they work perfectly.

I can't vouch for this machine being 100% identical to all the ones that are behaving properly, but we've been buying the same line of Dells for quite some time now; at a bare minimum, it's very, very similar.

So, turning my confusion into a bullet list:

  • If I'm doing something stupid in the Java code (i.e., not clearing my STDOUT/STDERR buffers), why is it only an issue on this machine?
  • If there's something broken in the VB6 executables, why do they work on every other machine and on this machine from the command line?
  • If there's some sort of hardware oddity on this machine, what sort of oddity could cause the volume control executables to fail only when called from within a Java application?

I am very confused. I do not like being confused. Anybody have any suggestions that may lead to my enlightenment?**

-* -- I know, I know, VB6, 1998 called and they want their obsolescent proprietary bug generator back, etc. Wasn't my decision. But the code works. Usually.

-** -- Insert Buddhism joke here.

Update Edit: Customer service may have stumbled onto something; it may be something to do with client configuration settings in the database. New evidence suggests that either something's misconfigured for that client or my software is doing something stupid in response to a specific configuration. And the problem may be more widespread than we thought, due to this particular feature not being as commonly used as I thought.

Responding to the comments:

  • Debugger: Theoretically possible, but looks like a massive headache given our setup.
  • High Verbosity Logging, Java: Good idea this, particularly given than the problem may be more widespread than I originally believed. Time to start revisiting some assumptions. And possibly clubbing them. Like baby seals.
  • High Verbosity Logging, VB6: A possibility; will need to be rolled-into the high-verbosity Java logging to trap the output, since my VB6-fu is so pitiably weak I don't know how to output text to a file. But, yeah, knowing whether or not the script is even getting called would be valuable.
  • Window Event Viewer: Not familiar with this tool. May have to correct that.
  • PATH problem: Doesn't feel likely; the Java code constructs a relative path to the executable that doesn't look like it's relying on any environment variables.

My thanks for the suggestions people have provided; at the very least, you've gotten my brain moving in directions that feel promising.

Solution Edit: And the winner is ... That's Not A Bug, That's A Feature! A feature gone horribly, horribly wrong. A feature that will now be neutered so as to stop bothering us.

A batch of invalid assumptions kept me from seeing it sooner, not the least of which was "I don't need to tool the code with more debug statements -- the statements already in there are telling me all I need to know!" DaDaDom, if you'd like to turn your comment into an answer, there's a shiny checkmark in it for you.

Thanks to everybody who chimed in with a suggestion. Now if you'll excuse me, my head is late for a meeting with my desk.

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把梦留给海 2024-08-26 08:01:27


Here goes an answer:
Can you create a version of the software with verbose logging or could you even debug the code? At least then you can tell if it's in the java or the VB part.

旧人九事 2024-08-26 08:01:27

嗯嗯。有人告诉我,从 Java 执行程序要么容易,要么困难。最简单的部分是启动它们。困难的部分是处理 I/O 流(请参阅 我之前关于使用 Runtime.exec 的问题( ))。也许 VB 程序正在这些特定机器上执行或期望执行一些奇怪的操作,而 Java 代码无法正常工作。

编辑:我还找到了 Jakarta Commons Exec 的链接:


从 Java 执行外部进程是一个众所周知的问题领域。它本质上是依赖于平台的,并且要求开发人员了解并测试特定于平台的行为,例如在 Windows 上使用 cmd.exe 或导致死锁的有限缓冲区大小。 JRE 对此的支持非常有限,尽管新的 Java SE 1.5 ProcessBuilder 类会更好。

可靠地执行外部进程还需要了解命令执行之前或之后的环境变量。在 J2SE 1.1-1.4 中不支持这一点,因为用于检索环境变量的方法 System.getenv() 已被弃用。

目前有几个不同的库出于自己的目的已经实现了围绕 Runtime.exec() 的框架来处理上述各种问题。拟议的项目应旨在协调和学习这些举措,以创建和维护一个简单、可重用且经过充分测试的包。由于一些问题较多的平台尚不可用,我希望广大的 Apache 社区能够提供很大的帮助。

Hmmmm. I've been told that executing programs from Java is either easy or hard. The easy part is starting them up. The hard part is dealing with the I/O streams (see my earlier question on using Runtime.exec()). Maybe the VB program is doing or expecting something weird on these particular machines that the Java code isn't working with properly.

edit: I also found a link to Jakarta Commons Exec:


Executing external processes from Java is a well-known problem area. It is inheriently platform dependent and requires the developer to know and test for platform specific behaviors, for example using cmd.exe on Windows or limited buffer sizes causing deadlocks. The JRE support for this is very limited, albeit better with the new Java SE 1.5 ProcessBuilder class.

Reliably executing external processes can also require knowledge of the environment variables before or after the command is executed. In J2SE 1.1-1.4 there is not support for this, since the method, System.getenv(), for retriving environment variables is deprecated.

There are currently several different libraries that for their own purposes have implemented frameworks around Runtime.exec() to handle the various issues outlined above. The proposed project should aim at coordinating and learning from these initatives to create and maintain a simple, reusable and well-tested package. Since some of the more problematic platforms are not readily available, it is my hope that the broad Apache community can be a great help.

波浪屿的海角声 2024-08-26 08:01:27


Have you considered the possibility that the authenticated user may not have permission to edit volume settings on the workstation? Does the program run correctly if you run as an 'Administrator'?

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