用于输入激活码的 UI 元素
问题在于后者。当用户注册该服务时,他们会收到格式为 XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX 的激活码。目前,他们必须将其输入到四个单独的文本字段中。虽然我添加了一些 JavaScript 来自动在文本字段之间来回移动它们,就好像它是一个单独的控件(效果很好),但问题是它缺乏一种让用户将数据粘贴到其中的方法,并且作为这有点痛苦。
- 在购买电子邮件中,设置链接 到初始页面,这样它 包含激活码 查询字符串。设置初始页面 检查并转发它们 直接。这可能意味着 绝大多数用户甚至不会 看到初始页面,但会有 仍然存在人们收到的情况 他们的代码将通过其他方式 必须直接输入它们
- 将四个文本字段转换为 单个文本字段 “XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX”作为内联 标签。
- 设置登录控件以转发 对于任何错误输入的用户 他们的激活码在这里,而不仅仅是将它们转储到错误屏幕。
I've got a bit of a usability issue that I'd value some input on.
The initial page to my site contains two groups of controls, one for users to login, the other for new users to activate.
The issue is with the latter. When users signup for the service, they recieve an activation code that's in the form XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. At the moment they have to enter this into four separate textfields. Whilst I've added some javascript to this to automatically move them back and forwards between textfields as if it were a single control (which works pretty well) the issue is that it lacks a way for the user to paste their data into it and as such is a bit of a pain.
Now this is not a huge issue, but it potentially means that peoples very first experience with my site is a slightly frustrating one, having to hop backwards and forwards between the email containing their activation code and my page. That's obviously not optimal.
At this point you're probably thinking that the glaringly obvious answer would be to make the activation code entry into one single textfield. And you would be right, but I lose one very important thing if I do this: I lose the key visual differentiator between one form and the other, which automatically tells the user which is the form they need to use without reading anything or having to analyse anthing. As it is at the moment, effectively there are two different shaped holes on the page and the users data will obviously only fit one of them so, to an extent, it's a no-brainer which form is relevant to them.
So, does anyone have any good solutions to this? The single restriction is that I need to keep all controls on one single page.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Thanks for all the input so far, every bit of which has been valuable. I'm currently thinking that the best solution is not one single thing, but actually an amalgamation of different approaches to make the whole thing more usable.
On that basis, here's what I'm going to do, based on all your suggestions:
- In the purchase email, setup the link
to the initial page such that it
contains the activation code in the
querystring. Setup the initial page
to check this and forward them
straight on. This probably means that
the vast majority of users won't even
see the initial page, but there will
still be cases whereby people receive
their codes by other means and will
have to input them directly - Convert the four textfields to a
single textfield with
"XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" as an inline
label. - Setup the login controls to forward
on any user that mistakenly enters
their activation code here without just dumping them to an error screen.
And I don't know why I didn't include it in the first place, but here's the URL for anyone that wants to take a look at the current implementation (you'll have to excuse the fact that it's in Italian, but it should be fairly straightforward what's what).
Have given the answer to bryan which contains most of what I'm going to use. If I had the necessary reputation I'd vote up all your answers as they've all helped. Thanks again.
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A few easy options:
You can keep them the same physical page, just alter the querystring when you send the activation code. Hide one set of controls if the querystring is available. If you have to display both sections, then grey out one section based on the querystring information.
Change the control to have one textfield, but include "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" as the default text in the New User Activation. If the user clicks on the textbox, remove the text so they don't include the prompting text with their activation code. People will see the default text and gravitate towards it if they're expecting that pattern. People logging in will see the default text and block it out.
您可以在 JavaScript 中编写一个 onpaste 函数,它将粘贴的字符串切成 4 个字符的块,然后通过 dom 将它们写入适当的文本框。
You could write an onpaste function in JavaScript which chops up the pasted string in to 4character blocks and them writes them to the appropriate textbox's via the dom.
在我看来,您遇到了用户混淆两个文本框的问题,但是您通过将一个文本框分成四个而使情况变得更糟。例如,通过字段自动选项卡的可用性很差 - 请参阅“当输入文本字段达到最大长度时移动焦点。”
从页面中删除所有无关元素 - 页面上的图形和文本干扰越多,两个文本框之间的差异就越少。
删除激活码文本框。相反,当您发送激活请求时,请包含一个注册 URL,其中包含激活代码作为参数(更多详细信息请参见 bryanjonker)。
Sounds to me you’ve a problem of users confusing two text boxes but then you’re making it worse by dividing one text box into four. For example, auto-tabbing through fields is bad usability -see comments and answers to “Moving a focus when the input text field reaches a max length.”
Assuming this isn’t a hypothetical problem and you’ve actually observed people use the wrong field, you need to find another solution for users confusing the fields:
Use terse field labels. Label the field “Activation Code” not “Enter your sixteen character dash-delimited activation code from the email we sent you when you signed up.” Text necessary for explaining where to get the activation code should be after the text box.
Use cueing text or graphic design on the outside of the text box to indicate it has four substrings. For example, put “XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX” under the text box.
Remove all extraneous elements from the page –the more graphic and text distractions on the page, the less the differences between the two text boxes will be noticed.
Make it so it doesn’t matter which text box the users use. If the string entered in the Username text box doesn’t match any username, then see if it matches any activation code, and vice versa.
Eliminate the activation code text box. Instead, when you send the activation request, include a sign-up URL that includes the activation code as a parameter (more details in answer by bryanjonker).
Sorry, this should probably be a comment, not an answer, but it wouldn’t fit.