reCAPTCHA AJAX API 在 Safari 的模式对话框中无法一致工作
我通过 AJAX API 使用 reCAPTCHA 在模式对话框中显示验证码。我使用 jqModal 来显示框,并且使用 AJAX 版本的 reCAPTCHA,因为 PHP 版本已经存在 jqModal 的错误(已知错误:。
现在,reCAPTCHA 在 Firefox 中运行良好。但在 Safari 中,它并不总是显示。有时,它工作正常,但大约 20% 的时间,不会显示 reCAPTCHA 框。
jqModal 声明如下所示:
$().ready(function() {
ajax: '/modals/register.php',
trigger: 'a#registerButtonLink',
onShow: function(h) {
h.w.css('opacity', 1.00).fadeIn(300);
onHide: function(h) {
h.w.fadeOut(300, function() { if (h.o) h.o.remove(); });
模式框中的 HTML/PHP 如下所示:
<div id="registerModal">
<p class="caption">Registration form:</p>
<form name="registerForm" id="modalRegisterForm" class="modalForm" action="/register/" method="post">
<table cellspacing="15" border="0">
<td class="left"><label for="firstName">First Name:</label></td>
<td class="right"><input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" value="" class="registerModalTextField" /></td>
<td class="left"><label for="lastName">Last Name:</label></td>
<td class="right"><input type="text" name="lastName" id="lastName" value="" class="registerModalTextField" /></td>
<td class="left"><label for="email">Email Address:</label></td>
<td class="right"><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" class="registerModalTextField" /></td>
<td class="left"><label for="password">Password:</label></td>
<td class="right"><input type="password" name="password" id="password" value="" class="registerModalTextField" /></td>
<td class="left"><label for="passwordConfirm">Confirm Your Password:</label></td>
<td class="right"><input type="password" name="passwordConfirm" id="passwordConfirm" value="" class="registerModalTextField" /></td>
<td class="left"> </td>
<td class="right"><div id="termswrap">
<input id="terms" type="checkbox" name="terms" />
<label id="lterms" for="terms"> I have read and accept the <a href="/backmatter/termsofuse/">Terms of Use.</a><br /></label>
</div><!-- /#termswrap --></td>
<!-- reCAPTCHA -->
<td class="left"><label for="captcha">Are you human?</label></td>
<td class="right"><!-- Using the reCAPTCHA AJAX API, because the non-AJAX API is buggy with jqModal -->
<div id="recaptcha_div"></div>
<script type="text/javascript"
src=""></script> <script
"recaptcha_div", {
theme: "white"
<td class="left"> </td>
<td class="right"><input type="image" id="submitButton" src="/images/modals/button_register.png" value="Submit" alt="Submit" name="submit" /></td>
有人知道为什么 reCAPTCHA AJAX 调用在 Safari 中无法正常工作吗?
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我认为 Safari 在重新渲染标签时会重新执行 javascript。当对话框打开时,模式对话框中的任何内容都会重新呈现。此外,我怀疑重新渲染后,recaptcha 使用的 document.write 会对其位置感到困惑并变得混乱。无论如何,这就是解决我的问题的方法:
$('#captcha-form script').remove();
'captcha-form' 是包含验证码的表单的 id。删除脚本标签,这样当 jQuery 移动脚本后 Safari 重新呈现脚本时,脚本就不会再次执行。脚本创建的事件处理程序不在脚本标记中,因此它们会保留下来。
I think that Safari re-executes javascript when it re-renders the tags. And anything in a modal dialog gets re-rendered when the dialog opens. Furthermore, I suspect that after having been re-rendered, the document.write used by recaptcha gets confused about where it is and messes up. In any case, here's what fixed my problems:
$('#captcha-form script').remove();
'captcha-form' is the id of the form containing the captcha. Remove the script tags so the scripts don't get executed a second time when Safari re-renders them after jQuery moves them. The event handlers created by the script aren't in the script tags, so they survive.