My web pages consist of two parts, let's say top and bottom (except header and footer -- those are consistent across pages). What is the best practice to dynamically generate those parts depending on the action?
One approach I have come up with is to have view for the top and partial for the bottom; in the layout call yield for the top and render partial for the bottom. The name of the partial is dynamically substituted depending on the action.
Not sure it is the best way to do it.
I think your idea is fine. In your views you could do:
Of course you should check whether the partial exist and provide some default behavior. But I think you're aware of that anyway.
And then in your layout:
这是我过去使用过的视图 DSL 的一个非常简化的版本。对我们来说效果很好。实际上,我们参数化了辅助方法,这样我们就可以从许多布局部分中进行动态选择(使页面具有侧边栏、多列等)。
Here is a very simplified version of a view DSL I've used in the past. Worked well for us. In reality we parameterized the the helper methods so we could choose from many layout partials on the fly (to have pages with sidebars, multiple columns, etc).