是否可以在 GA144 上运行模拟的 C 代码?
This company have an interesting CPU that run at an amazing speed. Will it be possible to emulate C or is the memory too small?
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There is C translator for SEAforth40 chip (previous version of GA144 chip)
粗略地浏览指令集表明“colorForth”可以被认为是一种简单的机器语言。鉴于此,也许可以编写一个 C 编译器来编译 colorForth 作为其目标指令集。
当然,首先在 colorForth 中编写代码可能更容易。
A first cursory glance at the instruction set suggests that "colorForth" can be thought of as a simple machine language. Given that, it may be possible to write a C compiler that compiles to colorForth as its target instruction set.
Of course, it may be easier to write code in colorForth in the first place.
当然,这将是极其有限的,因为看起来每个芯片都有少量的内部 RAM(64 个字并不算多)。其中一个核心有一个 18 位内存地址端口,因此您可以拥有 256MB 的外部 RAM,但它只能由其中一个核心直接访问,然后需要将其传递给另一个核心。
From the looks of it, if someone writes a compiler which can output the machine code (33 instructions, not too complex), you won't need to emulate C, you could just directly compile it.
Of course, it would be extremely limited, since it looks like each chip gets a tiny amount of internal RAM (64 words isn't a lot to work with). There's an 18-bit memory address port attached to one of the cores, so you can have 256MB of external RAM, but it can only be directly accessed by a single one of the cores, and then it would need to be passed to the other.
It's possible that different cores could be used for different functions, but that would complicate the compiler quite a bit.
这是可以做到的,但他们的解释器应该处理并行任务、负载分配等。最好选择他们的 Forth 解释器。
It could be done, but their interpreter should handle parallel tasks, load distribution, etc. It will probability be best to just go with their Forth interpreter.
http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~mangpo/www /talks/1311_forthday_handout.pdf
http://www.eecs。 berkeley.edu/~nishant/papers/Chlorophyll.pdf
Chlorophyll has some ideas of general interest. I also happens to look similar to C:
您需要使用外部存储器,但除此之外,根据此 Greg Bailey 的“nofollow">白皮书:
他还在该论文中讨论了 eForth 虚拟机的实现。
You would need to use external memory, but apart from that, it is certainly doable, according to this white paper by Greg Bailey:
He also discuss their implementation of a eForth virtual machine in that paper.