Links take you to nice explanations, but it boils down to DB2 offering referential integrity and ability to use SQL. In addition to that DB2 supports things like procedures, views, and triggers. DB2 understands relationships between tables. In z/OS implementations DB2 tables are actually stored as linear VSAM files.
链接会将您带到很好的解释,但归根结底是 DB2 提供引用完整性和使用 SQL 的能力。除此之外,DB2 还支持过程、视图和触发器等内容。 DB2 理解表之间的关系。在 z/OS 实现中,DB2 表实际上存储为线性 VSAM 文件。
Links take you to nice explanations, but it boils down to DB2 offering referential integrity and ability to use SQL. In addition to that DB2 supports things like procedures, views, and triggers. DB2 understands relationships between tables. In z/OS implementations DB2 tables are actually stored as linear VSAM files.