如何在 IntelliJ IDEA 中创建补丁?
在使用 Eclipse 多年之后,我已经使用 IntelliJ IDEA 9.0 Community Edition 一段时间了。似乎很难在其中找到一件事。我想在我的项目中的某些子文件夹上创建补丁。在 Eclipse 中,可以使用右键单击、Team、Create Patch 来完成。
I've been using IntelliJ IDEA 9.0 Community Edition for some time after years living in Eclipse. One thing seems to be hard to find in it. I'd like to create a patch on some subfolder in my project. In Eclipse it is done using right click, Team, Create Patch.
Does anybody know how to do that in IDEA?
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Use the Changes view. In the group by directory mode you can right click on the directory with changes and choose Create Patch from the context menu.
您可以右键单击本地历史记录 ->显示历史记录,然后选择修订版本并单击补丁按钮(左起第二个)
You can do a right click Local History -> Show History and then choose a revision and click on patch button (the second from the left)
从右上角,单击 Git -->patch-->从本地更改创建补丁
From the top corner, click on Git -->patch--> create Patch from Local Changes
与所有版本相关的 PS
In the Local Changes tab or the Repository(SVN)/Log(Git) tab of the Version Control tool window, select a change or changelist you want to create a patch for and click Create Patch from the context menu.
P.S. relevant for all versions