Web 应用程序与智能手机应用程序(Iphone、Windows Mobile、Android/Nexus 应用程序)
问:Web 应用程序 与智能手机应用程序(Iphone、Windows Mobile、Android/Nexus 应用程序)有何不同?它们在哪些
问:为什么我们需要专门针对智能手机设备的移动版 Web 应用程序,例如
或 bankofamerica.com
Q: How does Web Applications differ
from SmartPhone Applications (Iphone, Windows Mobile, Android/Nexus Application) and in what specific aspects
do they differ
and in what degree ?
Also for example,
Q: Why we need mobile version of Web Application like gmail.com
or bankofamerica.com
specifically for smartphone devices
where we can access same web applications
on smartphone
using internet connections
? In what aspect
do they differ
and why
do we have those differences
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native app pros
web app pros
Web 应用程序是为具有更多 CPU 能力、内存和更大屏幕的计算机设计和构建的。以我使用 2GB 内存、2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo、13 英寸屏幕的 MacBook 与具有 128MB 内存的 iPhone 3G 相比。620 MHz(降频至 412 MHz)。
iPhone 上的 Gmail 进行了优化,例如,屏幕尺寸可能会定制;在计算机上执行的某些后台任务可能会在 iPhone 上禁用,
For your second question:
Web application is designed and built for computers with more CPU power, memory and larger screen. Take the MacBook i am using 2GB memroy, 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo,13" screen VS IPhone 3G. that has 128MB Memory. 620 MHz (underclocked to 412 MHz) .
Gmail on IPhone is optimized, eg, screen size might be tailored; some background task performed on computers might be disable on iphone,
本机应用程序可以访问手机环境,因此可以更好地集成以提高可用性(iPhone 应用程序可以利用多点触控功能、加速计、相机等)。
Web 应用程序就是 Web 应用程序。你必须先打开浏览器,交互性仅限于 JavaScript 或 Flash 之类的东西。
A native application has access to the phone's environment, and as such can integrate better to improve usability (an iPhone app can make use of multi-touch capabilities, the accelerometers, the camera, etc.).
A web application is, well, a web application. You have to open your browser first, interactivity is limited things like javascript or flash.
最重要的是,对于移动设备来说,页面应该尽可能最小。智能手机还没有太多细节和插件。此外,移动用户的网络带宽依赖于尽可能少的数据传输。服务提供商还可能对使用智能手机通过互联网传输数据设置一些限制。例如,只需查看这些链接(google web 和 google mobile),从移动设备和电脑上查看这两种设备的视图差异。
The most important thing is that, the page should be as minimal as possible for the mobile devices. Not much details and plugins are not yet available for the smarphones. Moreover the network bandwidth for the mobile users rely that the data transfer is as minimal as possible. The service providers may also put some limitations to the data transfer over the internet using smartphones. For example, just have a look at these links(google web and google mobile) from the mobile and pc and see the differences in their view for both the devices.
Due to the limitations in the contents that can be accessed by the browsers, there is still many limitations for web applications for mobile