
发布于 2024-08-17 17:19:07 字数 2167 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我有一个带有属性 Id 的类 Foo。我的目标是不存在两个 Foo 实例同时具有相同的 Id

因此,我创建了一个工厂方法 CreateFoo,它使用缓存来为相同的 Id 返回相同的实例。

static Foo CreateFoo(int id) {
    Foo foo;
    if (!cache.TryGetValue(id, out foo)) {
        foo = new Foo(id);
        cache.Put(id, foo);
    return foo;

缓存被实现为字典,基于@JaredPar构建 WeakReference 哈希表

class WeakDictionary<TKey, TValue> where TValue : class {
    private readonly Dictionary<TKey, WeakReference> items;
    public WeakDictionary() {
        this.items = new Dictionary<TKey, WeakReference>();
    public void Put(TKey key, TValue value) {
        this.items[key] = new WeakReference(value);
    public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value) {
        WeakReference weakRef;
        if (!this.items.TryGetValue(key, out weakRef)) {
            value = null;
            return false;
        } else {
            value = (TValue)weakRef.Target;
            return (value != null);

问题是 WeakReference 在其目标被垃圾收集后仍保留在字典中。这意味着需要一些策略来手动“垃圾收集”无效的弱引用,正如@Pascal CuoqWhat中所解释的那样发生在WeakReference.Target GC之后的WeakReference。

我的问题是:压缩 WeakReference 字典的最佳策略是什么?


  1. 不要从字典中删除 WeakReferences。在我看来,这很糟糕,因为缓存在我的应用程序的整个生命周期中都会使用,并且随着时间的推移,大量死的弱引用将累积。

  2. 在每个 PutTryGetValue 上遍历整个字典,并删除无效的弱引用。这在某种程度上违背了字典的目的,因为这两个操作都变成了O(n)

  3. 在后台线程中定期遍历整个字典。鉴于我不知道 CreateFoo 的使用模式,什么是一个好的间隔?

  4. 将每个插入的KeyValuePair追加到双端链表中。每次调用 PutTryGetValue 都会检查列表的头部。如果 WeakReference 处于活动状态,则将该对移至列表末尾。如果已死亡,则从列表中删除该对,并从字典中删除 WeakReference。

  5. 在于,当存储桶已满时,首先会从存储桶中删除死弱引用,然后再照常进行。



I've got a class Foo with a property Id. My goal is that there are no two instances of Foo with the same Id at the same time.

So I created a factory method CreateFoo which uses a cache in order to return the same instance for the same Id.

static Foo CreateFoo(int id) {
    Foo foo;
    if (!cache.TryGetValue(id, out foo)) {
        foo = new Foo(id);
        cache.Put(id, foo);
    return foo;

The cache is implemented as a Dictionary<TKey,WeakReference>, based on @JaredPar's Building a WeakReference Hashtable:

class WeakDictionary<TKey, TValue> where TValue : class {
    private readonly Dictionary<TKey, WeakReference> items;
    public WeakDictionary() {
        this.items = new Dictionary<TKey, WeakReference>();
    public void Put(TKey key, TValue value) {
        this.items[key] = new WeakReference(value);
    public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value) {
        WeakReference weakRef;
        if (!this.items.TryGetValue(key, out weakRef)) {
            value = null;
            return false;
        } else {
            value = (TValue)weakRef.Target;
            return (value != null);

The problem is that the WeakReferences remain in the dictionary after their targets have been garbage collected. This implies the need for some strategy how to manually "garbage collect" dead WeakReferences, as explained by @Pascal Cuoq in What happens to a WeakReference after GC of WeakReference.Target.

My question is: What's the best strategy to compact a WeakReference Dictionary?

The options that I see are:

  1. Don't remove WeakReferences from the Dictionary. IMO this is bad, because the cache is used in the full lifetime of my application, and a lot of dead WeakReferences will accumulate over time.

  2. Walk the entire dictionary on each Put and TryGetValue, and remove dead WeakReferences. This defeats somewhat the purpose of a dictionary because both operations become O(n).

  3. Walk the entire dictionary periodically in a background thread. What would be a good interval, given that I don't know the usage pattern of CreateFoo?

  4. Append each inserted KeyValuePair to a double-ended linked list. Each call to Put and TryGetValue examines the head of the list. If the WeakReference is alive, move the pair to the end of the list. If it is dead, remove the pair from the list and the WeakReference from the Dictionary.

  5. Implement a custom hash table with the minor difference that, when a bucket is full, dead WeakReferences are first removed from the bucket before proceeding as usual.

Are there other strategies?

The best strategy is probably an algorithm with amortized time complexity. Does such a strategy exist?

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无言温柔 2024-08-24 17:19:07

如果你可以将托管对象切换为字典的键,那么你可以使用.Net 4.0的ConditionalWeakTable(命名空间System.Runtime.CompilerServices)。

根据 Richter 先生的说法,ConditionalWeakTable 是通过垃圾收集器而不是使用轮询线程来通知对象收集的。

    static ConditionalWeakTable<TabItem, TIDExec> tidByTab = new ConditionalWeakTable<TabItem, TIDExec>();

    void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        dataGrid.SelectionChanged += (_sender, _e) =>
            var cs = dataGrid.SelectedItem as ClientSession;


            foreach (var tid in cs.GetThreadIDs())
                tid.tabItem = new TabItem() { Header = ... };
                    new MouseButtonEventHandler((__sender, __e) =>
                    }), true);
                tidByTab.Add(tid.tabItem, tid);

    void tabControl_SelectionChanged(TabItem tabItem)
        this.tabControl.SelectedItem = tabItem;
        if (tidByTab.TryGetValue(tabControl.SelectedItem as TabItem, out tidExec))
            throw new Exception("huh?");

这里重要的是,唯一引用 TabItem 对象的是 tabControls.Items 集合,以及 ConditionalWeakTable 的键。 ConditionalWeakTable 的键不算数。因此,当我们清除 tabControl 中的所有项目时,这些 TabItem 可以被垃圾收集(因为没有任何东西再引用它们,ConditionalWeakTable 的键也不算在内)。当它们被垃圾收集时,ConditionalWeakTable 会收到通知,并且具有该键值的条目将被删除。因此,我庞大的 TIDExec 对象此时也会被垃圾收集(除了 ConditionalWeakTable 的值之外,没有任何内容引用它们)。

If you can switch the managed object to be the key of the dictionary, then you can use .Net 4.0's ConditionalWeakTable (namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices).

According to Mr. Richter, ConditionalWeakTable is notified of object collection by the garbage collector rather than using a polling thread.

    static ConditionalWeakTable<TabItem, TIDExec> tidByTab = new ConditionalWeakTable<TabItem, TIDExec>();

    void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        dataGrid.SelectionChanged += (_sender, _e) =>
            var cs = dataGrid.SelectedItem as ClientSession;


            foreach (var tid in cs.GetThreadIDs())
                tid.tabItem = new TabItem() { Header = ... };
                    new MouseButtonEventHandler((__sender, __e) =>
                    }), true);
                tidByTab.Add(tid.tabItem, tid);

    void tabControl_SelectionChanged(TabItem tabItem)
        this.tabControl.SelectedItem = tabItem;
        if (tidByTab.TryGetValue(tabControl.SelectedItem as TabItem, out tidExec))
            throw new Exception("huh?");

What's important here is that the only thing referencing the TabItem object is the tabControls.Items collection, and the key of ConditionalWeakTable. The key of ConditionalWeakTable does not count. So when we clear all the items from the tabControl, then those TabItems can be garbage-collected (because nothing references them any longer, again the key of ConditionalWeakTable does not count). When they are garabage collected, ConditionalWeakTable is notified and the entry with that key value is removed. So my bulky TIDExec objects are also garbage-collected at that point (nothing references them, except the value of ConditionalWeakTable).

心碎的声音 2024-08-24 17:19:07

您的选项 3(线程)有一个很大的缺点,即所有 Put/TryGetvalue 操作都必须进行同步。如果您确实使用此功能,则间隔不是以毫秒为单位,而是每 N 个 TryGet 操作。

选项 2,扫描字典,会产生严重的开销。您可以通过仅扫描千分之一的操作和/或观察 GC 运行的频率来进行改进。

但我会认真考虑选项 1:什么也不做。您可能有“很多”死条目,但另一方面它们非常小(并且会被回收)。可能不是服务器应用程序的选项,但对于客户端应用程序,我会尝试测量我们正在讨论的每小时有多少条目(千字节)。



我猜不会。你的问题是一个缩小版的GC。您必须时不时地扫描整个内容。因此只有选项 2) 和 3) 提供了真正的解决方案。它们都很昂贵,但可以通过一些启发式方法进行(大量)优化。不过,选项 2) 偶尔仍然会出现最坏的情况。

Your Option 3 (a Thread) has the big disadvantage of making synchronization necessary on all Put/TryGetvalue actions. If you do use this, your interval is not in milliseconds but every N TryGet actions.

Option 2, scanning the Dictionary, would incur a serious overhead. You can improve by only scanning 1 in 1000 actions and/or by watching how often the GC has run.

But i would seriously consider option 1: Do nothing. You may have "a lot" of dead entries but on the other hand they are pretty small (and get recycled). Probably not an option for a Server App but for a Client application I would try to get a measure on how many entries (kByte) per hour we are talking about.

After some discussion:

Does such a[n amortized] strategy

I would guess no. Your problem is a miniature version of the GC. You will have to scan the whole thing once in a while. So only options 2) and 3) provide a real solution. And they are both expensive but they can be (heavily) optimized with some heuristics. Option 2) would still give you the occasional worst-case though.

等你爱我 2024-08-24 17:19:07

方法 #5 很有趣,但有一个缺点,即可能很难知道哈希表利用率的真实水平,因此很难知道何时应该扩展哈希表。如果每当“看起来”应该扩展哈希表时,首先进行全表扫描以删除死条目,那么这个困难就可以克服。如果表中超过一半的条目已失效,则不必费心扩展它。这种方法应该产生摊销的 O(1) 行为,因为在添加回与已删除的条目一样多的条目之前不会执行全表扫描。

一种更简单的方法,每个最近活动的元素也会产生 O(1) 摊销时间和 O(1) 空间,即记录上次清除表后有多少项处于活动状态,以及有多少元素从那时起已添加。每当后一个计数超过第一个计数时,就进行全表扫描和清除。扫描和清除所需的时间将与清除之间添加的元素数量成正比,从而保留摊销的 O(1) 时间,并且集合中的总元素数量不会超过最近观察到的元素数量的两倍为存活,因此死亡元素的数量不能超过最近存活元素数量的两倍。

Approach #5 is interesting, but has the disadvantage that it could be difficult to know what the real level of hash-table utilization is, and consequently when the hash table should be expanded. That difficulty might be overcome if, whenever it "seems" like the hash table should be expanded, one first does a whole-table scan to remove dead entries. If more than half of the entries in the table were dead, don't bother expanding it. Such an approach should yield amortized O(1) behavior, since one wouldn't do the whole-table scan until one had added back as many entries as had been deleted.

A simpler approach, which would also yield O(1) amortized time and O(1) space per recently-live element would be to keep a count of how many items were alive after the last time the table was purged, and how many elements have been added since then. Whenever the latter count exceeds the first, do a whole-table scan-and-purge. The time required for a scan and purge will be proportional to the number of elements added between purges, thus retaining amortized O(1) time, and the number of total elements in the collection will not exceed twice the number of elements that were recently observed to be alive, so the number of dead elements cannot exceed twice the number of recently-live elements.

风苍溪 2024-08-24 17:19:07

我遇到了同样的问题,并像这样解决了它(WeakDictionary 是我试图清理的类):

internal class CleanerRef
        if (handle.IsAllocated)

    public CleanerRef(WeakDictionaryCleaner cleaner, WeakDictionary dictionary)
        handle = GCHandle.Alloc(cleaner, GCHandleType.WeakTrackResurrection);
        Dictionary = dictionary;

    public bool IsAlive
        get {return handle.IsAllocated && handle.Target != null;}

    public object Target
        get {return IsAlive ? handle.Target : null;}

    GCHandle handle;
    public WeakDictionary Dictionary;

internal class WeakDictionaryCleaner
    public WeakDictionaryCleaner(WeakDictionary dict)
        refs.Add(new CleanerRef(this, dict));

        foreach(var cleanerRef in refs)
            if (cleanerRef.Target == this)
    private static readonly List<CleanerRef> refs = new List<CleanerRef>();

这两个类试图实现的是“挂钩”GC。您可以通过在构造弱集合期间创建 WeakDictionaryCleaner 的实例来激活此机制:

new WeakDictionaryCleaner(weakDictionary);

请注意,我没有创建对新实例的任何引用,以便 GC 会在下一个周期中处理它。在 ClearGcedEntries() 方法中,我再次创建一个新实例,以便每个 GC 周期都会有一个清理器来完成,进而执行集合压缩。
您可以将 CleanerRef.Dictionary 设为弱引用,这样它就不会在内存中保存字典。


I had this same problem, and solved it like this (WeakDictionary is the class I was trying to clean up):

internal class CleanerRef
        if (handle.IsAllocated)

    public CleanerRef(WeakDictionaryCleaner cleaner, WeakDictionary dictionary)
        handle = GCHandle.Alloc(cleaner, GCHandleType.WeakTrackResurrection);
        Dictionary = dictionary;

    public bool IsAlive
        get {return handle.IsAllocated && handle.Target != null;}

    public object Target
        get {return IsAlive ? handle.Target : null;}

    GCHandle handle;
    public WeakDictionary Dictionary;

internal class WeakDictionaryCleaner
    public WeakDictionaryCleaner(WeakDictionary dict)
        refs.Add(new CleanerRef(this, dict));

        foreach(var cleanerRef in refs)
            if (cleanerRef.Target == this)
    private static readonly List<CleanerRef> refs = new List<CleanerRef>();

What this two classes try to achieve is to "hook" the GC. You activate this mechanism by creating an instance of WeakDictionaryCleaner during the construction of the weak collection:

new WeakDictionaryCleaner(weakDictionary);

Notice that I don't create any reference to the new instance, so that the GC will dispose it during the next cycle. In the ClearGcedEntries() method I create a new instance again, so that each GC cycle will have a cleaner to finalize that in turn will execute the collection compaction.
You can make the CleanerRef.Dictionary also a weak reference so that it won't hold the dictionary in memory.

Hope this helps

撕心裂肺的伤痛 2024-08-24 17:19:07

我想这是放置它的正确位置,尽管它可能看起来像死灵术。以防万一有人像我一样偶然发现这个问题。 .net 中缺乏专用的身份映射有点令人惊讶,我觉得它最自然的工作方式是最后一个选项中描述的:当表已满并且即将使其容量加倍时,它会检查是否有足够多的死条目可以回收以供进一步使用,因此不需要增长。

static IdentityMap<int, Entity> Cache = new IdentityMap<int, Entity>(e => e.ID);
var entity = Cache.Get(id, () => LoadEntity(id));

该类仅公开一个带有 key 和可选 value 参数的公共方法 Get,该方法会延迟加载并缓存实体(如果实体不在缓存中)。

using System;
class IdentityMap<TKey, TValue>
    where TKey : IEquatable<TKey>
    where TValue : class
    Func<TValue, TKey> key_selector;
    WeakReference<TValue>[] references;
    int[] buckets;
    int[] bucket_indexes;
    int tail_index;
    int entries_count;
    int capacity;

    public IdentityMap(Func<TValue, TKey> key_selector, int capacity = 10) {
        this.key_selector = key_selector;
    void Init(int capacity) {
        this.bucket_indexes = new int[capacity];
        this.buckets = new int[capacity];
        this.references = new WeakReference<TValue>[capacity];
        for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
            bucket_indexes[i] = -1;
            buckets[i] = i - 1;
        this.tail_index = capacity - 1;
        this.entries_count = 0;
        this.capacity = capacity;

    public TValue Get(TKey key, Func<TValue> value = null) {
        int bucket_index = Math.Abs(key.GetHashCode() % this.capacity);
        var ret = WalkBucket(bucket_index, true, key);
        if (ret == null && value != null) Add(bucket_index, ret = value());
        return ret;

    void Add(int bucket_index, TValue value) {
        if (this.entries_count == this.capacity) {
            for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) WalkBucket(i, false, default(TKey));
            if (this.entries_count * 2 > this.capacity) {
                var old_references = references;
                Init(this.capacity * 2);
                foreach (var old_reference in old_references) {
                    TValue old_value;
                    if (old_reference.TryGetTarget(out old_value)) {
                        int hash = key_selector(value).GetHashCode();
                        Add(Math.Abs(hash % this.capacity), old_value);
        int new_index = this.tail_index;
        this.tail_index = buckets[this.tail_index];
        this.entries_count += 1;
        buckets[new_index] = bucket_indexes[bucket_index];
        if (references[new_index] != null) references[new_index].SetTarget(value);
        else references[new_index] = new WeakReference<TValue>(value);
        bucket_indexes[bucket_index] = new_index;

    TValue WalkBucket(int bucket_index, bool is_searching, TKey key) {
        int curr_index = bucket_indexes[bucket_index];
        int prev_index = -1;
        while (curr_index != -1) {
            TValue value;
            int next_index = buckets[curr_index];
            if (references[curr_index].TryGetTarget(out value)) {
                if (is_searching && key_selector(value).Equals(key)) return value;
                prev_index = curr_index;
            } else {
                if (prev_index != -1) buckets[prev_index] = next_index;
                else bucket_indexes[bucket_index] = next_index;

                buckets[curr_index] = this.tail_index;
                this.tail_index = curr_index;
                this.entries_count -= 1;
            curr_index = next_index;
        return null;

I guess this is a right place to put it, even though it might look like necromancy. Just in case someone stumbles upon this question like I did. Lack of a dedicated Identity Map in .net is somewhat surprising, and I feel the most natural way for it work is as described in the last option: when the table is full and about to double its capacity, it checks to see if there is enough dead entries that can be recycled for further use so that growing is not necessary.

static IdentityMap<int, Entity> Cache = new IdentityMap<int, Entity>(e => e.ID);
var entity = Cache.Get(id, () => LoadEntity(id));

The class exposes just one public method Get with key and optional value parameter that lazily loads and caches an entity if it is not in the cache.

using System;
class IdentityMap<TKey, TValue>
    where TKey : IEquatable<TKey>
    where TValue : class
    Func<TValue, TKey> key_selector;
    WeakReference<TValue>[] references;
    int[] buckets;
    int[] bucket_indexes;
    int tail_index;
    int entries_count;
    int capacity;

    public IdentityMap(Func<TValue, TKey> key_selector, int capacity = 10) {
        this.key_selector = key_selector;
    void Init(int capacity) {
        this.bucket_indexes = new int[capacity];
        this.buckets = new int[capacity];
        this.references = new WeakReference<TValue>[capacity];
        for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
            bucket_indexes[i] = -1;
            buckets[i] = i - 1;
        this.tail_index = capacity - 1;
        this.entries_count = 0;
        this.capacity = capacity;

    public TValue Get(TKey key, Func<TValue> value = null) {
        int bucket_index = Math.Abs(key.GetHashCode() % this.capacity);
        var ret = WalkBucket(bucket_index, true, key);
        if (ret == null && value != null) Add(bucket_index, ret = value());
        return ret;

    void Add(int bucket_index, TValue value) {
        if (this.entries_count == this.capacity) {
            for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) WalkBucket(i, false, default(TKey));
            if (this.entries_count * 2 > this.capacity) {
                var old_references = references;
                Init(this.capacity * 2);
                foreach (var old_reference in old_references) {
                    TValue old_value;
                    if (old_reference.TryGetTarget(out old_value)) {
                        int hash = key_selector(value).GetHashCode();
                        Add(Math.Abs(hash % this.capacity), old_value);
        int new_index = this.tail_index;
        this.tail_index = buckets[this.tail_index];
        this.entries_count += 1;
        buckets[new_index] = bucket_indexes[bucket_index];
        if (references[new_index] != null) references[new_index].SetTarget(value);
        else references[new_index] = new WeakReference<TValue>(value);
        bucket_indexes[bucket_index] = new_index;

    TValue WalkBucket(int bucket_index, bool is_searching, TKey key) {
        int curr_index = bucket_indexes[bucket_index];
        int prev_index = -1;
        while (curr_index != -1) {
            TValue value;
            int next_index = buckets[curr_index];
            if (references[curr_index].TryGetTarget(out value)) {
                if (is_searching && key_selector(value).Equals(key)) return value;
                prev_index = curr_index;
            } else {
                if (prev_index != -1) buckets[prev_index] = next_index;
                else bucket_indexes[bucket_index] = next_index;

                buckets[curr_index] = this.tail_index;
                this.tail_index = curr_index;
                this.entries_count -= 1;
            curr_index = next_index;
        return null;
江湖彼岸 2024-08-24 17:19:07

您可以删除 TryGetValue 中的“无效”WeakReference

[Edit] 我的错误,这些解决方案实际上没有做任何比您建议的更多的事情,因为Put 方法无论如何都会将旧对象与新对象交换。忽略它即可。

public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value) {
    WeakReference weakRef;
    if (!this.items.TryGetValue(key, out weakRef)) {
        value = null;
        return false;
    } else {
        value = (TValue)weakRef.Target;
        if (value == null)
        return (value != null);


public TValue GetOrCreate(TKey key, Func<Tkey, TValue> ctor) {

    WeakReference weakRef;
    if (!this.items.TryGetValue(key, out weakRef) {
        Tvalue result = ctor(key);
        this.Put(key, result);
        return result;

    value = (TValue)weakRef.Target;
    if (value == null)
        Tvalue result = ctor(key);
        this.Put(key, result);
        return result;

    return value;


static Foo CreateFoo(int id)
    return cache.GetOrCreate(id, id => new Foo(id));




You could remove the "invalid" WeakReference inside TryGetValue:

[Edit] My mistake, these solutions actually do nothing more than what you suggested, since Put method will swap the old object with the new one anyway. Just ignore it.

public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value) {
    WeakReference weakRef;
    if (!this.items.TryGetValue(key, out weakRef)) {
        value = null;
        return false;
    } else {
        value = (TValue)weakRef.Target;
        if (value == null)
        return (value != null);

Or, you can immediatelly create a new instance inside your dictionary, whenever it is needed:

public TValue GetOrCreate(TKey key, Func<Tkey, TValue> ctor) {

    WeakReference weakRef;
    if (!this.items.TryGetValue(key, out weakRef) {
        Tvalue result = ctor(key);
        this.Put(key, result);
        return result;

    value = (TValue)weakRef.Target;
    if (value == null)
        Tvalue result = ctor(key);
        this.Put(key, result);
        return result;

    return value;

You would then use it like this:

static Foo CreateFoo(int id)
    return cache.GetOrCreate(id, id => new Foo(id));


According to windbg, WeakReference instance alone occupies 16 bytes. For 100,000 collected objects, this would not be such a serious burden, so you could easily let them live.

If this is a server app and you believe you could benefit from collecting, I would consider going for a background thread, but also implementing a simple algorithm to increase waiting time whenever you collect a relatively small number of objects.

别低头,皇冠会掉 2024-08-24 17:19:07

一点专业化:当目标类知道弱字典引用及其 TKey 值时,您可以从 Finalyzer 调用中删除其条目。

public class Entry<TKey>
    TKey key;
    Dictionary<TKey, WeakReference> weakDictionary;

    public Entry(Dictionary<TKey, WeakReference> weakDictionary, TKey key)
        this.key = key;
        this.weakDictionary = weakDictionary;


当缓存对象是 Entry 的子类时,不会发生空 WeakReference 泄漏
因为 Finalyzer 在其实例被垃圾收集后被调用。

A little specialization: When target classes know the weak dictionary reference and its TKey value, you can remove its entry from finalyzer call.

public class Entry<TKey>
    TKey key;
    Dictionary<TKey, WeakReference> weakDictionary;

    public Entry(Dictionary<TKey, WeakReference> weakDictionary, TKey key)
        this.key = key;
        this.weakDictionary = weakDictionary;


When cached objects are subclass of Entry<TKey>, no empty WeakReference leaks
since finalyzer is called after its instance was garbage collected.

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