我一直在使用 try
list<int> l;
for (i = 1; i<10; i++) {
l.push_back(i * 10);
itd = l.begin();
if (something) {
/* now, in other place.. check if it points to somewhere meaningful */
if (itd != l.end())
// blablabla
Is there any way to check if an iterator (whether it is from a vector, a list, a deque...) is (still) dereferenceable, i.e. has not been invalidated?
I have been using try
, but is there a more direct way to do this?
Example: (which doesn't work)
list<int> l;
for (i = 1; i<10; i++) {
l.push_back(i * 10);
itd = l.begin();
if (something) {
/* now, in other place.. check if it points to somewhere meaningful */
if (itd != l.end())
// blablabla
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I assume you mean "is an iterator valid," that it hasn't been invalidated due to changes to the container (e.g., inserting/erasing to/from a vector). In that case, no, you cannot determine if an iterator is (safely) dereferencable.
正如 jdehaan 所说,如果迭代器没有失效并指向容器,您可以通过将其与
进行比较来进行检查。但请注意,如果迭代器是单数 - 因为它未初始化或在容器上进行变异操作后变得无效(例如,当您增加向量的容量时,向量的迭代器将失效) ) -- 唯一允许您对其执行的操作是赋值。换句话说,您无法检查迭代器是否是单数。
As jdehaan said, if the iterator wasn't invalidated and points into a container, you can check by comparing it to
.Note, however, that if the iterator is singular -- because it wasn't initialized or it became invalid after a mutating operation on the container (vector's iterators are invalidated when you increase the vector's capacity, for example) -- the only operation that you are allowed to perform on it is assignment. In other words, you can't check whether an iterator is singular or not.
不可移植的答案:是的 - 在 Visual Studio 中,
Visual Studio 的 STL 迭代器有一个“调试”模式,它正是执行此操作。您不想在船舶构建中启用此功能(存在开销),但在检查构建中很有用。
在此处阅读 VC10 上的相关信息(该系统可以事实上,每个版本都会发生变化,因此请查找特定于您的版本的文档)。
编辑 另外,我应该补充一点:Visual Studio 中的调试迭代器被设计为在使用它们时立即爆炸(而不是未定义的行为);不允许“查询”其状态。
Non-portable answer: Yes - in Visual Studio
Visual Studio's STL iterators have a "debugging" mode which do exactly this. You wouldn't want to enable this in ship builds (there is overhead) but useful in checked builds.
Read about it on VC10 here (this system can and in fact does change every release, so find the docs specific to your version).
Edit Also, I should add: debug iterators in visual studio are designed to immediately explode when you use them (instead undefined behavior); not to allow "querying" of their state.
通常,您通过检查它是否与 end() 不同来测试它,例如
Usually you test it by checking if it is different from the end(), like
Moreover using exception handling for replacing logic is bad in terms of design and performance. Your question is very good and it is definitively worth a replacement in your code. Exception handling like the names says shall only be used for rare unexpected issues.
No, there isn't. Instead you need to control access to the container while your iterator exists, for example:
Your thread should not modify the container (invalidating the iterator) while it is still using an instantiated iterator for that container
If there's a risk that other threads might modify the container while your thread is iterating, then in order to make this scenario thread-safe your thread must acquire some kind of lock on the container (so that it prevents other threads from modifying the container while it's using an iterator)
Work-arounds like catching an exception won't work.
This is a specific instance of the more general problem, "can I test/detect whether a pointer is valid?", the answer to which is typically "no, you can't test for it: instead you have to manage all memory allocations and deletions in order to know whether any given pointer is still valid".
正如 alemjerus 所说,迭代器总是可以被取消引用。不管下面隐藏着什么丑陋。很有可能迭代到内存的其他区域并写入可能保留其他对象的其他区域。我一直在查看代码,观察变量的变化,没有任何特殊原因。这是一个很难检测到的错误。
Trying and catching is not safe, you will not, or at least seldom throw if your iterator is "out of bounds".
what alemjerus say, an iterator can always be dereferenced. No matter what uglyness lies beneath. It is quite possible to iterate into other areas of memory and write to other areas that might keep other objects. I have been looking at code, watching variables change for no particular reason. That is a bug that is really hard to detect.
Also it is wise to remember that inserting and removing elements might potentially invalidate all references, pointers and iterators.
My best advice would be to keep you iterators under control, and always keep an "end" iterator at hand to be able to test if you are at the "end of the line" so to speak.
是的,使用 gcc 调试容器可作为 GNU 扩展使用。对于
。一旦尝试使用无效迭代器,以下代码将立即中止。由于调试容器会产生额外的开销,因此它们仅在调试时才有意义。Yes, with gcc debugging containers available as GNU extensions. For
you can use__gnu_debug::list
instead. The following code will abort as soon as invalid iterator is attempted to be used. As debugging containers impose extra overhead they are intended only when debugging.在某些 STL 容器中,当您擦除迭代器的当前值时,当前迭代器将变得无效。发生这种情况是因为擦除操作更改了容器的内部内存结构,并且现有迭代器上的增量运算符指向未定义的位置。
In some of the STL containers, the current iterator becomes invalid when you erase the current value of the iterator. This happens because the erase operation changes the internal memory structure of the container and increment operator on existing iterator points to an undefined locations.
When you do the following, iterator is incementented before it is passed to erase function.
if (something) l.erase(itd++);
任何 std 容器的擦除函数的参数类型(正如您在问题中列出的那样,即是否来自向量、列表、双端队列...)是 always 的迭代器仅限此容器。
此函数使用第一个给定的迭代器从容器中排除该迭代器指向的元素,甚至排除后面的元素。有些容器只擦除一个迭代器的一个元素,而另一些容器则擦除一个迭代器后面的所有元素(包括该迭代器指向的元素)到容器末尾的所有元素。如果擦除函数接收两个迭代器,则每个迭代器指向的两个元素将从容器中删除,并且它们之间的所有其余元素也将从容器中删除,但要点是每个传递给任何 std 容器的擦除函数的迭代器将变得无效! 另外:
这意味着指向已从容器中删除的某些元素的迭代器无法与 container.end() 进行比较。
该迭代器无效,因此它不可取消引用,即您不能使用 * 或 ->;运算符,它也是不可递增的,即您不能使用 ++ 运算符,它也是不可递减的,即您不能使用 -- 运算符。
也没有可比性!!! IE 中,您甚至不能使用 == 或 != 运算符
实际上,您不能使用在 std 迭代器中声明和定义的任何运算符。
我自己创建了一个函数,用于检查、测试、了解并返回 true 给定的迭代器是否无效。您可以使用 memcpy 函数来获取任何对象、项目、结构、类等的状态,当然,我们总是首先使用 memset 函数来清除或清空新的缓冲区、结构、类或任何对象或项目:
The type of the parameters of the erase function of any std container (as you have listed in your question, i.e. whether it is from a vector, a list, a deque...) is always iterator of this container only.
This function uses the first given iterator to exclude from the container the element that this iterator points at and even those that follow. Some containers erase only one element for one iterator, and some other containers erase all elements followed by one iterator (including the element pointed by this iterator) to the end of the container. If the erase function receives two iterators, then the two elements, pointed by each iterator, are erased from the container and all the rest between them are erased from the container as well, but the point is that every iterator that is passed to the erase function of any std container becomes invalid! Also:
Each iterator that was pointing at some element that has been erased from the container becomes invalid, but it doesn't pass the end of the container!
This means that an iterator that was pointing at some element that has been erased from the container cannot be compared to container.end().
This iterator is invalid, and so it is not dereferencable, i.e. you cannot use neither the * nor -> operators, it is also not incrementable, i.e. you cannot use the ++ operator, and it is also not decrementable, i.e. you cannot use the -- operator.
It is also not comparable!!! I.E. you cannot even use neither == nor != operators
Actually you cannot use any operator that is declared and defined in the std iterator.
You cannot do anything with this iterator, like null pointer.
Doing something with an invalid iterator immediately stops the program and even causes the program to crash and an assertion dialog window appears. There is no way to continue program no matter what options you choose, what buttons you click. You just can terminate the program and the process by clicking the Abort button.
You don't do anything else with an invalid iterator, unless you can either set it to the begin of the container, or just ignore it.
But before you decide what to do with an iterator, first you must know if this iterator is either invalid or not, if you call the erase function of the container you are using.
I have made by myself a function that checks, tests, knows and returns true whether a given iterator is either invalid or not. You can use the memcpy function to get the state of any object, item, structure, class and etc, and of course we always use the memset function at first to either clear or empty a new buffer, structure, class or any object or item:
I have already tested this function before I posted it there and found that this function is working for me.
I very hope that I have fully answered your question and also helped you very much!
use erase with increment :
so you can test the validity of the iterator.
函数There is a way, but is ugly... you can use the
Try this:
If your iterator doesnt equal
, and is not dereferencable, youre doing something wrong.