msxsl.exe 的继承者?
我们打算将框架从 msxml4 迁移到 msxml6。 我们尚未使用 msxsl.exe。 它似乎仅支持 MSXML 版本高达 4.0,作为命令行 msxsl.exe -u 版本 6.0 告诉我。 msxsl.exe 有继承者吗? 有替代的命令行处理器吗?
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有多种方法可以替换现有处理器,这仅取决于您需要什么级别的功能以及是否需要 MSXML 特定功能。例如,xsltproc是libxslt的一部分(可以从此页面为您提供了 C# 中的快速替换,但两者都更改了命令行用法并且可能不会实现相同的 MSXML 扩展(xsltproc 当然不会)。
如果您只对使用 MSXML 6 的简单命令行处理器感兴趣,那么您可能会比使用简单的 JScript 应用程序做得更糟糕。将以下代码保存为 xsltr.js 并作为 cscript xsltr.js input.xml template.xsl output.txt 运行:
仍然存在不能使用 msxsl 的理由吗? MSXML 4.0 版从来都不是标准安装,因此您始终必须手动安装它(尽管我认为它曾经随 Office 一起提供)。您不能在需要进行处理的机器上部署版本 4 吗?
There are a number of ways you could replace the existing processor, it just depends on what level of functionality you require and whether you need MSXML specific functionality. For example there is xsltproc which is part of libxslt (can get some windows binaries from here for example). This page gives you a quick replacement in C# but both change the command line usage and might not implement the same MSXML extensions (xsltproc certainly doesn't).
If you are just interested in a simple command line processor which uses MSXML 6 then you could do worse than using a simple JScript application. Save the following code as xsltr.js and run as cscript xsltr.js input.xml template.xsl output.txt:
Still is there is a rationale you cannot use msxsl? Version 4.0 of MSXML has never been a standard installation so you would have always had to install it manually (though I think it came with Office at one point). Could you not deploy version 4 on the machines you need to do the processing on?