通过脚本修改 Hotmail 中的名字和姓氏
我想编写一个脚本来登录 hotmail 并更改名字和姓氏。我正在考虑使用 Perl,尽管我认为任何语言都可以。
我查看了 ethereal,但收到一条消息“安装程序已损坏”。接下来我将看看“高级 http 数据包嗅探器” - 有人有使用此工具的经验吗?
I would like to write a script that logs into hotmail and changes the first and last name. I am thinking of perl for this, although I imagine that any language would do.
How do I find out what requests to make? I'm guessing that I can do the change requests manually, determine what http requests are being sent to/from the server, determine what pattern is being sent, and then attempt to generate a similar pattern (substituting in the changes I want) in my script.
I took a look at ethereal, but I get a message "the installer is corrupted". I'm going to look at "Advanced http packet sniffer" next - anyone have experience with this tool?
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是的,您可以使用 Perl (或任何具有支持 HTTP(S) 模块的语言)。并且您可以使用人们已经创建的库。例如 WWW::Hotmail 或 Hotwayd。还可以在 CPAN 中搜索更多此类模块。
Yes you can use Perl (or any languages with modules that support HTTP(S) ). And you can use libraries already made by people. Eg WWW::Hotmail or Hotwayd. Search CPAN for more of those modules as well.