Syslog 真的有 1KB 消息限制吗?
Syslog 似乎有 1KB 消息限制。这是硬编码到 Syslog 协议中的,还是可以为每个服务器设置的参数?
It seems Syslog has a 1KB message limit. Is this hardcoded into the Syslog protocol, or is this a parameter that can be set for each server?
I am hoping the article I read was out of date, so if you have any info please share.
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这是正确的,如 syslog 协议 RFC 中所示。这个以及 syslog 协议中的其他缺陷,就是现代 syslog 守护进程(例如 rsyslog)支持增强协议的原因具有 TCP 传输、加密等功能。IETF 内部也做出了一些努力来标准化改进的 syslog 协议,从而产生了 RFC5424、RFC5425 和 RFC 5426。这里,最小最大消息大小相对较小(取决于传输层),但是也允许实现支持更大的消息。
This is correct, as can be seen in the syslog protocol RFC. This, and other deficiencies in the syslog protocol, is the reason why modern syslog daemons such as rsyslog support enhanced protocols with features such as TCP transport, encryption etc. There was also some effort within the IETF to standardize an improved syslog protocol, which resulted in RFC5424, RFC5425, and RFC 5426. Here, the minimum maximum message size is relatively small (depending on the transport layer), however implementations are allowed to support larger messages as well.
根据我对 syslog 协议规范的阅读 (好吧,标准草案),消息包不能超过 1KiB,但是(使用 分段 功能)消息即可。然而,RFC 5424 规定了消息大小取决于传输,但至少为 480 个八位字节。
From my reading of the syslog protocol spec (well, draft standard), message packets can't be more than 1KiB, but (using a fragmentation feature) messages can be. RFC 5424, however, says message size depends on transport, but is at least 480 octets.
请参阅我在这篇博客文章中找到的有关截断的系统日志消息的说明: http://
Yes, but you can increase this limit to an arbitrary length by recompiling from source.
See instructions in this blog post I found about truncated syslog messages: