WebORB 和“代码生成失败”信息
我正在尝试安装 webOrb,但我一直无法让模型“构建”。
我已使用正确的凭据连接到数据库服务器。 WebOrb 询问 我要连接到哪个特定数据库,并显示列表供我选择, 所以我知道那部分正在发挥作用。在数据库列表中,我可以深入了解我的数据库, 并进入我的表格以查看列。
. . Trying connect to WebORB using RTMP, attempt 1
. . RTMP connection successfully established
. . Starting code generation for model "asdf"
. . Code generation failed.
就是这样......我看不到任何其他我错过的东西。我已经做了一切 正如开发者巢穴视频所示。
I'm trying to get an installation of webOrb working, but am stuck getting the model to "build".
I've connected to the database server, with the proper credentials. WebOrb asks
me which specific DB to connect to, and displays the list for me to choose from,
so I know that part is working. In the databases list, I can drill into my DB,
and into my tables to see the columns.
Then I drag a table over into the main model window. Then, if I select the green checkbox, it tells me "Data model validated, no errors found". So then I click on the gears icon, to build the simple model, and I get this sequence....
. . Trying connect to WebORB using RTMP, attempt 1
. . RTMP connection successfully established
. . Starting code generation for model "asdf"
. . Code generation failed.
Thats it...I can't see anything else that I'm missing. I've done everything
exactly as the Developer Den video lays out.
Can anyone provide a suggestion or some additional help? I'm quite stuck!
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我对这个困难有部分解决方案。在 weborb 技术支持的帮助下,我们在日志文件中发现了一个错误,该错误表明 C:\Windows\Temp\ 上的权限设置不匹配。
根据 WebORB 文档,我曾尝试向“网络系统”和“ASP.NET”添加“完全”权限,但这些都没有解决问题。
目前尚不清楚需要正确设置哪个用户/组才能在不授予“Everyone Full”权限的情况下实现此功能。
I have a partial solution to this difficulty. With the assistance of weborb's technical support, we discovered an error in the log file which suggested a permission setting mismatch on C:\Windows\Temp\ .
I had tried adding "full" permissions to "Network System" and to "ASP.NET", according to the WebORB documentation, but neither of those solved the problem.
As a partial solution, we found that by adding the "Everyone" user, and giving it "Full" permissions, I was finally able to compile the code.
It remains yet to be seen which user/group needs to be setup properly for this to work without giving Everyone Full permissions.