Scrum 中的愿景和产品积压之间存在什么关系?

发布于 2024-08-16 23:03:38 字数 1455 浏览 4 评论 0原文

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还有很多关于架构的反复讨论。 Scrum 需要稳定、经过验证的架构。然而,总是有升级和增强。这些如何与积压工作相适应?产品所有者、技术人员和(在某种程度上)用户/买家之间存在大量的政治角力。





编辑。 “经过验证的稳定架构”。



如果您没有一个能够满足以下条件的架构:(a) 可以工作,并且 (b) 团队中的几乎每个人都可以清晰地表达出来,那么您将花费时间来组装该架构。



假设您决定实施 LAMP 堆栈。您不知道应该使用 unix PHP、Perl 还是 Python。所以你选一个。就像Python一样。并且您承诺在四个星期内进行第一次冲刺。因此,您花了 3 周的时间与数以十亿计的附加模块和框架作斗争。 3 周后,您认为自己已经有了一个可行的技术堆栈,但并没有实现承诺的冲刺。





规则 1. 敏捷流程不使用大量复杂的工具和流程。这就是为什么我说这个过程是很多“谈判”的原因。任何能让你富有成效的事情。


大多数人都会说——以最强烈的方式——使用 5 英寸 x 8 英寸的纸卡并将它们贴在墙上。严重地。没有工具。只需简单的纸张、记号笔、胶带和空白的墙壁空间。





我不使用电子表格,因为尽管 GUI 很华丽,但我发现它有点麻烦。我觉得有必要编写一个电子表格提取器,将积压的工作从 Open Office Org 文件转换为 ReStructuredText (RST)。与电子表格相比,我更喜欢 RST(纯文本标记)。


我们的待办事项是一份很大的 RST 文档。我们使用 Sphinx 发布所有文档,编写待办事项、用例、架构、设计、等等,在 RST 标记中。


User stories and a lot of negotiation over what's essential and what's fluff.

A lot of negotiation.

Also a lot of back-and-forth on architecture. Scrum requires a stable, proven architecture. However, there are always upgrades and enhancements. How do those fit with the backlog? That's a lot of political jockeying between product owner, technology folks and (to an extent) users/buyers.

The process in inherently non-linear.

It's more like crystallization. You have a solution, you start to write stories, you have a technology vision, you have a team with certain skills and experience.

Any one of these features can serve as a "nucleus" for deciding what goes into the backlog and in what order. Eventually, something becomes the nucleus and the mixture crystallizes. Sometimes the cost or schedule or risks are unacceptable, so you heat it back up, find another nucleus and see if it crystallizes acceptably around that new nucleus.

The recrystallization happens after each sprint, by the way, making it even less linear.

Edit. "stable proven architecture".

Question: Who pays for learning the new architecture?

Answer: Ha ha. There's no good answer. So be careful how much architectural learning you do while you have development sprints going on.

If you don't have an architecture in place that (a) works, and (b) can be articulated by almost everyone on the team, you're going to spend time assembling that architecture.

What does the time and cost of creating an architecture do to your first sprint?

You have to incorporate architecture development into the first sprint, delaying things.

Let's say you decide to implement a LAMP stack. You don't know whether to unix PHP, Perl or Python. So you pick one. Like Python. And you promise the first sprint in four weeks. So you work for 3 weeks struggling with the kabillion add-one modules and frameworks. After 3 weeks, you think you have a working tech stack, but you don't have the promised sprint.

Do you delay? If so, everyone asks if you've got the pace right and starts doubling the time for all other sprints.

Do you deliver nothing? If so, what's the point of sprints if you have nothing at the end except infrastructure?

You can change, modify and enhance the infrastructure -- in manageable pieces. But to build a fresh architecture, prove out the pieces, train everyone and develop best practices takes time. A lot of it. And that time shouldn't -- really -- be charged as sprint time creating deliverable product. That's overhead time.

Edit. Tooling.

Rule 1. Agile processes don't use a lot of complex tools and processes. That's why I said that the process is a lot of "negotiation". Whatever makes you productive.

Rule 2. Don't over think it. Just do it.

Most folks say -- in the strongest possible way -- use 5"x8" paper cards and stick them to a wall. Seriously. No tools. Just simple paper, markers, tape and blank wall space.

Read this:

You can use a spreadsheet to collect user stories (and epics -- stories that have to be decomposed). You can add columns for complexity (story points), cost, priority and release, and use it for project management.

We use use cases (not user stories) but the tooling is the same. A use case is -- in a way -- a user story with more details up front. But the use case name can summarize how an actor interacts with a system; the interaction can usually be summarized with clear, simple nouns and a verb, which is very much like a user story.

Spreadsheets seem handy because you can rearrange the rows at the end of each sprint. You can do simple counts and sums to work out how much each feature will cost and when they'll arrive.

I don't use a spreadsheet because -- in spite of the GUI glitziness -- I find it a little bit cumbersome. I would feel it necessary to write a spreadsheet extractor that would turn the backlog from an Open Office Org file into ReStructuredText (RST). I prefer RST -- plain text markup -- over spreadsheets.

This is all protracted negotiation. Everything changes as a result of every conversation. That's the point of an Agile method. Quick sprint followed by negotiation over the direction of the next sprint.

Our backlog is a big RST document. We publish all our documentation using Sphinx and it's very, very simple to write backlog, use cases, architecture, design, etc., in RST markup.

Our sprints are simply sections of a big document tree. They're decorated with a few special-purpose interpreted text fields for the subjective things like estimated completion date, and status (in process, released).

半葬歌 2024-08-23 23:03:38


没有什么。根据愿景,您只需创建产品待办事项列表 (PB)。请注意,产品待办事项 (PBI) 不需要全部细粒度,只有最紧急的项目才需要。因此,不要犹豫,一开始就创建粗粒度的项目,您将“及时”将它们分解为细粒度的 PBI(此活动称为 待办事项整理)。

有了这 2 个工件,您就可以开始您的项目了。正如 Ken Schwaber 所说:“启动 Scrum 项目所需的最低计划包括愿景和产品待办事项列表。愿景描述了项目实施的原因以及期望的最终状态。” (Schwaber 2004,第 68 页)


老实说,我不确定我是否在跟踪你。根据定义,PB 是 PBI 列表,因此创建 PB 意味着为其提供 PBI。现在,用户故事只是 PBI 的一种可能的形式(Scrum 不会强迫您使用用户故事,它们并不适合所有项目),因此,如果您决定使用这种形式,创建 PB 将意味着创建用户故事。


下面是 Scrum 框架最古老的插图之一:

alt text


这是我的建议。如果您需要示例,也许可以看看 Henrik Kniberg 的 索引卡生成器。更多模板和/或示例位于 Scrum 待办事项模板和示例

What comes between the vision (solution to the problem) and the product backlog.

Nothing. From the Vision, you just create the Product Backlog (PB). Note that the Product Backlog Items (PBI) don't need to be all fine grained, only the most emergent items need to. So, don't hesitate to create coarse grained items at the start, you'll decompoose them into fine grained PBI "just in time" (this activity is known as backlog grooming).

With these 2 artifacts, you can start your project. As Ken Schwaber puts it: "The minimum plan necessary to start a Scrum project consists of a vision and a Product Backlog. The vision describes why the project is being undertaken and what the desired end state is." (Schwaber 2004, p. 68)

From what I read, I think it is user stories but I am not sure.

To be honest, I'm not sure that I'm following you here. The PB is by definition a list of PBIs and creating the PB thus means feeding it with PBIs. Now, User Stories are just one possible formalism for the PBIs (Scrum doesn't force you to use User Stories, they are not appropriate for all projects) so, if you decide to use this formalism, creating the PB will mean creating User Stories.

Is there anything online that shows all the steps in a linear fashion from vision/concept to the end?

Below, one of the oldest illustration of the Scrum framework:

alt text

On the requirements gathering, just use Excel?

This would be my recommendation. If you need a sample, maybe have a look at Henrik Kniberg's Index Card Generator. More templates and/or samples at Scrum backlog templates and examples.

身边 2024-08-23 23:03:38



The backlog comes after the requirements are defined. The backlog is in a constant state of flux, but ultimately it is the work left to be completed.

Here is a chart: link

守不住的情 2024-08-23 23:03:38



You can start by breaking the vision down into a series of epics. These can then live in your backlog as a prioritised list of the "big rocks" of work that need to get donw.

As you start planning each sprint (or a little before), you can break down the epics into user stories and prioritise them.

始于初秋 2024-08-23 23:03:38


Google 'user story mapping'. This is a great way to understand a problem from a functional/feature view, and it's the technique I recommend to people who want to build a product but don't know where to start. The input is the vision statement and the output is a prioritized product backlog, plus the model itself.

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