您所描述的内容听起来不太像“基于 Web 的文档版本控制”,而更像是具有不同访问级别的 CMS,还支持打印为 PDF 和在线编辑。您是否考虑过Drupal?
What you're describing sounds less like a "web-based version control for documents", and more like a CMS with different access levels that also supports print to PDF and online editing. Have you considered, say, Drupal?
SharePoint 文档库的工作原理与此完全相同。如果您拥有 Windows Server 2003 或 2008 许可证,它是免费的。
SharePoint document libraries work exactly like this. It's free if you have a Windows Server 2003 or 2008 license.
您可能想查看 Alfresco
You might want to check out Alfresco
您所描述的内容听起来不太像“基于 Web 的文档版本控制”,而更像是具有不同访问级别的 CMS,还支持打印为 PDF 和在线编辑。您是否考虑过Drupal?
What you're describing sounds less like a "web-based version control for documents", and more like a CMS with different access levels that also supports print to PDF and online editing. Have you considered, say, Drupal?