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Closed 9 years ago.
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uniter php 到 js 转换器可以做到这一点: http://asmblah.github.io/uniter/
The uniter php to js transpiler can do this: http://asmblah.github.io/uniter/
您可以使用如下内容: http://www.harmony-framework.com/
但是请注意,Javascript 有很多 PHP 避免的安全问题。对于数据库相关的函数调用或其他一些 PHP 扩展,直接转换并不总是可能的
You can use something like this: http://www.harmony-framework.com/
But notice, that Javascript has lots of security issues PHP avoids. And straight conversion is not always possible for Database-related function calls or some other PHP extensions