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非常适合于此之类的事情。我假设您使用的是 Windows,因为您询问了 Visio,因此这里是Windows 二进制文件 为它。graphviz
is pretty much geared for this sort of thing. I assume you're on Windows since you asked about Visio, so here are the Windows binaries for it.如果您使用较新版本的 Visio (2003+),您应该使用数据库逆向工程工具来开始绘制图表。它将所有数据库表和关系吸收到您可以修改的形状中。
If your using a newer version of Visio (2003+) you should use the Reverse engineer tool for databases to start your diagram. It will suck all the db tables and relationships into shapes that you can then modify.
Here is a link that will walk you thru the feature:
我编写了一个名为 VisioPS 的 PowerShell 模块,它可能会对您有所帮助(请参阅此处的下载部分:
* VisioPS 模块是我的 CodePlex 上的 VisioAutomation 库的一部分)
安装 VisioPS 后,您可以启动 PowerShell 实例并执行以下操作:
Direct Graph 是一个像这样的简单 XML 文档
I wrote a PowerShell module called VisioPS that may help you (See the downloads section here:
* The VisioPS module is part of my VisioAutomation library on CodePlex)
After installing VisioPS, you an launch an instance of PowerShell and do this:
The Direct Graph is a simple XML document like this
Visio 专业版将从电子表格或数据库导入,但 Visio 似乎无法自动在形状之间绘制连接器。
Visio Professional edition will import from a spreadsheet or database, but it does not appear possible to have Visio automatically draw connectors between shapes.
不确定这是否有帮助,但 ARIS Express (< /a>)有一个称为智能设计的功能。您以电子表格形式输入数据,它会自动生成图表。适用于流程模型,也适用于数据模型或组织结构图。
Not sure if that helps, but ARIS Express ( has a feature called smart design. You enter your data as a spreadsheet and it automatically generates the diagram. Works for process models, but also for data models or organisational charts.
Graphvis 是一个以点格式导入 .gv 文件的插件。它将绘制可以定制的连接器和形状,并且有一些初始布局选项。
Graphvis is a plugin to import .gv files in dot format. It will draw the connectors and shapes can be customized, and there are a few initial layout options.
Omnigraffle 可以作为替代方案。在 Omnigraffle 中,您将无法导入 csv,但您将能够以列表形式插入项目并对它们进行排序,从而在元素之间创建依赖关系。然后,有一个名为“动态图”的函数可以自动对图进行排序。 (您可以修改图表类型和连接器长度)
Omnigraffle can be an alternative. In Omnigraffle you won't be able to import a csv, but you will be able to insert items as a list and sort them very easily creating dependencies between elements. Then, there is a function call "Dynamic Diagram" that sorts the diagram automatically. (You can modify the type of diagram and length of connectors)