我真的需要以一种可以由机器翻译的方式描述英语句子结构,并且是严格基于规则的(没有统计的东西),它不一定是上下文无关的语法,但这会更好(因为它不能并完全描述它)。我发现最好的是 BNF,但它非常基础。我需要一些除了模棱两可之外没有例外的东西。有链接吗?
I REALLY need a description of the english sentence structure in a way that can be translated by machine and is strictly rule based(no statistical stuff), it doesn't have to be a context-free grammar but that would be preferable(as it can't be and fully describe it). The best I've found was for a BNF but it was really basic. I need something that has no exceptions except where ambigious. Any links?
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从 Quirk 等人的《英语综合语法》开始。很高兴看到您并不是在寻找上下文无关的英语语法,因为英语不是上下文无关的语言。我不认为任何自然语言都是上下文无关的。
Start with A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language by Quirk et al. It's good to read that you're not looking for a context-free grammar for English, as English is not a context-free language. I don't think any natural languages are context-free.
我也在研究类似的问题,我将分享我发现的最好的问题: http://lands.let.kun.nl/TSpublic/dreumel/formal_grammar_english.en.html
这取决于语法描述的 AGFL 变体:http://www.agfl.cs.ru.nl/
I am also looking into a similar issue and I will share the best that I found: http://lands.let.kun.nl/TSpublic/dreumel/formal_grammar_english.en.html
This is dependent upon the AGFL variant of grammar descriptions: http://www.agfl.cs.ru.nl/
On a very generic level, have a look at Natural Language Processing. I'm afraid though, that this is not going to be very encouraging !
您可以看一下 LFG,它基本上是一种上下文无关语法,富含通常被解释为一阶逻辑公式的功能描述。
ParGram 项目中已经开发了一些语言的语法。
You could have a look at LFG which is basically a context-free grammar enriched with functional descriptions that are usually interpreted as first-order logic formulae.
Grammars for a few languages have been developed within the ParGram project.