
发布于 2024-08-16 09:23:14 字数 1431 浏览 7 评论 0原文

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浅紫色的梦幻 2024-08-23 09:23:14



Set up a home source code repository (I use perforce), and check in changes frequently. It's tempting not to do this when you work alone, but even when you aren't worried about contention for source files, having a record of where you have been can be valuable.

Having the goal of getting to a checkin point every day will also help you to create micro-goals, which in turn will help you think about how you break the problem up into bite sized pieces.

死开点丶别碍眼 2024-08-23 09:23:14

对我来说,最重要的事情就是保持纪律。因此,如果您打算进行 TDD,那就去做吧,不要试图走捷径。始终尝试想象您的项目的未来,您将不仅仅是开发代码 - 因此请使其具有可读性和逻辑性。适当地命名变量,必要时进行注释(如果这是你的事)。像在团队项目中一样使用源代码控制和签入。

另外,请牢记商业价值 - 不要将时间浪费在不会为系统增加整体价值的事情上。假设您也是企业主,请尝试扮演不同的角色,从两个角度看待该项目。我不会建议您自言自语,但请记住您的技术和业务目标。

所以基本上,做 XP 但不配对:-)

For me the most important thing to do is remain disciplined. So if you plan to do TDD, do it and don't get tempted to cut corners. Always try and imagine a future for your project where you will have more than just you developing the code - so make it readable and logical. Name variables appropriately, comment (if that's your thing) where necessary. Use source control and check-in as you would on a team project.

Also, keep business value in mind - don't waste your time on stuff that won't add overall value to your system. Assuming you are also the business owner, try and put on your different hats and see the project from both standpoints. I wouldn't go as far as suggesting you talk to yourself, but do keep in mind your techical and business goals.

So basically, do XP but without pairing :-)

贵在坚持 2024-08-23 09:23:14

我使用 Moleskin 和 Microsoft Excel。

Moleskin 因为它便于携带,我可以在旅途中阅读。我也用它作为日记。

microsoft excel,因为我可以用它来跟踪我的项目完成情况。我只是创建一个列出所有 TODO 的表,然后添加一个包含项目状态的列(未开始、进行中、已完成、推迟到下一次迭代),然后简单地在此字段上运行总计。


在 Windows 上,我还使用 MS robocopy 脚本定期归档我的代码文件夹。 (我还没有完全掌握 Subversion),网上有相关教程。


I use my Moleskin and Microsoft excel.

moleskin because its portable and I can read it on the go. i also use it as a diary.

microsoft excel because I can use it to track my project completion. i simply create a table listing all the TODOs and then add a column with project status (Not Started, In progress, completed, Deferred To next Iteration) and simply run totals on this field.

So far that has helped me stay on track. I can overcome my natural pride and let the data guide the development process.

On windows, i also use MS robocopy scripts to archive my code folders at regular intervals. (I have not fully mastered Subversion), there are tutorials for that online.

I work module by module too. i dont take the project as a whole but work with each section as a mini-application and use the above practices too.

随波逐流 2024-08-23 09:23:14


  • 尝试一些版本控制系统,直到感觉合适为止。
  • 尝试一些问题跟踪系统。
  • 在没有正式项目管理的情况下运行一段时间,然后尝试一些严格的东西。
  • 手工完成所有事情,然后尝试自动化所有能做的事情——代码生成、构建和测试。


Since you're tinkering on your project, tinker with organization and methodologies as well.

  • Try a few version control systems until one feels right.
  • Try a few issue tracking systems.
  • Run with no formal project management for a while and then try something rigid.
  • Do everything by hand and then try to automate everything you can - code generation, builds, and testing.

Find out what works best for you by trying everything. Experiment.

旧伤还要旧人安 2024-08-23 09:23:14

作为流程的一方面,我认为编写用户故事不会出错。我是根据经验说话的,是最近的经验;事实上,就在本周。我为我的第一个认真的 Ruby/Rails 工作(一个个人项目)编写了一些代码:请参阅 如何让我的第一个 Ruby 工作更加惯用



As one facet of your process I don't think you can go wrong with writing user stories. I speak from experience, very recent experience; in fact, just this week. I had written a bit of code for my first serious Ruby/Rails effort, a personal project: see how to make my first Ruby effort more idiomatic

After digesting the answers I got, and before writing any more code, I found myself writing little paragraphs of maybe a sentence or two. And in some cases a few bullet points, but interestingly, I didn't set out to write user stories. I just thought that by writing down various things I wanted to do with the project, I'd further clarify things brought to light by my initial coding, and feedback received.

After a few paragraphs, I realized I was creating user stories. Now that I have them, I've written some more code, and have checked a few things off my list.

情泪▽动烟 2024-08-23 09:23:14

永不放弃。不要放弃。即使您认为自己无法做到这一点,也不要放弃。我建立了一家 10 人的公司,前 18 个月我都是一个人工作。最终产品中 3/4 的代码是我在前 18 个月内开发的。我们通过该代码吸引了前 10 位客户。

Never give up. Don't quit. Even when you think you can't do it by your self - don't quit. I built a 10 person company and for the first 18 months I worked all by my self. 3/4 of the code that was in the final product I had developed in that first 18 months. We got to our first 10 customers on that code.
Don't quit.

朕就是辣么酷 2024-08-23 09:23:14




plan some, then work some

always know what the next step is, and focus on that

keep a log/journal of what you did and why, including design decisions, so you don't go 'round in circles

┾廆蒐ゝ 2024-08-23 09:23:14

作为一个单人网页设计工作室,我使用 Basecamp 免费帐户来组织待办事项列表(他们的任务有评论是件好事,所以当你解决某个任务时您可以逐步评论以供进一步参考)。消息和里程碑也很有用。为了跟踪代码(php、html 等),我使用 Eclipse 及其内置 CVS。


Being a one-man web-design studio I use a Basecamp free account to organize to-do lists (a nice thing their tasks have comments, so when you solve some task you can comment it step by step for further reference). Messages and milestones are useful also. To keep track of the code (php, html, etc) I use Eclipse and its built-in CVS.

Note: I tried various project managers and version control systems, but all of them seem to be too functional for a single developer.

征棹 2024-08-23 09:23:14

我发现遵循 TDD(测试驱动开发)并始终以几次失败的测试结束开发会话很有用。当我返回该项目时(可能只是几天后),我就有了一个合乎逻辑的起点。这可以帮助我更快地进入状态,而不是盯着 IDE 两个小时。

I find it useful to follow TDD (Test Driven Development) and always end a development session with a couple of failed tests. When I return to the project (which might only be after a couple of days) I have a logical starting point. This helps me get into the groove quicker rather than staring at my IDE for 2 hours.

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