是否可以安排 svn 更新?
我使用 eclipse galileo 和 subversive 插件或 Tortoise SVN 来进行更新。
可以安排自动更新(例如每天晚上)吗? 如果是,是否可以将其配置为仅更新非冲突文件?
I use eclipse galileo with subversive plugin or Tortoise SVN to do an update.
It is possible to schedule an auto-update (eg. every night)?
If yes, is it possible to configure it to just update the non-conflicting files?
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我通过计划任务使用此命令 - 这假设您安装了 Silksvn (但任何 svn 客户端都会执行此操作)
或者甚至,使用此命令 closeonend 从 TortoiseSVN 执行此操作
I use this command via a scheduled task - this assumes you have Silksvn installed (but any svn client will do this)
It will only update files that aren't conflicting also, so no worry about that.
OR even, do it from TortoiseSVN using this command
closeonend can be one of these
只需安排一个任务每晚运行一个批处理文件即可。批处理文件只是使用 Subversion 命令行客户端调用 svn 更新。很简单,对吧?
Just schedule a task to run a batch file every night. The batch file just calls an svn update using a Subversion command line client. Simple enough, right?
当连接断开时,我遇到了同样的问题,弹出窗口挥之不去,所以我只是安装了 svn 的命令行版本,并使用 Windows 批处理脚本检查返回的 ERRORLEVEL
I had the same problem with the popup lingering when the connection dropped, so I just installed a command line version of svn and checked the returned ERRORLEVEL using a Windows batch script
Microsoft 任务计划程序或 CRONw
Microsoft Task Scheduler or CRONw