如何在 SQL 数据库中存储业务活动?

发布于 2024-08-16 06:08:29 字数 3044 浏览 4 评论 0原文



CREATE TABLE ActivityTypes
    TypeId              int IDENTITY(1,1)       NOT NULL,
    TypeName            nvarchar(50)            NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_ActivityTypes          PRIMARY KEY (TypeId),
    CONSTRAINT UK_ActivityTypes          UNIQUE (TypeName)

INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('WidgetRotated');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('WidgetFlipped');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('DingBatPushed');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('ButtonAddedToDingBat');

    ActivityId          int IDENTITY(1,1)       NOT NULL,
    TypeId              int                     NOT NULL,
    AccountId           int                     NOT NULL,
    TimeStamp           datetime                NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_Activities                      PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_Activities_ActivityTypes        FOREIGN KEY (TypeId)
                                                  REFERENCES ActivityTypes (TypeId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_Activities_Accounts             FOREIGN KEY (AccountId)
                                                  REFERENCES Accounts (AccountId)

CREATE TABLE WidgetActivities
    ActivityId          int                     NOT NULL,
    WidgetId            int                     NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_WidgetActivities                  PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_WidgetActivities_Activities       FOREIGN KEY (ActivityId)
                                                    REFERENCES Activities (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_WidgetActivities_Widgets          FOREIGN KEY (WidgetId)
                                                    REFERENCES Widgets (WidgetId)

CREATE TABLE DingBatActivities
    ActivityId          int                     NOT NULL,
    DingBatId           int                     NOT NULL,
    ButtonId            int,

    CONSTRAINT PK_DingBatActivities                  PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_Activities       FOREIGN KEY (ActivityId)
                                                     REFERENCES Activities (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_DingBats         FOREIGN KEY (DingBatId)
                                                     REFERENCES DingBats (DingBatId)
    CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_Buttons          FOREIGN KEY (ButtonId)
                                                     REFERENCES Buttons (ButtonId)

此解决方案似乎适合获取给定小部件或 dingbat 记录 id 的所有活动,但是对于获取所有活动然后尝试确定它们引用的记录似乎不太好。



我可以将所有活动类型放在一张表中,但是 ID 无法受外键约束,而是可以将表名称用作 ID,这将导致我使用动态查询。

请注意,在示例中,DingBatActivity 有一个可选的按钮 ID。如果按钮名称在添加到 dingbat 后进行了编辑,则活动将能够引用该按钮并知道其名称,因此,如果报告按名称列出了 dingbat 和按钮的所有活动,则按钮名称会更改将自动反映在活动描述中。


The goal is to store activities such as inserting, updating, and deleting business records.

One solution I'm considering is to use one table per record to be tracked. Here is a simplified example:

CREATE TABLE ActivityTypes
    TypeId              int IDENTITY(1,1)       NOT NULL,
    TypeName            nvarchar(50)            NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_ActivityTypes          PRIMARY KEY (TypeId),
    CONSTRAINT UK_ActivityTypes          UNIQUE (TypeName)

INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('WidgetRotated');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('WidgetFlipped');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('DingBatPushed');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('ButtonAddedToDingBat');

    ActivityId          int IDENTITY(1,1)       NOT NULL,
    TypeId              int                     NOT NULL,
    AccountId           int                     NOT NULL,
    TimeStamp           datetime                NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_Activities                      PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_Activities_ActivityTypes        FOREIGN KEY (TypeId)
                                                  REFERENCES ActivityTypes (TypeId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_Activities_Accounts             FOREIGN KEY (AccountId)
                                                  REFERENCES Accounts (AccountId)

CREATE TABLE WidgetActivities
    ActivityId          int                     NOT NULL,
    WidgetId            int                     NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_WidgetActivities                  PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_WidgetActivities_Activities       FOREIGN KEY (ActivityId)
                                                    REFERENCES Activities (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_WidgetActivities_Widgets          FOREIGN KEY (WidgetId)
                                                    REFERENCES Widgets (WidgetId)

CREATE TABLE DingBatActivities
    ActivityId          int                     NOT NULL,
    DingBatId           int                     NOT NULL,
    ButtonId            int,

    CONSTRAINT PK_DingBatActivities                  PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_Activities       FOREIGN KEY (ActivityId)
                                                     REFERENCES Activities (ActivityId),
    CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_DingBats         FOREIGN KEY (DingBatId)
                                                     REFERENCES DingBats (DingBatId)
    CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_Buttons          FOREIGN KEY (ButtonId)
                                                     REFERENCES Buttons (ButtonId)

This solution seems good for fetching all activities given a widget or dingbat record id, however it doesn't seem so good for fetching all activities and then trying to determine to which record they refer.

That is, in this example, all the account names and timestamps are stored in a separate table, so it's easy to create reports focused on users and focused on time intervals without the need to know what the activity is in particular.

However, if you did want to report on the activities by type in particular, this solution would require determining to which type of activity the general activity table refers.

I could put all my activity types in one table, however the ID's would not be able to be constrained by a foreign key, instead the table name might be used as an id, which would lead me to use dynamic queries.

Note in the example that a DingBatActivity has an optional button Id. If the button name were to have been edited after being added to the dingbat, the activity would be able to refer to the button and know its name, so if a report listed all activities by dingbat and by button by name, the button name change would automatically be reflected in the activity description.

Looking for some other ideas and how those ideas compromise between programming effort, data integrity, performance, and reporting flexibility.

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帅的被狗咬 2024-08-23 06:08:29


CREATE TABLE Objects   -- Bad table name, should be more specific
     object_id     INT          NOT NULL,
     name          VARCHAR(20)  NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT PK_Application_Objects PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (application_id)

     object_id     INT           NOT NULL,
     height        DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
     width         DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT FK_Widgets_Objects
     FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id)

     object_id     INT           NOT NULL,
     label         VARCHAR(50)   NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbats_Objects
     FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id)


CREATE TABLE Object_Activities
     activity_id     INT          NOT NULL,
     object_id       INT          NOT NULL,
     activity_type   INT          NOT NULL,
     activity_time   DATETIME     NOT NULL,
     account_id      INT          NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT PK_Object_Activities PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (activity_id),
     CONSTRAINT FK_Object_Activities_Objects
     FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id),
     CONSTRAINT FK_Object_Activities_Activity_Types
     FOREIGN KEY (activity_type) REFERENCES Activity_Types (activity_type),

CREATE TABLE Dingbat_Activities
     activity_id     INT     NOT NULL,
     button_id       INT     NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT PK_Dingbat_Activities PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (activity_id),
     CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbat_Activities_Object_Activities
     FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES Object_Activities (activity_id),
     CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbat_Activities_Buttons
     FOREIGN KEY (button_id) REFERENCES Object_Activities (button_id),




The way that I usually architect a solution to this problem is similar to inheritance in objects. If you have "activities" that are taking place on certain entities and you want to track those activities then the entities involved almost certainly have something in common. There's your base table. From there you can create subtables off of the base table to track things specific to that subtype. For example, you might have:

CREATE TABLE Objects   -- Bad table name, should be more specific
     object_id     INT          NOT NULL,
     name          VARCHAR(20)  NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT PK_Application_Objects PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (application_id)

     object_id     INT           NOT NULL,
     height        DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
     width         DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT FK_Widgets_Objects
     FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id)

     object_id     INT           NOT NULL,
     label         VARCHAR(50)   NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbats_Objects
     FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id)

Now for your activities:

CREATE TABLE Object_Activities
     activity_id     INT          NOT NULL,
     object_id       INT          NOT NULL,
     activity_type   INT          NOT NULL,
     activity_time   DATETIME     NOT NULL,
     account_id      INT          NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT PK_Object_Activities PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (activity_id),
     CONSTRAINT FK_Object_Activities_Objects
     FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id),
     CONSTRAINT FK_Object_Activities_Activity_Types
     FOREIGN KEY (activity_type) REFERENCES Activity_Types (activity_type),

CREATE TABLE Dingbat_Activities
     activity_id     INT     NOT NULL,
     button_id       INT     NOT NULL,
     CONSTRAINT PK_Dingbat_Activities PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (activity_id),
     CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbat_Activities_Object_Activities
     FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES Object_Activities (activity_id),
     CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbat_Activities_Buttons
     FOREIGN KEY (button_id) REFERENCES Object_Activities (button_id),

You can add a type code to the base activity if you want to for the type of object which it is affecting or you can just determine that by looking for existence in a subtable.

Here's the big caveat though: Make sure that the objects/activities really do have something in common which relates them and requires you to go down this path. You don't want to store disjointed, unrelated data in the same table. For example, you could use this method to create a table that holds both bank account transactions and celestial events, but that wouldn't be a good idea. At the base level they need to have something in common.

Also, I assumed that all of your activities were related to an account, which is why it's in the base table. Anything in common to ALL activities goes in the base table. Things relevant to only a subtype go in those tables. You could even go multiple levels deep, but don't get carried away. The same goes for the objects (again, bad name here, but I'm not sure what you're actually dealing with). If all of your objects have a color then you can put it in the Objects table. If not, then it would go into sub tables.

猫九 2024-08-23 06:08:29





  item_id (pk)
  description (varchar)
  number_in_stock (number)
  cost_wholesale (number)
  retail_price (number)
  dept_id (fk)

  dept_id (pk)
  description (varchar)

  emp_id (pk)
  first_name (varchar)
  last_name (varchar)
  salary (number)
  hire_date (date)
  fire_date (date)

因此,当您购买新商品时,您将更新库存表中的 number_in_stock ,或者如果它是您以前从未拥有过的商品,则创建一个新行。当您出售商品时,您会减少该商品的 库存数量(当您注销商品时也是如此)。


在所有这一切中,所做并不是由数据库完成的。 SQL 应该用于跟踪信息。编写执行这些更新的程序(更新发票记录中的所有项目的新发票程序)是很好的。但您不需要一张桌子来事情。事实上,表格不能做任何事情。


I'm going to go out on a limb and take a few wild guesses about what you're really trying to accomplish.

You say you're trying to track 'store activities' I'm going to assume you have the following activities:
Purchase new item
Sell item
Write off item
Hire employee
Pay employee
Fire employee
Update employee record

Ok, for these activities, you need a few different tables: one for inventory, one for departments, and one for employees

The inventory table could have the following information:

  item_id (pk)
  description (varchar)
  number_in_stock (number)
  cost_wholesale (number)
  retail_price (number)
  dept_id (fk)

  dept_id (pk)
  description (varchar)

  emp_id (pk)
  first_name (varchar)
  last_name (varchar)
  salary (number)
  hire_date (date)
  fire_date (date)

So, when you buy new items, you will either update the number_in_stock in inventory table, or create a new row if it is an item you've never had before. When you sell an item, you decriment the number_in_stock for that item (also for when you write off an item).

When you hire a new employee, you add a record from them to the employees table. When you pay them, you grab their salary from the salary column. When you fire them, you fill in that column for their record (and stop paying them).

In all of this, the doing is not done by the database. SQL should be used for keeping track of information. It's fine to write procedures for doing these updates (a new invoice procedure that updates all the items from an invoice record). But you don't need a table to do stuff. In fact, a table can't do anything.

When designing a database, the question you need to ask is not "what do I need to do?" it is "What information do I need to keep track of?"

落花浅忆 2024-08-23 06:08:29


您只是想保留已发生的事情的清单吗?如果您只需要过去事件的有序列表,则只需要 1 个表:

  action_list_id (pk)
  action_desc (varchar)

  event_log_id (pk)
  event_time (timestamp)
  action_list_id (fk)
  new_action_added (fk)
  action_details_or_description (varchar)

在这种情况下,action_list 将类似于:

1   'WidgetRotated'
2   'WidgetFlipped'
3   'DingBatPushed'
4   'AddNewAction'
5   'DeleteExistingAction'

event_log 将是发生的活动以及时间的列表。您的操作之一是“添加新操作”,并且每当采取的操作是“添加新操作”时,都需要在事件表中填写“new_action_added”列。


我将 action_details_or_description 列添加到事件中。通过这种方式,您可以提供有关操作的更多信息。例如,如果您有“产品更改颜色”操作,则新颜色的描述可以是“红色”。


New answer, based on an different interpretation of the question.

Are you just trying to keep a list of what has happened? If you just need a ordered list of past events, you just need 1 table for it:

  action_list_id (pk)
  action_desc (varchar)

  event_log_id (pk)
  event_time (timestamp)
  action_list_id (fk)
  new_action_added (fk)
  action_details_or_description (varchar)

In this, the action_list would be something like:

1   'WidgetRotated'
2   'WidgetFlipped'
3   'DingBatPushed'
4   'AddNewAction'
5   'DeleteExistingAction'

The event_log would be a list of what activities happened, and when. One of your actions would be "add new action" and would require the 'new_action_added' column to be filled in on the event table anytime the action taken is "add new action".

You can create actions for update, remove, add, etc.

I added the action_details_or_description column to event. In this way, you can give further information about an action. For example, if you have a "product changes color" action, the description could be "Red" for the new color.

More broadly, you'll want to think through and map out all the different types of actions you'll be taking ahead of time, so you can set up your table(s) in a way that can accurately contain the data you want to put into them.

假情假意假温柔 2024-08-23 06:08:29


How about the SQL logs?

仙气飘飘 2024-08-23 06:08:29

上次我需要数据库事务记录器时,我使用了 数据库中的触发器,这样数据库将不只是更新记录,而是将新记录插入到日志表中。这种技术意味着我需要一个额外的表来保存数据库中每个表的日志,并且日志表有一个带有时间戳的附加列。如果需要,使用此技术您甚至可以存储记录的更新前和更新后状态。

The last time I needed a database transaction logger I used an Instead Of trigger in the database so that it would instead of just updating the record, the database would insert a new record into the log table. This technique meant that I needed an additional table to hold the log for each table in my database and the log table had an additional column with a time stamp. Using this technique you can even store the pre and post update state of the record if you want to.

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