我有一个表 member_details ,其中包含字段“preferred_location”(varchar),该表具有逗号分隔的值,例如来自列表框选择的“19,20,22”......
现在我还有另一个表 city_master ,其字段为“city_id”(int )和“city_name”(varchar)...
现在我想分离“preferred_location”(varchar)值并将它们添加到临时表的整数字段中,这样我就可以在临时表的 city_id(int) 和city_master 的 city_id(int) ,然后可以从 city_master 的 city_name 获取城市名称...
这就是我在 MySQL 中需要的所有东西 - 存储过程或函数。我将它与 c#.net 一起使用。
I have one table member_details with field "preferred_location" (varchar) that has comma separated values like "19,20,22" that come from a listbox selection ....
Now I also have another table city_master having field "city_id" (int) and "city_name" (varchar)...
Now I want to separate "preferred_location" (varchar) values and to add them in integer field of temp table so I can make an inner join between city_id(int) of the temp table and city_id(int) of city_master and then can get city name from city_name of city_master...
This is all stuff I need in MySQL - either a stored procedure or a function. I am using it with c#.net.
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我的意思是,您知道它会导致什么结果 - 因为您将值作为列表存储在字符串中,所以您已经将自己调整到每次想要连接表时都需要展开值的位置。
Frankly, this sounds like a bad design. If you need the integers values separately, then modify your database structure accordingly, and save the values separately to begin with.
I mean, you see where it leads to - because you stored the values as a list in a string, you have maneuvered yourself into a position where you need to unwind the values each time you want to join the tables.
That's like putting the horse behind the wagon.
如果这些整数很小,例如 19、20、22 等,则只需使用较小的 16 或 8 位整数(如数据库支持的),并且它不应该比字符串占用更多的空间(可能甚至更少)。
If these integers are small, like 19,20,22 etc just use smaller 16 or 8 bit integers (as supported by your database) and it should not take much more space than a string (possibly even less).
制作了一些模拟示例,但这也应该适用于 LinqToMySql。
Made up some mock up example, but this should work with LinqToMySql as well.
感谢您的建议,但就我而言,最好将首选位置城市的 ID 存储为逗号分隔。
表的内部联接来获取城市名称。thanks for your suggestion but in my case it is better to store ids of preferred location cities as comma separated.
I have a procedure that makes a temporary table and then I can use inner join with
table to get city names.