<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Title Goes Here</title>
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<p>This is my web page</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/mootools.js"></script>
此网站 http://stackoverflow.com 没有任何编码,并且
我使用的 CMS有 SEO 组件,它在所有 js 和 css 之后添加每个用于 SEO 的 。文件。以
can use anything in any order? does placing of <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
is important before <title>
this is most used, is it best way?
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Title Goes Here</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://sstatic.net/so/all.css?v=5912">
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<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#revisions-list").change(function() { window.location = '/posts/1987065/edit/' + $(this).val(); });
<p>This is my web page</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/mootools.js"></script>
this site http://stackoverflow.com doesn't have any encoding and <meta>
I use a CMS which has SEO component which adds every <meta>
for SEO after all js and css. files. can placing of any elements in any order which are allowed in <head>
affect document compatibility and encoding?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

在 HTML 中,</code> 元素,后跟一个 <code><body></code> 元素。请参阅 <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/global.html" rel="noreferrer">HTML 4.01</a> 中对 HTML 文档全局结构的描述,以及<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#syntax" rel="noreferrer">HTML5 草案</a>;除了<code>DOCTYPE</code>之外,实际要求大多相同,但描述不同。
实际的标签(</code> 是 HTML 中唯一必需的标签。最短的有效 HTML 4.01 文档(至少是我可以生成的)是(需要 <code><p></code> 因为 <code><body></code> 中需要有一些内容有效):
HTTP 标头指定的资源类型,如果Content-Type< /code> 标头尚未提供或不包含
(您通常应该尝试包含这些标头,并确保它们正确,但在某些情况下您不能,例如未通过 HTTP 传输的本地文件)。不过,出于这些目的,它们仅在文档开头嗅探有限数量的字节,因此任何旨在影响内容嗅探或字符编码嗅探的内容都应该位于文档开头附近。因此,HTML5 指定任何</code> 元素之前。但请记住,如果您正确指定 <code>Content-type</code> 标头,则不需要此标记。
) 必须位于文件的前 1024 个字节内才能生效。因此,如果您要在文档中包含字符编码信息,则应该将标记放在文件的早期,甚至可能放在
在 CSS 中,后面的样式声明优先于前面的样式声明,所有否则是平等的。因此,您通常应该先放置可能会被覆盖的最通用的样式表,然后再放置更具体的样式表。
总的来说,除了我已经指定的约束之外,</code> 放在顶部,并将其他 <code><meta></code> 标记按某种逻辑顺序放置。
大多数时候,将内容放入 HTML 文档正文的顺序应该是它们的显示顺序或访问顺序。您可以使用 CSS 重新排列内容,但屏幕阅读器通常会按源顺序读取内容,搜索索引会按源顺序提取内容,等等。
In HTML, the
must come first, followed by a single<html>
element, which must contain a<head>
element containing a<title>
element, followed by a<body>
element. See the description of the global structure of an HTML document in HTML 4.01 and the HTML5 draft; the actual requirements are mostly the same other than theDOCTYPE
, but they are described differently.The actual tags (
, etc) are optional; the elements will be created automatically if the tags don't exist.<title>
is the only required tag in HTML. The shortest valid HTML 4.01 document (at least, that I could generate) is (needs a<p>
because there needs to be something in the<body>
to be valid):And the shortest valid HTML5 document:
Note that in XHTML, all tags must be specified explicitly; no elements will be inserted implicitly.
Browsers perform content type sniffing in some circumstances to determine the type of a resource that hasn't been specified using a
HTTP header, and also character encoding sniffing if theContent-Type
header hasn't been supplied or doesn't include acharset
(you should generally try to include these headers, and make sure that they are correct, but there are some circumstances in which you cannot, such as local files not transferred over HTTP). They only sniff a limited number of bytes at the beginning of the document for these purposes, though, so anything that is intended to affect the content sniffing or character encoding sniffing should be near the beginning of the document.For this reason, HTML5 specifies that any
tag which is used to specify the character set (either<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=...">
or simply<meta charset=...>
) must be within the first 1024 bytes of the file in order to take effect. So, if you are going to include character encoding information within your document, you should put the tag early in the file, possibly even before the<title>
element. But recall that this tag is unnecessary if you properly specify aContent-type
header.In CSS, later style declarations take precedence over earlier ones, all else being equal. So, you should generally put the most generic style sheets that may be overridden earlier, and the more specific style sheets later.
For performance reasons, it can be a good idea to put scripts at the bottom of the page, right before the
, because loading scripts blocks the rendering of the page.Obviously,
tags should be ordered so that scripts that depend on each order have the dependencies loaded first.On the whole, other than the constraints I have already specified, the ordering of tags within
shouldn't matter too much, other than for readability. I tend to like to see the<title>
towards the top, and put the other<meta>
tags in some sort of logical order.Most of the time, the order you should put things into the body of an HTML document should be the order they should be displayed in, or the order they should be accessed. You can use CSS to rearrange things, but screen readers will generally read things in source order, search indexes will extract things in source order, and so on.
This is the template I use, just delete whatever you dont need for a new project.
您还可以考虑内联加载的任何 CSS 和 JS头,特别是如果它很小并且外部脚本/工作表不太可能根据您的典型访问者配置文件进行缓存。如果您内联它,理想情况下您会想要压缩它。
最后一件事:用户必须等待头部 - 以及它加载的任何阻塞资源 - 因此最好将尽可能多的内容放在正文或页脚中。
Adding a few performance suggestions to Brian's answer, highest priority should logically be things that will need to be downloaded, so the browser can start downloading them asap, and things that will affect how the page is presented. So I'd suggest:
You might also consider inlining whatever CSS and JS is loaded in head, especially if its small and the external script/sheet is unlikely to be cached according to your typical visitor's profile. And if you do inline it, you'll ideally want to compress it.
Last thing: The user has to wait around for head - and any blocking resources it loads - so it's best to put as much as possible in the body or footer.
According to W3 should be:
。IE7+ 的最佳实践要求
和base< /code> 声明发生在
中的其他任何内容之前,否则浏览器会重新启动并重新解析之前的所有内容。Most browsers don't mind how you order your elements, but you should always specify
first.Best practices for IE7+ require that the
, andbase
declarations occur before anything else in thehead
, otherwise the browser starts over and re-parses everything that came before.您首先需要您的内容类型,因为这表示字符编码,否则如果稍后出现,某些浏览器会尝试猜测编码。 (我不记得具体细节,但我认为 IE 会猜测它是否在文档的前 75 个字符中找不到编码?)
大多数网络服务器在 HTTP 标头中发送编码,但如果用户保存您的页面,标题不会随之保存。
我会将 CSS 引用放在第二位,以便浏览器尽快下载它们。
JavaScript 我不会放在头部,它应该放在页面的底部,因为下载它们会阻止页面渲染。
You want your content-type first as this denotes the character encoding, otherwise if it comes later on, some browsers attempt to guess the encoding. (I can't remember the specifics, but I think IE will guess if it doesn't find an encoding in the first 75 characters of the document?)
Most webservers send the encoding in the HTTP headers, but if a user saves your page, the headers aren't saved with it.
I'd put CSS references second so the browser downloads them as soon as possible.
JavaScript I wouldn't put in the head, it should go at the bottom of your pages as downloading them blocks rendering of pages.
元素中的第一个位置。IIRC, some browsers will re-load the document upon encountering a
element. So that element should probably come first within thehead
element of the document.