为什么我的网站上同时有 HTTPS 和 HTTP 链接,需要它们都是安全的!
我收到安全警报:“您将被定向到不安全的连接。您发送到当前站点的信息可能会传输到不安全的站点。是否要继续?”当我尝试以客户身份登录我的客户 oscommerce 网站时。我注意到状态栏中的链接从 https 前缀变为不安全的 http 前缀。该网站有 SSL 证书,那么如何确保网站的整个商店部分定向到安全网站?
I am getting the security alert: "You are about to be directed to a connection that is not secure. the information you are sending to the current site might be transmitted to a non-secure site. Do you wish to continue?" when I try to login as a customer on my clients oscommerce website. I noticed the link in the status bar goes from a https prefix to a nonsecure http prefix. The site has a SSL certificate, so how do I ensure the entire store portion of the site directs to the secured site?
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的配置设置)。您可能嵌入到网站中的一些外部工具(例如 Google Analytics)可以通过
页面不会导致您所描述的警告。你能具体说明这是怎么回事吗?It is likely that some parts of the page, most often images or scripts, are loaded non-secure. You'll need to go through them in the browser's "view page source" view one by one and eliminate the reason (most often, a configuration setting pointing to
).Some external tools like Google Analytics that you may be embedding on your site can be included through
, some don't. In that case, you may have to remove those tools from your secure site.If you can't switch all the settings, try using relative paths
but the first thing is to identify the non-secure elements using the source code view of your browser.
An immediate redirection from a
page to ahttp:/
one would not result in a warning as you describe. Can you specify what's up with that?使用 Fiddler 并浏览您的网站,在列表中应该可以清楚地看出哪些内容正在使用 HTTP 和 HTTPS。
Use Fiddler and browse your site, in the listing it should become evident what is using HTTP and HTTPS.
确保通过 https 包含以下内容:
如果您确信自己的内容没有通过 http 包含,请检查跟踪像素和其他第三方小工具等内容。
Ensure that the following are included over https:
If you're confident none of your own stuff is included over http, check things like tracking pixels and other third-party gadgets.
Edit: Now that you've linked your page, I see that your
tag is the problem:Change to:
如果 Pekka 的建议不适合您的需求,您可以尝试使用基于架构(http 或 https)的相对链接:
此技术的唯一问题是它不适用于所有浏览器中的 CSS 文件;尽管它确实可以在 Javascript 和内联 CSS 中工作。 (我在这里可能是错的;有人想检查吗?)。
If the suggestion from Pekka doesn't suit your needs you can try using relative links based on the schema (http or https):
The only problem with this technique is that it doesn't work with CSS files in all browsers; though it does work within Javascript and inline CSS. (I could be wrong here; anyone want to check?).
e.g., the following :
...might fail.
A simple Find/Replace on your source code could be easy.
在我看来,您提交的 HTML 表单被硬编码为发布到非安全页面。
It sounds to me like the HTML form you are submitting is hardcoded to post to a non-secure page.