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vim 支持 utf-8 -
:set enc=utf-8
vim supports utf-8 -
:set enc=utf-8
显然是 Emacs。
Emacs, obviously.
Vi, more obviously.
Zeus 编辑器支持 UTF-8 和 Unicode。
The Zeus editor has support for UTF-8 and Unicode.
我对 Sublime Text 2 很满意。跨平台(Win、Linux、Mac),在正则表达式查找和替换方面表现良好,轻量级但插件丰富。你应该尝试一下;-)
I am happy with Sublime Text 2. Crossplatform (Win, Linux, Mac), performs well with regular expressions find&replace, lightweight but rich on plugins. You should give it a try ;-)
我认为 Vim 是最好的编辑器,并具有以下优点:
set enc=utf-8
添加到您的 .vimrc 文件以使其永久支持 utf-8。要仅在当前会话中支持 utf-8,请执行:set enc=utf-8
)因此,使用 vim 可以轻松击败可扩展性。Vim is, I guess, the best editor and offers following advantages:
set enc=utf-8
to your .vimrc file to make it support utf-8 permanently. For supporting utf-8 in only the current session, do:set enc=utf-8
) Hence, beating scalability is easy with vim.