如何在服务器运行时通过 diff 请求访问只读数据(apache、mod_python)
我正在使用 Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2,我想预加载我使用的数据。
from mod_python import apache
from mod_python import Session
gvar = 0
def handler(req):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
session = Session.Session(req)
if session.is_new():
global gvar
req.write('gvar was originally : '+str(gvar))
gvar = 314
session['addr'] = req.connection.remote_ip
req.write('\ngvar was just set to: '+str(gvar))
global gvar
req.write('gvar set to: '+str(gvar))
return apache.OK
gvar 最初是:0
gvar 刚刚设置为:314
输出(会话 > 1):
gvar 设置为:314
请分享您的意见和解决方案, 谢谢
I am using Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 and I would like to preload the data I work with.
Currently I read the data from a file on disk every time I get a request, then parse it and store it in an object. The data file is relatively large and I would like to parse/preload it ahead of time.
I was thinking I could either 1) load the data in memory when apache starts (~100MB to 500MB of data would reside in memory while the server is running) or I could 2) load it when the first data request is submitted and keep it in memory until I shut the server down.
below is the mock up of the second idea:
from mod_python import apache
from mod_python import Session
gvar = 0
def handler(req):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
session = Session.Session(req)
if session.is_new():
global gvar
req.write('gvar was originally : '+str(gvar))
gvar = 314
session['addr'] = req.connection.remote_ip
req.write('\ngvar was just set to: '+str(gvar))
global gvar
req.write('gvar set to: '+str(gvar))
return apache.OK
output (session one):
gvar was originally : 0
gvar was just set to: 314
output (session > 1):
gvar set to: 314
Please share your comments and solutions,
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您可以使用数据设置 tmpfs(或 ramfs)挂载,它将保留在 RAM 中(tmpfs 可能会将数据发送到交换区)。
You could set a tmpfs (or ramfs) mount with the data and it will stay in RAM (tmpfs may send data to swap).
You don't say what form your data is in, but if a keystore will suffice then you can use shelve along with OS caching in order to hold the data in a preparsed format.
另一种选择是使用 posix_ipc 将数据保存在共享内存中,可供所有进程使用。
Another option is to use posix_ipc to hold the data in shared memory, available to all processes.