Sounds to me like the classic consulting conundrum: hitting that sweet spot where the fewest resources generate the most revenue.
The first question that comes to my mind is: how much pain is this causing? Grumbling from amongst the developers? Complaints from upper management? Furious clients? The solution should match the level of trouble caused.
The simple fact that you can't know the unknowable when it comes to schedule interruptions means that, in large part, there is no software fix to this problem. You have to build in enough room for those unexpected demands ahead of time and be ready to reassign on the fly.
It also bears mentioning that the seat-of-your-pants model, in which developers jump every time a client says boo, is a choice. It doesn't necessarily have to be that way if everyone is willing to consider other options.
Personally I would take a look at using a Scrum board. This can be accomplished with a physical wall, PowerPoint slides, or Bugzilla. Try the following: 1. Assign each tech to a cell 2. Assign each tech x amount of job/task give each job/task a priority level. 3. In the slide/wall create your different stages of To Do, Test, Very, Done and have the developers move them across the stages to give greater visibility of the tech and the projects.
Sounds to me like the classic consulting conundrum: hitting that sweet spot where the fewest resources generate the most revenue.
The first question that comes to my mind is: how much pain is this causing? Grumbling from amongst the developers? Complaints from upper management? Furious clients? The solution should match the level of trouble caused.
The simple fact that you can't know the unknowable when it comes to schedule interruptions means that, in large part, there is no software fix to this problem. You have to build in enough room for those unexpected demands ahead of time and be ready to reassign on the fly.
It also bears mentioning that the seat-of-your-pants model, in which developers jump every time a client says boo, is a choice. It doesn't necessarily have to be that way if everyone is willing to consider other options.
使用问题跟踪器,例如 JIRA
Use an issue tracker such as JIRA
就我个人而言,我会考虑使用 Scrum 板。这可以通过物理墙、PowerPoint 幻灯片或 Bugzilla 来完成。
1. 将每个技术分配给一个单元
2. 为每个技术分配 x 数量的工作/任务,并为每个工作/任务指定优先级。
3. 在幻灯片/墙上创建待办、测试、非常、完成的不同阶段,并让开发人员将它们跨阶段移动,以更好地了解技术和项目。
Personally I would take a look at using a Scrum board. This can be accomplished with a physical wall, PowerPoint slides, or Bugzilla.
Try the following:
1. Assign each tech to a cell
2. Assign each tech x amount of job/task give each job/task a priority level.
3. In the slide/wall create your different stages of To Do, Test, Very, Done and have the developers move them across the stages to give greater visibility of the tech and the projects.