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Closed 9 years ago.
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Quick comparison:
I believe you need the Royal Mail Postcode Address File. From that link:
Services do exist to handle requests for this info, such that it may be cheaper to use such services for small numbers of requests (obviously you have issues as and when such services aren't available for whatever reasons).
到目前为止,正式执行此操作的唯一方法是购买 邮政编码地址文件但是最近有一条新闻称数据2010 年可能会免费所以要看你是否能等!
The only way to do it officially up to now has been to buy the Postcode Address File however there was a news item recently that the data may be free in 2010 so depends if you can wait!
与此处的答案相反,您不需要需要来自邮局的非常昂贵的 PAF。有许多商业服务(大概由 PAF 提供支持)可以返回指定邮政编码的街道和门牌号。他们通常按每个请求收费。我没有与特定供应商打交道的任何经验,但这是一个示例 - capscan
Contrary to the answers here, you do NOT need the very expensive PAF from the Post Office. There are a number of commercial services (presumably powered by the PAF) that return the streets and street numbers for a specified post code. They generally charged on a per-request basis. I do not have any experience with a particular vendor, but this is an example - capscan
为此,您需要访问邮政编码地址文件 - 这是邮局(通常通过第三方)每年授权使用的文件。
皇家邮政的页面位于:http://www.royalmail .com/portal/rm/jump2?mediaId=400085&catId=400084,该页面上有指向服务提供商的链接。
To do this you need access to the Postcode Address File - this is something that is licensed for use on an annual basis from the post-office, usually via a third party.
You have a choice depending on your needs of buying a package to use locally or of using web services.
The Royal Mail's page is here: http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/jump2?mediaId=400085&catId=400084 and on that page are links to service providers.
Postcode Anywhere(现在的 Loqate)是其中的提供商之一(我的一位客户使用它们,没有任何抱怨)。许可是灵活的:
Loqate,以前称为 Postcode Anywhere
Postcode Anywhere (now Loqate) is one of the providers out there (one of my clients uses them with no complaints). Licensing is flexible:
Loqate, formerly Postcode Anywhere
您可以使用地理编码服务,例如 Google 提供的服务。
You can use a geocoding service, such as the one provided by Google.
Physical Address to GeoLocation UK
如果您想获取英国邮政编码的大致地址(即街道级别),有一种方法可以合法且免费地获取,而无需使用 PAF 数据。
作为示例,请查看此 XML Web 服务:
If you want to get the approximate address for a UK postcode (i.e. street level) there is a way you can do it legally and for free without using PAF data.
As an example of this take a look at this XML Web Service:
explained at:
which returns:
It's not as handy as the commercial offerings which give you a full list of actual addresses for any given postcode, but it lets you do a "What's your postcode? What's your house number?" type system.
您可以使用 PAF 或许可 PAF 的商业 Web 服务之一(有一些)。我认为您通常会购买“积分”或支付固定费率以获得无限制的访问。
You can either use the PAF or one of the commercial web services (there are a few) which licence the PAF. I think you usually buy "credits" or pay a flat rate for unlimited access.
场所级别 - 更详细,并且可以向用户提供该邮政编码位置的场所列表
街道级别 - 只需匹配该邮政编码位置的街道 - 您或者您的用户填写“地址的第一行”,通常是房屋名称或号码
我相信这种区别是皇家邮政在源头的许可中内置的。 前提级别要贵得多
To add to the answers already coming through:
In the paid for products typically you pay for either:
premise level - more detailed and can offer the user a list of premises at that postcode location
street level - simply matches the street at that postcode location - you or your user fills in "the first line of the address" usually house name or number
I believe this differentiation is built into the licencing by the Royal Mail at source. Premise level is substantially more expensive
如果您将其添加到网站购物车或类似系统中,则可以按每次点击购买数据访问权限。如果您将其用于 CRM 等内部系统,则需要购买每用户许可证。
无论哪种方式,您都可以通过以下方式使用 Data8 邮政编码查找 API网络服务。
If you're adding it into a website shopping cart or similar system, you can buy access to the data on a per-click basis. If you're using it for an internal system such as CRM, you need to buy a per-user license.
Either way, you can use the Data8 Postcode Lookup API via web services.
您无需购买皇家邮政邮政编码地址文件 (PAF)。有很多可用的 API。
getaddress.io 是我发现的唯一一个提供免费计划的网站:
You don't need to purchase the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF). There are lots of APIs available.
getaddress.io is the only one I've found that has a free plan: