我正在查看来自多个开发人员的具有多种命名约定的代码 - 真是一种享受。其中包括匈牙利语(“s_year”,“s_day”)以及其他风格(“yearS”,“dayS”)。
免责声明:奖励积分是假设的,仅根据每个请求授予。请给予 5-12 周的交货时间。
I am looking through code that has multiple naming conventions from multiple developers - a real treat. Amongst them are Hungarian ("s_year", "s_day") as well as this other style ("yearS", "dayS").
Does anyone know what this style is called? For bonus points, do you know where/when it originated?
Disclaimer: Bonus points are hypothetical and awarded on a per-request basis only. Please give 5-12 weeks for delivery.
Edit: I would like to add that there is a third notation ("sYear", "sDay") in the same file. It's the hat trick of naming conventions!
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This is an perfect example of either no naming convention, or of a frequently changed naming convention. Unfortunately, I have seen this quite a lot.
它被称为“脑白质切除记法”。它是由 RP McMurphy 发明的。
It is called "lobotomized notation". It was invented by R. P. McMurphy.
它很可能根本不是一个符号 - 通常[懒惰]程序员需要一个唯一的变量,其中类似的变量已经在范围内 - 因此他们需要另一个“年”的持有者,并且“年”已经被采用了,所以他们选择了“yearS”。如果它有任何符号的话,那就是在它的好色中脱颖而出,以提醒您将其更改为将来有意义的东西(这从未实现过。哇哈哈哈哈哈!)
It's likely it's not a notation at all - quite often [lazy] programmers will have a need for a unique variable where a similar one is already in scope - hence they needed another holder for a 'year' and 'year' was already taken so they opted for 'yearS'. If it's any notation at all, it would be to stand out in its blecherousness as a reminder to change it to something meaningful in the future (which never came. Mwahahahaha!)