如何将 Node 类型转换为不可变树?
此类实现了不允许范围重叠或相邻的范围树,而是将它们连接起来。例如,如果根节点是 {min = 10; max = 20}
那么它的右子节点及其所有孙子节点的最小值和最大值必须大于 21。范围的最大值必须大于或等于最小值。我包含了一个测试函数,因此您可以按原样运行它,它会转储任何失败的情况。
我建议从 Insert 方法开始阅读这段代码。
module StackOverflowQuestion
open System
type Range =
{ min : int64; max : int64 }
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "(%d, %d)" this.min this.max
type Node(left:Node, right:Node, range:Range) =
let mutable left = left
let mutable right = right
let mutable range = range
// Symmetric to clean right
let rec cleanLeft(node : Node) =
if node.Left = null then
elif range.max < node.Left.Range.min - 1L then
elif range.max <= node.Left.Range.max then
range <- {min = range.min; max = node.Left.Range.max}
node.Left <- node.Left.Right
node.Left <- node.Left.Right
// Clean right deals with merging when the node to merge with is not on the
// left outside of the tree. It travels right inside the tree looking for an
// overlapping node. If it finds one it merges the range and replaces the
// node with its left child thereby deleting it. If it finds a subset node
// it replaces it with its left child, checks it and continues looking right.
let rec cleanRight(node : Node) =
if node.Right = null then
elif range.min > node.Right.Range.max + 1L then
elif range.min >= node.Right.Range.min then
range <- {min = node.Right.Range.min; max = range.max}
node.Right <- node.Right.Left
node.Right <- node.Right.Left
// Merger left is called whenever the min value of a node decreases.
// It handles the case of left node overlap/subsets and merging/deleting them.
// When no more overlaps are found on the left nodes it calls clean right.
let rec mergeLeft(node : Node) =
if node.Left = null then
elif range.min <= node.Left.Range.min - 1L then
node.Left <- node.Left.Left
elif range.min <= node.Left.Range.max + 1L then
range <- {min = node.Left.Range.min; max = range.max}
node.Left <- node.Left.Left
// Symmetric to merge left
let rec mergeRight(node : Node) =
if node.Right = null then
elif range.max >= node.Right.Range.max + 1L then
node.Right <- node.Right.Right
elif range.max >= node.Right.Range.min - 1L then
range <- {min = range.min; max = node.Right.Range.max}
node.Right <- node.Right.Right
let (|Before|After|BeforeOverlap|AfterOverlap|Superset|Subset|) r =
if r.min > range.max + 1L then After
elif r.min >= range.min then
if r.max <= range.max then Subset
else AfterOverlap
elif r.max < range.min - 1L then Before
elif r.max <= range.max then
if r.min >= range.min then Subset
else BeforeOverlap
else Superset
member this.Insert r =
match r with
| After ->
if right = null then
right <- Node(null, null, r)
| AfterOverlap ->
range <- {min = range.min; max = r.max}
| Before ->
if left = null then
left <- Node(null, null, r)
| BeforeOverlap ->
range <- {min = r.min; max = range.max}
| Superset ->
range <- r
| Subset -> ()
member this.Left with get() : Node = left and set(x) = left <- x
member this.Right with get() : Node = right and set(x) = right <- x
member this.Range with get() : Range = range and set(x) = range <- x
static member op_Equality (a : Node, b : Node) =
a.Range = b.Range
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "%A" this.Range
type RangeTree() =
let mutable root = null
member this.Add(range) =
if root = null then
root <- Node(null, null, range)
static member fromArray(values : Range seq) =
let tree = new RangeTree()
values |> Seq.iter (fun value -> tree.Add(value))
member this.Seq
with get() =
let rec inOrder(node : Node) =
seq {
if node <> null then
yield! inOrder node.Left
yield {min = node.Range.min; max = node.Range.max}
yield! inOrder node.Right
inOrder root
let TestRange() =
printf "\n"
let source(n) =
let rnd = new Random(n)
let rand x = rnd.NextDouble() * float x |> int64
let rangeRnd() =
let a = rand 1500
{min = a; max = a + rand 15}
[|for n in 1 .. 50 do yield rangeRnd()|]
let shuffle n (array:_[]) =
let rnd = new Random(n)
for i in 0 .. array.Length - 1 do
let n = rnd.Next(i)
let temp = array.[i]
array.[i] <- array.[n]
array.[n] <- temp
let testRangeAdd n i =
let dataSet1 = source (n+0)
let dataSet2 = source (n+1)
let dataSet3 = source (n+2)
let result1 = Array.concat [dataSet1; dataSet2; dataSet3] |> shuffle (i+3) |> RangeTree.fromArray
let result2 = Array.concat [dataSet2; dataSet3; dataSet1] |> shuffle (i+4) |> RangeTree.fromArray
let result3 = Array.concat [dataSet3; dataSet1; dataSet2] |> shuffle (i+5) |> RangeTree.fromArray
let test1 = (result1.Seq, result2.Seq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let test2 = (result2.Seq, result3.Seq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let test3 = (result3.Seq, result1.Seq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let print dataSet =
dataSet |> Seq.iter (fun r -> printf "%s " <| string r)
if not (test1 && test2 && test3) then
printf "\n\nTest# %A: " n
printf "\nSource 1: %A: " (n+0)
dataSet1 |> print
printf "\nSource 2: %A: " (n+1)
dataSet2 |> print
printf "\nSource 3: %A: " (n+2)
dataSet3 |> print
printf "\nResult 1: %A: " (n+0)
result1.Seq |> print
printf "\nResult 2: %A: " (n+1)
result2.Seq |> print
printf "\nResult 3: %A: " (n+2)
result3.Seq |> print
for i in 1 .. 10 do
for n in 1 .. 1000 do
testRangeAdd n i
printf "\n%d" (i * 1000)
printf "\nDone"
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
Range 的测试用例
After (11, 14) | | <-->
AfterOverlap (10, 14) | |<--->
AfterOverlap ( 9, 14) | +---->
AfterOverlap ( 6, 14) |<--+---->
"Test Case" ( 5, 9) +---+
BeforeOverlap ( 0, 8) <----+-->|
BeforeOverlap ( 0, 5) <----+ |
BeforeOverlap ( 0, 4) <--->| |
Before ( 0, 3) <--> | |
Superset ( 4, 10) <+---+>
Subset ( 5, 9) +---+
Subset ( 6, 8) |<->|
type Range =
{ min : int64; max : int64 }
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "(%d, %d)" this.min this.max
let rangeSeqToJTree ranges =
ranges |> Seq.fold (fun tree range -> tree |> insert (range.min, range.max)) Nil
let JTreeToRangeSeq node =
let rec inOrder node =
seq {
match node with
| JNode(left, min, max, right) ->
yield! inOrder left
yield {min = min; max = max}
yield! inOrder right
| Nil -> ()
inOrder node
let TestJTree() =
printf "\n"
let source(n) =
let rnd = new Random(n)
let rand x = rnd.NextDouble() * float x |> int64
let rangeRnd() =
let a = rand 15
{min = a; max = a + rand 5}
[|for n in 1 .. 5 do yield rangeRnd()|]
let shuffle n (array:_[]) =
let rnd = new Random(n)
for i in 0 .. array.Length - 1 do
let n = rnd.Next(i)
let temp = array.[i]
array.[i] <- array.[n]
array.[n] <- temp
let testRangeAdd n i =
let dataSet1 = source (n+0)
let dataSet2 = source (n+1)
let dataSet3 = source (n+2)
let result1 = Array.concat [dataSet1; dataSet2; dataSet3] |> shuffle (i+3) |> rangeSeqToJTree
let result2 = Array.concat [dataSet2; dataSet3; dataSet1] |> shuffle (i+4) |> rangeSeqToJTree
let result3 = Array.concat [dataSet3; dataSet1; dataSet2] |> shuffle (i+5) |> rangeSeqToJTree
let test1 = (result1 |> JTreeToRangeSeq, result2 |> JTreeToRangeSeq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let test2 = (result2 |> JTreeToRangeSeq, result3 |> JTreeToRangeSeq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let test3 = (result3 |> JTreeToRangeSeq, result1 |> JTreeToRangeSeq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let print dataSet =
dataSet |> Seq.iter (fun r -> printf "%s " <| string r)
if not (test1 && test2 && test3) then
printf "\n\nTest# %A: " n
printf "\nSource 1: %A: " (n+0)
dataSet1 |> print
printf "\nSource 2: %A: " (n+1)
dataSet2 |> print
printf "\nSource 3: %A: " (n+2)
dataSet3 |> print
printf "\n\nResult 1: %A: " (n+0)
result1 |> JTreeToRangeSeq |> print
printf "\nResult 2: %A: " (n+1)
result2 |> JTreeToRangeSeq |> print
printf "\nResult 3: %A: " (n+2)
result3 |> JTreeToRangeSeq |> print
for i in 1 .. 1 do
for n in 1 .. 10 do
testRangeAdd n i
printf "\n%d" (i * 10)
printf "\nDone"
How would you convert type Node into an immutable tree?
This class implements a range tree that does not allow overlapping or adjacent ranges and instead joins them. For example if the root node is {min = 10; max = 20}
then it's right child and all its grandchildren must have a min and max value greater than 21. The max value of a range must be greater than or equal to the min. I included a test function so you can run this as is and it will dump out any cases that fail.
I recommend starting with the Insert method to read this code.
module StackOverflowQuestion
open System
type Range =
{ min : int64; max : int64 }
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "(%d, %d)" this.min this.max
type Node(left:Node, right:Node, range:Range) =
let mutable left = left
let mutable right = right
let mutable range = range
// Symmetric to clean right
let rec cleanLeft(node : Node) =
if node.Left = null then
elif range.max < node.Left.Range.min - 1L then
elif range.max <= node.Left.Range.max then
range <- {min = range.min; max = node.Left.Range.max}
node.Left <- node.Left.Right
node.Left <- node.Left.Right
// Clean right deals with merging when the node to merge with is not on the
// left outside of the tree. It travels right inside the tree looking for an
// overlapping node. If it finds one it merges the range and replaces the
// node with its left child thereby deleting it. If it finds a subset node
// it replaces it with its left child, checks it and continues looking right.
let rec cleanRight(node : Node) =
if node.Right = null then
elif range.min > node.Right.Range.max + 1L then
elif range.min >= node.Right.Range.min then
range <- {min = node.Right.Range.min; max = range.max}
node.Right <- node.Right.Left
node.Right <- node.Right.Left
// Merger left is called whenever the min value of a node decreases.
// It handles the case of left node overlap/subsets and merging/deleting them.
// When no more overlaps are found on the left nodes it calls clean right.
let rec mergeLeft(node : Node) =
if node.Left = null then
elif range.min <= node.Left.Range.min - 1L then
node.Left <- node.Left.Left
elif range.min <= node.Left.Range.max + 1L then
range <- {min = node.Left.Range.min; max = range.max}
node.Left <- node.Left.Left
// Symmetric to merge left
let rec mergeRight(node : Node) =
if node.Right = null then
elif range.max >= node.Right.Range.max + 1L then
node.Right <- node.Right.Right
elif range.max >= node.Right.Range.min - 1L then
range <- {min = range.min; max = node.Right.Range.max}
node.Right <- node.Right.Right
let (|Before|After|BeforeOverlap|AfterOverlap|Superset|Subset|) r =
if r.min > range.max + 1L then After
elif r.min >= range.min then
if r.max <= range.max then Subset
else AfterOverlap
elif r.max < range.min - 1L then Before
elif r.max <= range.max then
if r.min >= range.min then Subset
else BeforeOverlap
else Superset
member this.Insert r =
match r with
| After ->
if right = null then
right <- Node(null, null, r)
| AfterOverlap ->
range <- {min = range.min; max = r.max}
| Before ->
if left = null then
left <- Node(null, null, r)
| BeforeOverlap ->
range <- {min = r.min; max = range.max}
| Superset ->
range <- r
| Subset -> ()
member this.Left with get() : Node = left and set(x) = left <- x
member this.Right with get() : Node = right and set(x) = right <- x
member this.Range with get() : Range = range and set(x) = range <- x
static member op_Equality (a : Node, b : Node) =
a.Range = b.Range
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "%A" this.Range
type RangeTree() =
let mutable root = null
member this.Add(range) =
if root = null then
root <- Node(null, null, range)
static member fromArray(values : Range seq) =
let tree = new RangeTree()
values |> Seq.iter (fun value -> tree.Add(value))
member this.Seq
with get() =
let rec inOrder(node : Node) =
seq {
if node <> null then
yield! inOrder node.Left
yield {min = node.Range.min; max = node.Range.max}
yield! inOrder node.Right
inOrder root
let TestRange() =
printf "\n"
let source(n) =
let rnd = new Random(n)
let rand x = rnd.NextDouble() * float x |> int64
let rangeRnd() =
let a = rand 1500
{min = a; max = a + rand 15}
[|for n in 1 .. 50 do yield rangeRnd()|]
let shuffle n (array:_[]) =
let rnd = new Random(n)
for i in 0 .. array.Length - 1 do
let n = rnd.Next(i)
let temp = array.[i]
array.[i] <- array.[n]
array.[n] <- temp
let testRangeAdd n i =
let dataSet1 = source (n+0)
let dataSet2 = source (n+1)
let dataSet3 = source (n+2)
let result1 = Array.concat [dataSet1; dataSet2; dataSet3] |> shuffle (i+3) |> RangeTree.fromArray
let result2 = Array.concat [dataSet2; dataSet3; dataSet1] |> shuffle (i+4) |> RangeTree.fromArray
let result3 = Array.concat [dataSet3; dataSet1; dataSet2] |> shuffle (i+5) |> RangeTree.fromArray
let test1 = (result1.Seq, result2.Seq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let test2 = (result2.Seq, result3.Seq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let test3 = (result3.Seq, result1.Seq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let print dataSet =
dataSet |> Seq.iter (fun r -> printf "%s " <| string r)
if not (test1 && test2 && test3) then
printf "\n\nTest# %A: " n
printf "\nSource 1: %A: " (n+0)
dataSet1 |> print
printf "\nSource 2: %A: " (n+1)
dataSet2 |> print
printf "\nSource 3: %A: " (n+2)
dataSet3 |> print
printf "\nResult 1: %A: " (n+0)
result1.Seq |> print
printf "\nResult 2: %A: " (n+1)
result2.Seq |> print
printf "\nResult 3: %A: " (n+2)
result3.Seq |> print
for i in 1 .. 10 do
for n in 1 .. 1000 do
testRangeAdd n i
printf "\n%d" (i * 1000)
printf "\nDone"
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
Test cases for Range
After (11, 14) | | <-->
AfterOverlap (10, 14) | |<--->
AfterOverlap ( 9, 14) | +---->
AfterOverlap ( 6, 14) |<--+---->
"Test Case" ( 5, 9) +---+
BeforeOverlap ( 0, 8) <----+-->|
BeforeOverlap ( 0, 5) <----+ |
BeforeOverlap ( 0, 4) <--->| |
Before ( 0, 3) <--> | |
Superset ( 4, 10) <+---+>
Subset ( 5, 9) +---+
Subset ( 6, 8) |<->|
This is not an answer.
I adapted my test case to run against Juliet's code. It fails on a number of cases however I do see it passing some test.
type Range =
{ min : int64; max : int64 }
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "(%d, %d)" this.min this.max
let rangeSeqToJTree ranges =
ranges |> Seq.fold (fun tree range -> tree |> insert (range.min, range.max)) Nil
let JTreeToRangeSeq node =
let rec inOrder node =
seq {
match node with
| JNode(left, min, max, right) ->
yield! inOrder left
yield {min = min; max = max}
yield! inOrder right
| Nil -> ()
inOrder node
let TestJTree() =
printf "\n"
let source(n) =
let rnd = new Random(n)
let rand x = rnd.NextDouble() * float x |> int64
let rangeRnd() =
let a = rand 15
{min = a; max = a + rand 5}
[|for n in 1 .. 5 do yield rangeRnd()|]
let shuffle n (array:_[]) =
let rnd = new Random(n)
for i in 0 .. array.Length - 1 do
let n = rnd.Next(i)
let temp = array.[i]
array.[i] <- array.[n]
array.[n] <- temp
let testRangeAdd n i =
let dataSet1 = source (n+0)
let dataSet2 = source (n+1)
let dataSet3 = source (n+2)
let result1 = Array.concat [dataSet1; dataSet2; dataSet3] |> shuffle (i+3) |> rangeSeqToJTree
let result2 = Array.concat [dataSet2; dataSet3; dataSet1] |> shuffle (i+4) |> rangeSeqToJTree
let result3 = Array.concat [dataSet3; dataSet1; dataSet2] |> shuffle (i+5) |> rangeSeqToJTree
let test1 = (result1 |> JTreeToRangeSeq, result2 |> JTreeToRangeSeq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let test2 = (result2 |> JTreeToRangeSeq, result3 |> JTreeToRangeSeq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let test3 = (result3 |> JTreeToRangeSeq, result1 |> JTreeToRangeSeq) ||> Seq.forall2 (fun a b -> a.min = b.min && a.max = b.max)
let print dataSet =
dataSet |> Seq.iter (fun r -> printf "%s " <| string r)
if not (test1 && test2 && test3) then
printf "\n\nTest# %A: " n
printf "\nSource 1: %A: " (n+0)
dataSet1 |> print
printf "\nSource 2: %A: " (n+1)
dataSet2 |> print
printf "\nSource 3: %A: " (n+2)
dataSet3 |> print
printf "\n\nResult 1: %A: " (n+0)
result1 |> JTreeToRangeSeq |> print
printf "\nResult 2: %A: " (n+1)
result2 |> JTreeToRangeSeq |> print
printf "\nResult 3: %A: " (n+2)
result3 |> JTreeToRangeSeq |> print
for i in 1 .. 1 do
for n in 1 .. 10 do
testRangeAdd n i
printf "\n%d" (i * 10)
printf "\nDone"
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表演还是比较有趣的。当插入主要发生冲突并合并在一起的范围时,可变版本更快,而如果插入主要不重叠的节点并填充树,则不可变版本更快。我见过性能双向波动最多 100%。
Got it working! I think the hardest part was figuring out how to make recursive calls on children while passing state back up the stack.
Performance is rather interesting. When inserting mainly ranges that collide and get merged together the mutable version is faster while if you insert mainly none overlapping nodes and fill out the tree the immutable version is faster. I've seen performance swing a max of 100% both ways.
Here's the complete code.
LR- 和 LR-超集情况很有趣,因为当您插入范围已包含其他节点的节点时,它需要合并/删除节点。
JTree = Juliet Tree :)
overlaps left
和overlaps right
案例已正确实现,但其他情况应该是正确的。It looks like you're defining a binary tree which is basically a union of a bunch of ranges. So, you have the following scenarios:
The L- R- and LR-superset cases are interesting because it requires merging/deleting nodes when you insert a node whose range already contains other nodes.
The following is hastily written and not tested very well, but appears to satisfy the simple definition above:
JTree = Juliet Tree :) The
function does all the heavy lifting. It'll merge as far as possible down the left spine, then as far as possible down the right spine.I'm not wholly convinced that my
overlaps left
andoverlaps right
cases are implemented properly, but the other cases should be correct.