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闻呓 2024-08-21 10:04:49



I can't see that there is anyway to prevent someone to using a chess engine to assist them, unless you can observe the player.

You might have some luck protecting against fully automated bots, though.

花桑 2024-08-21 10:04:49

在线扑克网站使用与您所描述的类似的反机器人措施。我推荐系列文章 我如何构建一个可用的扑克机器人,很好地概述了这些系统如何工作以及它们如何被击败。

我同意其他人的观点,即你无法采取太多措施来阻止最专心的作弊者,但你也许可以防止随意作弊。 (当然,这样做的问题是,专门的作弊者将统治您的网站。)

Online poker sites use anti-bot measures similar to what you're describing. I recommend the series of articles How I Built a Working Poker Bot for a good overview of how these systems work, and how they are defeated.

I agree with the others who said that there's not much you can do to stop the most dedicated cheaters, but you might be able to prevent casual cheating. (The problem with that, of course, is that then the dedicated cheaters will rule your site.)

瞄了个咪的 2024-08-21 10:04:49


Many chess computers work to formulas and end game books, so they will often play the same move in a particular situation. You could run users game history through a variety of chess computers and see if the users chosen moves after the opening moves have correlation with how the various chess computers play. This could be used to highlight users that are using chess computers.

刘备忘录 2024-08-21 10:04:49


我赞同 JesperE 所说的,在得出意见之前,你必须先观察这个人一段时间。

Sites like chesscube monitors you for some time if you comes under the radar of suspicion. They monitor how much time you are taking for hard moves and relative simple moves. If there isn't some serious difference, they may conclude you are cheating. Also I believe they implement some method to check the shifting between windows, however I'm not sure about what they use for it. But I personally know guys who had been banned. So their method is pretty good.

I second what JesperE say, You have to monitor the guy for sometime before arriving on an opinion.

岁月静好 2024-08-21 10:04:49


As a holder of a similar site, I would suggest just to let them be. If you are not intended to monetize the bets, the cheaters will move to their level of Chess program that plays for them, and fall off.
Best practice is to keep several player rooms according to level, thus cheaters will even be welcomed, allowing strong players to reach out to higher level, and adding practice to rookies.

烂柯人 2024-08-21 10:04:49


在社交方面,有很多。例如,我见过的所有在线棋盘游戏服务器都会公开用户的输赢记录,并据此计算用户的排名。这不是鼓励人们想要获胜吗?相反,我会记录所有比赛,但不会在任何地方呈现输赢记录(真正的国际象棋锦标赛中有人知道他们赢了/输了多少场比赛吗?)。将排名设为用户输入的数字,仅用于寻找合适的合作伙伴,因此简单地显示 5000 的排名是没有意义的。如果你需要某种“用户评分”,那么添加一个评论系统,让用户评论其他人的游戏动作,然后让其他用户对评论进行评分。评论是我还没有看到计算机智能地做的一件事,所以你可以假设它来自真人。

Technically, there's nothing I can think of you can do.

Socially, there's a lot. For example, all of the online board game servers I've seen make very public the user's win/loss record, and compute the user's rank from that. Doesn't that just encourage people to want to win? Instead, I'd record all games, but not present a win/loss record anywhere (does anybody at a real chess tournament know how many games they've won/lost ever?). Make rank a user-entered number, used for the purposes of finding an appropriate partner only, so simply showing rating of 5000 is meaningless. If you need to have some kind of 'user rating', then add a commentary system, to let users comment on moves of other people's games, and then let other users rate the comments. Commentary is one thing I haven't seen computers do intelligently yet, so it's something you can probably assume comes from a real person.

强者自强 2024-08-21 10:04:49

我建议他们在后面安装一个网络摄像头,但稍微偏左,这样你就可以看到他们是否打开了另一个窗口,例如国际象棋引擎,作为国际象棋大师(在加拿大排名第五),我对自己如何失败感到困惑经常在互联网上与玩家对抗(讽刺的是,每当我击败引擎用户时,我就会立即被指控作弊),但除了加拿大乡村锦标赛中的顶尖玩家之外,我永远不会输给任何人,那里有最好的最好的选手。区别?当我盯着他们走棋时,那些人无法使用国际象棋引擎。你们这些作弊的人,我不明白这一点,你们没有获胜,你们没有在游戏中提升自己,你们所做的只是浪费时间模仿电脑,你们甚至没有分析棋盘!我只玩 5 分钟的游戏和闪电战,因为这些作弊者无法在如此短的时间内有效地使用他们的引擎,但这不是国际象棋应该玩的方式,你应该考虑你的动作。

I would suggest having them have a webcam behind them but slightly to the left so you could see if they were pulling up another window such as a chess engine, as a chess master (rated 5th in Canada) I was baffled at how I was losing against players so frequently on the internet (the high timed games, ironically whenever I beat an engine user I was immediately accused of cheating) yet I would never lose to anyone except those top players in Canada's country tournaments where the best of the best were there. The difference? Those people couldn't use a chess engine while I was staring them down as they made their move. All you people that cheat, I fail to see the point, you aren't winning, you aren't furthering yourselves in the games, all you are doing is wasting your time mimicing a computer, you aren't even analyzing the board! I only play 5 minute games and blitz because these cheaters can't efficiantly use their engines in such a short time period but this is not how chess is supposed to be played you are supposed to think about you moves.

划一舟意中人 2024-08-21 10:04:49


根据您对用户正在玩的计算机的访问权限,您可以扫描他的进程列表中是否有已知的国际象棋程序,如果看到一个就踢他......但不能保证他实际上以这种方式使用它你描述的,如果他有双显示器或 KVM,他总是可以在单独的计算机上使用它。




Nothing effective.

Depending on how much access you have to the computer the user is playing on, you can scan his process list for known chess programs and kick him if you see one... but there is no guarantee that he is actually using it in the manner you describe, and he can always use it on a separate computer if he has duel displays or a KVM.

Cheaters will find a way to cheat.

The good news in this case, is that the computer programs for chess are reasonably beatable unless they are running on some serious hardware.

Good luck.

情仇皆在手 2024-08-21 10:04:49


You can theoretically prevent the automatic relaying of moves (but doing it manually is not much of an obstacle unless you're playing speed chess), perhaps even prevent any chess programs to be run on the same machine. But IMO that's a waste of effort, because you'll never be able to prevent people from running a chess program on a different machine sitting next to them.

伤感在游骋 2024-08-21 10:04:49

我对这个环境不是很熟悉。但也许 CAPTCHA 有助于阻止自动化机器人。您还可以为您的用户生成统计数据(游戏获胜/失败/平均移动速度等)。最初的动作应该很快,但随着复杂性的增加,后来的动作应该更慢。这样你就可以突出显示作弊者,监视他们,甚至可以像维基百科对某些编辑器所做的那样禁止他们的帐户。你甚至可以像 stackoverflow 那样建立一个基于积分的系统,将已知的好/干净的玩家列入白名单。

Im not very familiar with this enviroment. But maybe CAPTCHA would help stop automated robots. You could also generate statistics for your users (games won/lost/average speed to move, etc). The first movements should be fast, but later on the movements should be slower as complexity increases. so you can highlight cheaters, monitor them and maybe ban their accounts as Wikipedia does with some editors. You could even make a point based system as stackoverflow does, to whitelist known good/clean players.

〆凄凉。 2024-08-21 10:04:49

我看不出有什么方法可以阻止这种情况的发生 - 几乎无论你做什么,作弊者仍然能够手动“复制”其他玩家所做的动作(如果需要,复制到另一台计算机)。

如何使用社交机制来阻止此类玩家?从长远来看,这种作弊行为本身对于作弊者来说显然是相当无益的 - 如果您可以找到并消除/保护作弊者可能能够利用此来进行攻击的任何潜在收益(例如有奖品的排名锦标赛),那么你至少应该能够降低作弊者的比例,让大多数其他用户享受“真正的”国际象棋游戏。

I cant see any way of stopping this from happening - pretty much whatever you do the cheater will still be able to manually "copy" the move that the other player has made (to another computer if necessary).

How about somehow using social mechanisms to discourage these sorts of players? Cheating in this way is obviously in itself fairly unrewarding in the long term for the cheater - if you can find and eliminate / safeguard any potential gain (for example ranked tournaments with prizes) that the cheater might be able to use this to explit against, then you should at least be able to keep the percentage of cheaters down allowing most other users to enjoy "genuine" chess games.

贪了杯 2024-08-21 10:04:49

我不知道具体细节,但我确信您可以获得有关以这种方式作弊的玩家行为的统计数据 - 换句话说,找到作弊者的共同点(回合长度、一致性等)并让您的应用程序自动找到这些玩家,并对看起来可疑的玩家放置“红旗”。然后你可以亲自检查它们(或让其他人做),看看它们是否确实看起来可疑。如果是这样,请禁止他们。


I don't know the specifics, but I'm sure you could get statistics about the behavior of players that cheat this way--in other words, find things that the cheaters have in common (length of turns, consistency, etc) and have your application automatically find those and put a "red flag" on players that look suspicious. Then you can personally review them (or have someone else do it) and see if indeed they look suspicious. If so, ban them.

Other than that, there is really not much you can do unfortunately. The above suggestion is a lot of work, so unless you're willing to put in the hours to create such a system, I wouldn't even bother with it. Whatever barriers you put up, determined cheaters will get around them.

没有伤那来痛 2024-08-21 10:04:49

我在 chess.com 上有两个帐户。第一个是我用来作弊的。我有 rybka deep 3,这是我所知道的最可怕的国际象棋程序。以此账户我玩了 70 场比赛,输了 8 场。其中有 6 次时间已经不多了。另外两个来自于扮演两个总经理。我永远不会用它参加锦标赛,因为这对我来说只是越界,但我在常规评级游戏中疯狂作弊。我这样做不是因为我想赢。我这样做是因为我想看看谁能打败这个程序。击败它的两位总经理。这是我见过的最伟大的国际象棋游戏之一。在那之后他们再也没有赢过,在那之后我和他们打了很多比赛。我还有另一个账户,这是我的合法账户,可以平衡我的良心。我介于初级和中级之间。无论如何,优秀的玩家可以辨别出某人何时使用竞争程序。我因为作弊而被指控十几次,因为莱布卡的一些动作简直就是神圣的。我之前曾因作弊而在 chess.com 上被禁止过一次。这很糟糕,因为我在那里保存了一些史诗般的游戏,但在我的新帐户上,我已经有大约 3 个月了,现在还没有被禁止。也许是因为我玩的人认为这是一个挑战,而不是他们被骗了。我不知道,但我很快就会开始故意失败,以落入雷达之下 xD。因此,如果你想抓住一个作弊者,那么最好寻找具有荒谬统计数据的人,例如 80 场比赛、9 场输球、3 平局,评分为 2200+(如果你使用的是常规国际象棋评分系统)。

I have two accounts on chess.com. The first one i use to cheat. I have rybka deep 3 which is the most beastly chess program i know. On this account i have played 70games and lost 8times. 6 of those times are to time running out. The other two was from playing two GMs. I would never enter a tournament with it because thats just crossing the line for me but regular rated game i cheat like crazy. I don't do it because i want to win. I do it because i want to see who can beat this program. The two GMs that beat it. It was one of the greatest chess games ive ever seen. They never won after that and i played them a lot after that. I have another account which is my legit account that balances out my conscience. Im more in between beginner and intermediate. Anyways great players can tell when someone is using a comp program. Ive been accused like a dozen times for cheating because some of the moves rybka pulls are just straight godly. I have gotten banned once before on chess.com for cheating. It sucked cuz I had some epic games saved on there but on my new account that i have for about 3months now has not been banned. Maybe because the people i play see it as a challenge than them getting duped. IDK but ill soon start losing on purpose to fall under the radar xD. So if you want to catch a cheater ill say look for people with ridiculous stats like 80games, 9losses, 3draws with ratings of 2200+(If youre using the regular chess rating system).

飘过的浮云 2024-08-21 10:04:49

除了使用相关方法和 Banhammer 之外,您无法采取太多措施来防止作弊。一旦他们被禁止或更好,你可以让他们很难获得新帐户,但只需将他们与其他作弊者透明地匹配即可。最终他们会感到无聊。虽然这确实取决于您拥有多少访问权限,但我见过一些 Java 小程序,它们可以有效地创建类似于苹果 UDID 的硬件配置文件的哈希值,然后还有 cookie。将被禁止的帐户电子邮件哈希值与其他登录 cookie 中的字符串进行匹配也不会太困难。将其提升到一个新的水平,如果您有一个本地运行的应用程序,您还可以查看进程列表。不过现在看来这可能有点过时了。

There isn't much you can do to prevent cheating other than using correlative methods and a banhammer. You can make it very difficult for them to get a new account once they are banned or better yet just match them up against other cheaters transparently. Eventually they'll get bored. While it does depend on how much access you have, I've seen some java applets that will effectively create a hash of hardware profiles similar to apples UDID, and then theres cookies. Matching banned account email hashes to strings in other login cookies wouldn't be too difficult either. Taking it to the next level, if you had an app running locally you could also peek at the process list. Looks like this might be a bit dated by now though.

ぇ气 2024-08-21 10:04:49








这些问题是根本性的,比国际象棋问题要复杂得多,要解决国际象棋问题,就必须解决根本性问题。社会和人类必须改变。因为这种情况不会很快发生,而且对于 99.9% 的人来说,这个问题太复杂了,无法理解(大多数人都忙于阅读圣经,寻找永远不起作用的答案),对于任何了解作弊后果的人来说,最好的做法是就是不作弊,并尽最大努力与作弊者一起生活。


例如,假设您可以将世界分为两组。作弊者和非作弊者。你可以将两者隔离。骗子最终会消亡,因为他们不做任何有价值的事情。它们实际上是寄生虫,需要宿主来维持生命。移除主机,他们就会死(这在现实世界中不会发生,因为他们可以茁壮成长并且做得很好,因为非作弊者通常不知道这一事实并且不愿意做出艰难的选择。(例如,如果丈夫是一个骗子,而妻子不是,她通常会和他在一起,而不是离开他……或者更好的是,从一开始就不嫁给一个骗子(这很困难,但如果基督教不让它变得如此困难的话,这会更容易)。 )


我做了什么?当我意识到这个游戏有超过 25% 的作弊者时,我就​​退出了。我知道我从中一无所获。骗子的所作所为并不会变得更好。他们作弊是因为他们很糟糕,无法接受世界上有更好的人的事实。这又回到了社会,因为社会创造了这些感觉(例如体育运动……只要打开电视,你就会看到有人在谈论 X 如何如此伟大,因为他做了 Y……这潜意识里让你觉得你并不伟大,尽管你很伟大,因为你在这个星球上甚至可能是银河系的智力中排名前 0.00000000001%)。

游戏应该是关于学习的。当你作弊时,你就不会学习。社会已经忘记了这一点,而是取笑那些在某些方面不如其他人的人……但这几乎完全是由于时间。擅长 X 的人投入了大量的时间。骗子不明白这一点。他们首先认为对方一定是作弊,因为“我怎么会输??!?!我是天才!他们一定是作弊!我也会作弊!我得救了,我会去天堂!所以没关系!” ”。




  1. 不要作弊,否则你会变得像他们一样,走向黑暗面……这只是暂时的乐趣,因为这就是它在你身上扎根的方式。

  2. 如果您与其他人玩任何类型的游戏,就会预料到他们会作弊。如果他们不是骗子,那么他们就不会生气。当有人指责我作弊时,我将其视为一种恭维,因为这意味着我比他们更好(好吧,这是自我意识,但没关系,因为我不认为这是针对个人的;)

  3. 与作弊者一起玩只会让你变得更好。想象一下 chess.com 上 99% 的人都作弊……而你却没有。你会变得更好,因为你会学习策略。那么他们在现实世界中就无法击败你。真正的交易总是比美国和基督教强加给我们的假合成垃圾更好。

  4. 最终这并不重要。你快要死了。人生只有一个目标,那就是超越。要知道,如果你反对作弊,你就已经比作弊者走得更远了。但这不是游戏,帮助他们超越,世界和来世都会更好。

或者你也可以像我一样搬到一个大荒岛上,让这个邪恶的世界自欺欺人!我会邀请你留下来,但前提是你能向我证明你不是骗子! ;)

The only solution is to show that cheating does not do anything beneficial for humanity and to show to cheaters that humanity is more important then some ego based reward they get from cheating. You cannot detect a computer vs human in all cases without putting them in a isolated room with no way to cheat. There are very good players, are they cheaters?

The reason there are cheaters is because society has allowed cheaters to exist and perpetuate and benefit.

Ask yourself, why does a person cheat? Self-worth? money?

When a society doesn't fulfill the needs that every human being needs the human beings find ways to do so.

e.g., if you are poor and can cheat at something(e.g., politics), become "wealthy", get a hot wife, famous, etc... then you are likely to do that.

In a perfect society everyone is equally wealthy and everyone works to help each other. There are no famous people because that creates an imbalance and everyone realizes that. There are no ugly or hot people because everyone is what they are. There are no fat people either because everyone works out to be healthy and not to be a drain on society(which makes them look better).

America and Christianity(and just about every other religion) have created a huge inversion of morality. By focusing on materialism, imaginary scenarios of life after death(Santa Clause and Tooth Fairy stuff just wrapped up in a guy named Jesus and a book instead of a Tooth).

The problems are fundamental and much more than chess and to solve the chess problem one must solve the fundamental problem. Society and humanity must change. Since this won't happen any time soon and is too complex a problem for 99.9% people to grasp(most are too busy reading their bible for answers that never work) the best thing to do for any individual that understands the consequences of cheating is to simply not cheat and life with the cheaters the best they can.

Don't go to the dark side and things will eventually get better. Cheaters cheat... they cheat each everyone, themselves, and life and there are consequences.

e.g., suppose you could divide the world up in to two groups. Cheaters and non-cheaters. You could isolate both. The cheaters would eventually die out because they don't do anything worth while. They are effectively parasites and need a host to life. Remove the host and they die(it doesn't happen in the real world because they can thrive and do quite well, because the non-cheaters are generally ignorant of the fact and unwilling to make hard choices. (e.g., if a husband is a cheater and the wife isn't, she usually stays with him rather than leaving him... or better yet, never marrying a cheater in the first place(which is hard but easier if Christianity didn't make it so hard).)

I'll give you an example: I used to play counter strike(a first person shooter) when it came out. There was obvious cheating going on and I knew it(it's impossible for humans to do certain things, just physics). I did research and found some bots and started cheating myself. When I suspected cheating I would use the bot. Guess what?!?! Sometimes I would lose! Bots are nearly perfect and instantaneous... yet I would lose! That means there are other cheaters! I would call them out and tell them I am cheating and that they are too. Most would say they weren't but I had a few admit they were.

What did I do? I quit playing the game when I realized it was more than 25% cheaters. I knew that I got nothing out of it. Cheaters don't get better at what they do. They cheat because they suck and can't handle the fact that there are better people in the world. Which goes back to society, because society creates these feels(sports, for example... just turn on TV and you'll see someone talking about how X is so great because he did Y... and it subconsciously makes you feel like you are not great, even though you are because your in the top 0.00000000001% of intelligence on this planet and probably galaxy).

Games are suppose to be about learning. When you cheat you don't learn. Society has forgot that and instead make fun of people that are not as good at something as someone else... but this is almost solely due to time. People good at X put in a ton of time in it. Cheaters don't get that. They first think the other person must be cheating because "How could I lose??!?! I am a genius! They must be cheating! I will cheat too! I'm saved, I will go to heaven! So it's ok!".

Think about it!

If people were completely honest and cared about everyone else(because it matters), we wouldn't have: Murders, cheaters, scammers, captchas, passwords, rich/poor, iOS(ok, joking ;), etc...

It can be done but only through enlightenment. When people learn the world isn't flat, that it takes two to tango, etc then we will get beyond all this mess. Until then, we can only work on trying to make it better:

  1. Don't cheat or you become like them and go to the dark side... which is only fun temporarily cause that's how it gets its teeth in you.

  2. If you play any type of game with others expect that they will be cheating. If they are not cheaters, then they won't get mad. When someone accuses me of cheating I take it as a compliment because it means I am better than they are(well, that's ego but it's ok because I don't take it personally ;)

  3. Playing with cheaters only makes you better. Imagine 99% of people on chess.com cheating... and you don't. You will get better because you will learn strategy. They can't beat you in the real world then. The real deal is always better than the fake synthetic crap that America and Christianity pushes down our throats.

  4. Ultimately it doesn't matter. You are going on die. There is only one purpose in life and that's to transcend. Know that if you are against cheating you are already further along than cheaters. But it's not a game, help them transcend and the world and after life will be better.

Or you can move to a large deserted island like me and just allow the bad world to cheat itself to death! I'd invite you to stay but only if you can prove to me that you aren't a cheater! ;)

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