CLR 上的 Scala
Scala 主页说 Scala 1.4 可以在 .NET 框架上运行 - 现在 Scala 在 CLR 上的状态如何?有人在做这方面的工作吗?我认为它与 GTK# 和 Mono 结合起来会成为一个很棒的 GUI 工具......
The Scala homepage says that Scala 1.4 was runnable on the .NET framework - what is the status of Scala on the CLR now? Is anyone working on it? I think it would make a great GUI tool combined with GTK# and Mono...
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目前,它不起作用。然而,有一些资金(我听说微软,但我没有确认)让它在 CLR 上运行,所以我们正在进行持续的努力,其目标似乎是在 Scala 2.8 发布时提供基本功能。
我所说的“基本”是指它应该运行并生成代码,但不会有太多特定于 CLR 的测试,并且它不应该利用任何特定于 CLR 的功能或库。
编辑:这是对它没有被放弃这一事实的具体引用。这是 Scala 团队发送到 Scala Internals 邮件列表的定期进度报告之一的片段。我选择这个只是因为它是最近一次提到它的(12 天前,我写这篇文章的时候),但任何看过它们的人都会发现,2010 年第一学期的报告中经常提到这一点。
Presently, it is not working. However, there is some funding (I heard Microsoft, but I have no confirmation) to get it working on the CLR, so there's an on-going effort, which seems to be aiming at basic functionality available by the time Scala 2.8 is out.
By "basic" I mean it should run and produce code, but there's not going to be much CLR-specific tests, and it shouldn't take any advantage of CLR-specific features or libraries.
At any rate, at the moment, it is not abandoned.
EDIT: Here is a specific reference to the fact it's not abandoned. This is a snippet from one of the regular progress reports the Scala team sends to the Scala Internals mailing list. I picked this one simply because it's the most recent one mentioning it (12 days ago at the time I'm writing this), but anyone looking at them will see this has been referred to regularly on the reports of the first semester of 2010.
Scala 在 CLR 上的地位是……寒酸。除非他们从 2.7.3 开始就在它上面投入了大量的精力(并且在变更日志中没有证据表明这一点,尽管我还没有实际测试过它),否则它:
必须用手进行 ilasm (!)
它的维护程度是他们继续将 Java 编译器的修订合并到 MSIL 编译器中,但除此之外我想说它已经垂死了。
The status of Scala on the CLR is... shabby. Unless they've worked heavily on it since 2.7.3 (and there's no evidence of this in the changelogs, though I haven't actually tested it), it:
have to ilasm by hand (!)
several language and library features
(like structural types and parser
It's being maintained to the extent that they're continuing to merge revisions from the Java compiler into the MSIL compiler, but other than that I'd say it's moribund.
2011 年 7 月 18 日在 上接受采访时:
In an interview on on 18th July 2011:
Link: The inteview
Link: Binaries
Martin Odersky 在 SE Radio 采访中说道(2011 年 1 月):
他在第 15 分钟开始谈论 .NET。
Martin Odersky says in this SE Radio interview (January 2011):
He starts talking about .NET at the 15 minute mark.
鉴于 JVM 上的 Scala 版本为 2.7(并且 2.8 即将推出),我不认为它会得到维护。
另请参阅此 StackOverflow 问题(2009 年 4 月开始),其中包含更多详细信息。
Given that Scala on the JVM is at version 2.7 (and 2.8 is imminent), I don't believe this is being maintained.
See also this StackOverflow question (from April 2009), which has more details.
还值得注意的是 F# 的出现限制了微软对 Scala 的兴趣,因为他们现在拥有了自己的“受祝福的”函数式语言。 NIH。
It's also probably worth noting that the advent of F# has limited Microsoft's interest in Scala, in that they now have a "blessed" functional language of their own. NIH.