The following instructions will set it up so that when a customer purchases a certain product, a specific tax rate will be applied according to the state listed in their delivery address.
Locations/Taxes > Zones
Look over the existing zones (states/provinces) in the admin. If yours is in here, skip this step.
Click new zone.
Set the Zone Name to the State name
Set Zones Code as State code abbreviation. (e.g. NY for New York)
Locations/Taxes > Tax Zones
Click insert
Enter a Zone Name
Click insert
On your newly created tax zone, click on the folder icon.
Click insert
Select the relevant country from the first drop down list
Select the zone as created in the previous section (Locations/Taxes > Zones)
Click insert
Locations/Taxes > Tax Classes
Click new tax class
Enter a Tax Class Title
Click insert
Locations/Taxes > Tax Rates
Click new tax rate
Select a Tax Class Title created earlier
Select the relevant Zone, also created earlier
Enter the tax rate you want to apply for this particular tax zoning
Enter "1" for Priority
Click insert
Select and edit the product(s) that will be affected by the new tax zone.
In the Tax Class section, select your newly created tax zone and enter the markup and costings as appropriate.
Now, when a registered customer views and adds to cart the product, and their delivery state matches the tax zone specifications you've set up, they will see this tax rate applied to the product.
For all other customers, they will not see the additional tax rate.
You cannot, without modification, set up more than one tax zone on a product.
地点/税费 >税区
位置/税金 > 区域税类
The following instructions will set it up so that when a customer purchases a certain product, a specific tax rate will be applied according to the state listed in their delivery address.
Locations/Taxes > Zones
Look over the existing zones (states/provinces) in the admin. If yours is in here, skip this step.
Locations/Taxes > Tax Zones
On your newly created tax zone, click on the folder icon.
Locations/Taxes > Tax Classes
Locations/Taxes > Tax Rates
Select and edit the product(s) that will be affected by the new tax zone.
In the Tax Class section, select your newly created tax zone and enter the markup and costings as appropriate.
Now, when a registered customer views and adds to cart the product, and their delivery state matches the tax zone specifications you've set up, they will see this tax rate applied to the product.
For all other customers, they will not see the additional tax rate.
You cannot, without modification, set up more than one tax zone on a product.