解决 N 皇后问题...我们能走多远?

发布于 2024-08-14 01:53:02 字数 1215 浏览 6 评论 0 原文

N 皇后问题:

该问题指出,给定一个大小为 N × N 的棋盘,找到可以将 N 个皇后放置在棋盘上且没有任何一个互相威胁的不同排列。

程序可以在合理的时间内计算出答案的 N 最大值是多少?或者说到目前为止我们见过的最大的 N 是多少?

这是我在 CLPFD(Prolog) 中的程序:

generate([H|T],N) :-
   H in 1..N ,

lenlist(L,N) :-

lenlist([_|T],P,N) :-
   P1 is P+1,

queens(N,L) :-

notattack(X,Xs) :-

notattack(X,[Y|Ys],N) :-
   X #\= Y,
   X #\= Y - N,
   X #\= Y + N,
   N1 is N + 1,

safe([F|T]) :-

这个程序工作得很好,但是它所花费的时间随着 N 的增加而不断增加。 下面是一个执行示例:

?- queens(4,L).

L = [2, 4, 1, 3] ;

L = [3, 1, 4, 2] ;


这意味着您将 4 个皇后放置在第 1 列的第 2 行、第 2 列的第 4 行、第 1 行的第 3 列和第 3 行的第 4 列。(在 4 × 4 的棋盘中)

对于 N=4,5.....10 一秒内计算
对于 N=11-30 需要 -1-3 秒
对于 N=40..50 仍然在一分钟内计算
当 N=60 时,它会退出全局堆栈(搜索空间巨大)。

这是过去的家庭作业问题。 (最初的问题只是编写 N-Queens 代码)


The N-Queens Problem:

This problem states that given a chess board of size N by N, find the different permutations in which N queens can be placed on the board without any one threatening each other.

My question is:
What is the maximum value of N for which a program can calculate the answer in reasonable amount of time? Or what is the largest N we have seen so far?

Here is my program in CLPFD(Prolog):

generate([H|T],N) :-
   H in 1..N ,

lenlist(L,N) :-

lenlist([_|T],P,N) :-
   P1 is P+1,

queens(N,L) :-

notattack(X,Xs) :-

notattack(X,[Y|Ys],N) :-
   X #\= Y,
   X #\= Y - N,
   X #\= Y + N,
   N1 is N + 1,

safe([F|T]) :-

This program works just fine, but the the time it takes keeps on increasing with N.
Here is a sample execution:

?- queens(4,L).

L = [2, 4, 1, 3] ;

L = [3, 1, 4, 2] ;


This means you place the 4 queens at Row 2 in Column1, Row 4 in Column 2, Row 1 in 3 and Row 3 in 4.(In a 4 By 4 chess board)

Now lets see how this program performs(Time taken in calculating the first permutation):
For N=4,5.....10 Computes within a second
For N=11-30 Takes between -1-3 seconds
For N=40..50 Still calculates within a minute
At N=60 It goes out of Global stack(Search space being enormous).

This was a past Homework problem. (The original problem was just to code N-Queens)

I am also interested in seeing alternate implementations in other languages(which performs better than my implementation) or If there is room for improvement in my algorithm/program

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十二 2024-08-21 01:53:02

此讨论合并了三个不同的计算问题:(1) 找到 N 个皇后问题的解决方案,(2) 列出某个固定 N 的所有解决方案,以及 (3) 计算某个固定 N 的所有解决方案。第一个问题看起来很棘手首先对于板的尺寸,例如N=8。然而,正如维基百科所建议的,在某些关键方面,当 N 很大时,这很容易。大棋盘上的皇后们之间的交流并不多。除了内存限制之外,随着 N 的增加,启发式修复算法的工作也越来越容易。


这个问题最有趣的版本是计算解决方案。最先进的技术在名为整数序列百科全书的精彩参考文献中进行了总结。已计算至 N=26。我猜想这也使用了动态编程,但与列出每个解决方案的情况不同,算法问题要深入得多,并且有待进一步发展。

This discussion conflates three different computational problems: (1) Finding a solution to the N queens problem, (2) Listing all solutions for some fixed N, and (3) counting all of the solutions for some fixed N. The first problem looks tricky at first for a size of board such as N=8. However, as Wikipedia suggests, in some key ways it is easy when N is large. The queens on a large board don't communicate all that much. Except for memory constraints, a heuristic repair algorithm has an easier and easier job as N increases.

Listing every solution is a different matter. That can probably be done with a good dynamic programming code up to a size that is large enough that there is no point in reading the output.

The most interesting version of the question is to count the solutions. The state of the art is summarized in a fabulous reference known as The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. It has been computed up to N=26. I would guess that that also uses dynamic programming, but unlike the case of listing every solution, the algorithmic problem is much deeper and open to further advances.

别把无礼当个性 2024-08-21 01:53:02

Loren Pechtel 说:“现在有些真正的疯狂:29 花了 9 秒。
30 花了将近 6 分钟!”

对于不同板尺寸的回溯复杂性,这种令人着迷的缺乏可预测性是这个难题中最让我感兴趣的部分。多年来,我一直在构建一个所需算法步骤“计数”的列表。找到每个板尺寸的第一个解决方案 - 使用简单且众所周知的深度优先算法,在递归 C++ 函数中

以下是最多 N=49 的板的所有“计数”的列表。 ..减去仍在进行中的 N=46 和 N=48


(我在整数序列百科全书(OEIS)中将其列为 A140450


(我的第一个解决方案列表是 OEIS 序列号A141843

我不知道 。主要记录每个解决方案需要多少处理时间,而是记录在发现每个板的算法优先解决方案之前需要多少次失败的皇后放置。当然,皇后放置率取决于 CPU 性能,但如果在特定 CPU 和特定板尺寸上进行快速测试运行,很容易计算出解决这些“找到的”解决方案之一需要多长时间。

例如,在 Intel Pentium D 3.4GHz CPU 上,使用单个 CPU 线程 -

  • 对于 N=35,我的程序每秒“放置”2400 万个皇后,只需 6 分钟即可找到第一个解决方案。
  • 对于 N=47,我的程序每秒“放置”2050 万个皇后,花费了 199 天。

我当前的 2.8GHz i7-860 每秒处理大约 2860 万个皇后,试图找到 N=48 的第一个解决方案。到目前为止,已经花费了 550 多天的时间(理论上,如果从未不间断的话)才成功安置了 1,369,331,731,000,000 个蚁后(并且还在迅速攀升)。

我的网站(还)没有显示任何 C++ 代码,但我在该网页上提供了一个链接,该链接指向我对解决 N=5 棋盘所需的 15 个算法步骤中的每一个的简单说明。


Loren Pechtel said: "Now for some real insanity: 29 took 9 seconds.
30 took almost 6 minutes!"

This fascinating lack of predictability in backtrack-complexity for different board sizes was the part of this puzzle that most interested me. For years I've been building a list of the 'counts' of algorithm steps needed to find the first solution for each board size - using the simple and well known depth-first algorithm, in a recursive C++ function.

Here's a list of all those 'counts' for boards up to N=49 ... minus N=46 and N=48 which are still work-in-progress:


(I've got that listed in the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) as A140450)

That page includes a link to a list of the matching first solutions.

(My list of First Solutions is OEIS Sequence number A141843)

I don't primarily record how much processing time each solution demands, but rather I record how many failed queen-placements were needed prior to discovery of each board's algorithmically-first solution. Of course the rate of queen placements depends on CPU performance, but given a quick test-run on a particular CPU and a particular board size, it's an easy matter to calculate how long it took to solve one of these 'found' solutions.

For example, on an Intel Pentium D 3.4GHz CPU, using a single CPU thread -

  • For N=35 my program 'placed' 24 million queens per second and took just 6 minutes to find the first solution.
  • For N=47 my program 'placed' 20.5 million queens per second and took 199 days.

My current 2.8GHz i7-860 is thrashing through about 28.6 million queens per second, trying to find the first solution for N=48. So far it has taken over 550 days (theoretically, if it had never been uninterrupted) to UNsuccessfully place 1,369,331,731,000,000 (and rapidly climbing) queens.

My web site doesn't (yet) show any C++ code, but I do give a link on that web page to my simple illustration of each one of the 15 algorithm steps needed to solve the N=5 board.

It's a delicious puzzle indeed!

书间行客 2024-08-21 01:53:02

您使用哪种 Prolog 系统?例如,使用最新版本的 SWI-Prolog,您可以使用原始代码在几分之一秒内轻松找到 N=80N=100 的解决方案。许多其他 Prolog 系统会比这快得多。

N 皇后问题甚至出现在 SWI-Prolog 的在线示例之一中,可作为 SWISH 中的 CLP(FD) 皇后

100 个皇后为例:

?- time((n_queens(100, Qs), labeling([ff], Qs))).
Qs = [1, 3, 5, 57, 59 | ...] .
2,984,158 inferences, 0.299 CPU in 0.299 seconds (100% CPU, 9964202 Lips)

SWISH 还向您展示了解决方案的精美图像。

下面是一个动画 GIF,展示了使用 SWI-Prolog 解决 N=40 皇后问题的完整过程:

40 个皇后的 CLP(FD) 求解过程

Which Prolog system are you using? For example, with recent versions of SWI-Prolog, you can readily find solutions for N=80 and N=100 within fractions of a second, using your original code. Many other Prolog systems will be much faster than that.

The N-queens problem is even featured in one of the online examples of SWI-Prolog, available as CLP(FD) queens in SWISH.

Example with 100 queens:

?- time((n_queens(100, Qs), labeling([ff], Qs))).
Qs = [1, 3, 5, 57, 59 | ...] .
2,984,158 inferences, 0.299 CPU in 0.299 seconds (100% CPU, 9964202 Lips)

SWISH also shows you nices image of solutions.

Here is an animated GIF showing the complete solution process for N=40 queens with SWI-Prolog:

CLP(FD) solution process for 40 queens

猫七 2024-08-21 01:53:02

raymond hettinger 在 pycon 上提出的一个简短的解决方案:easy ai in python

#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import permutations
n = 12
cols = range(n)
for vec in permutations(cols):
    if (n == len(set(vec[i] + i for i in cols))
          == len(set(vec[i] - i for i in cols))):
        print vec

计算所有排列是不可扩展的,虽然 (O(n!))

a short solution presented by raymond hettinger at pycon: easy ai in python

#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import permutations
n = 12
cols = range(n)
for vec in permutations(cols):
    if (n == len(set(vec[i] + i for i in cols))
          == len(set(vec[i] - i for i in cols))):
        print vec

computing all permutations is not scalable, though (O(n!))

只为守护你 2024-08-21 01:53:02

至于计算机解决的最大N是多少,文献中有参考文献,其中使用冲突修复算法(即本地搜索)找到了大约3*10^6的N解决方案。例如,参见 [Sosic 和 Gu] 的经典论文。

对于回溯精确求解,存在一些巧妙的分支启发法,可以在几乎没有回溯的情况下实现正确的配置。这些启发式方法还可用于查找问题的第一个 k 解决方案:找到初始正确配置后,搜索回溯以查找附近的其他有效配置。

这些近乎完美启发式的参考文献是[Kale 90 ] 和 [圣塞贡多 2011]

As to what is the largest N solved by computers there are references in literature in which a solution for N around 3*10^6 has been found using a conflict repair algorithm (i.e. local search). See for example the classical paper of [Sosic and Gu].

As to exact solving with backtracking,there exist some clever branching heuristics which achieve correct configurations with almost no backtracking. These heuristics can also be used to find the first-k solutions to the problem: after finding an initial correct configuration the search backtracks to find other valid configurations in the vicinity.

References for these almost perfect heuristics are [Kale 90] and [San Segundo 2011]

野の 2024-08-21 01:53:02

程序可以在合理的时间内计算出答案的 N 最大值是多少?或者说到目前为止我们见过的最大的N是多少?


“对于所有 n ≥ 4,存在将 n 个皇后放置在 n × n 板上的显式解决方案,不需要组合搜索任何内容。”

What is the maximum value of N for which a program can calculate the answer in reasonable amount of time? Or what is the largest N we have seen so far?

There is no limit. That is, checking for the validity of a solution is more costly than constructing one solution plus seven symmetrical ones.

See Wikipedia:
"Explicit solutions exist for placing n queens on an n × n board for all n ≥ 4, requiring no combinatorial search whatsoever‌​.".

人生百味 2024-08-21 01:53:02

我拖出一个旧的 Delphi 程序,该程序计算任何给定板尺寸的解决方案数量,进行了快速修改以使其在一次点击后停止,我在数据中看到了一个奇怪的模式:

第一个板花费了超过 1 秒的时间不过,要解决的问题是 n = 20. 21 在 62 毫秒内解决。 (注:这是基于现在,不是任何高精度系统。)22花了10秒,直到28才重复。

我不知道优化有多好,因为这本来是一个高度优化的例程,当时是优化规则非常不同。不过,我确实做了一件与大多数实现非常不同的事情——它没有主板。相反,我正在跟踪哪些列和对角线受到攻击,并在每行添加一个皇后。这意味着每个测试单元进行 3 次数组查找,并且根本没有乘法。 (正如我所说,当时的规则非常不同。)

现在有些真正的疯狂:29 花了 9 秒。 30花了将近6分钟!

I dragged out an old Delphi program that counted the number of solutions for any given board size, did a quick modification to make it stop after one hit and I'm seeing an odd pattern in the data:

The first board that took over 1 second to solve was n = 20. 21 solved in 62 milliseconds, though. (Note: This is based off Now, not any high precision system.) 22 took 10 seconds, not to be repeated until 28.

I don't know how good the optimization is as this was originally a highly optimized routine from back when the rules of optimization were very different. I did do one thing very different than most implementations, though--it has no board. Rather, I'm tracking which columns and diagonals are attacked and adding one queen per row. This means 3 array lookups per cell tested and no multiplication at all. (As I said, from when the rules were very different.)

Now for some real insanity: 29 took 9 seconds. 30 took almost 6 minutes!

一百个冬季 2024-08-21 01:53:02

实际上,如果您只需要少量解决方案,那么像 bakore 概述的那样,实际上约束随机游走(生成和测试)是可行的方法,因为这些解决方案可以快速生成。我在 20 岁或 21 岁的时候在课堂上做了这个,并将解决方案发表在《Journal of Pascal, Ada &》上。 Modula-2,1987 年 3 月,“皇后区问题重温”。我今天刚刚清理了那篇文章中的代码(这是非常低效的代码),在修复了几个问题后,生成了 N=26 ... N=60 的解决方案。

Actually constrained random walk (generate and test) like what bakore outlined is the way to go if you just need a handful of solutions because these can be generated rapidly. I did this for a class when I was 20 or 21 and published the solution in the Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2, March 1987, "The Queens Problem Revisited". I just dusted off the code from that article today (and this is very inefficient code) and after fixing a couple of problems have been generating N=26 ... N=60 solutions.

紙鸢 2024-08-21 01:53:02

如果你只想要 1 个解,那么可以在线性时间 O(N) 内贪婪地找到它。我的 python 代码:

import numpy as np

n = int(raw_input("Enter n: "))

rs = np.zeros(n,dtype=np.int64)


if n%6==2 :

    for i in range(2,n+1,2) :
        #print i,


    for i in range(7,n+1,2) :


elif n%6==3 :


    for i in range(6,n+1,2) :


    for i in range(5,n+1,2) :



else :

    for i in range(2,n+1,2) :


    for i in range(1,n+1,2) :


for i in range(n) :

print "\n"

for i in range(n) :

    for j in range(n) :

        print board[i][j],


然而,打印需要 O(N^2) 时间,而且 python 是一种速度较慢的语言,任何人都可以尝试用其他语言(如 C/C++ 或 Java)实现它。但即使使用 python,它也会在 1 或 2 秒内得到 n=1000 的第一个解。

If you only want 1 solution then it can be found greedily in linear time O(N). My code in python:

import numpy as np

n = int(raw_input("Enter n: "))

rs = np.zeros(n,dtype=np.int64)


if n%6==2 :

    for i in range(2,n+1,2) :
        #print i,


    for i in range(7,n+1,2) :


elif n%6==3 :


    for i in range(6,n+1,2) :


    for i in range(5,n+1,2) :



else :

    for i in range(2,n+1,2) :


    for i in range(1,n+1,2) :


for i in range(n) :

print "\n"

for i in range(n) :

    for j in range(n) :

        print board[i][j],


Here, however printing takes O(N^2) time and also python being a slower language any one can try implementing it in other languages like C/C++ or Java. But even with python it will get the first solution for n=1000 within 1 or 2 seconds.

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