与 GMT 标准时间的偏移
Unix 内部是否存储机器与 GMT 的偏移量? 例如:印度标准时间是 GMT + 5:30。这个 5:30 存储在哪里吗?
if[[ off is "some value"]]
some statements
Does Unix store the offset of the machine from GMT internally?
like for eg:india standard time is GMT + 5:30.is this 5:30 stored some where?
i need this to use it in a script like below
if[[ off is "some value"]]
some statements
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传统上,在 UNIX 中,内核以与时区无关的形式保存当前时间,这是它向应用程序报告的内容。
Traditionally in UNIX, the kernel keeps the current time in a timezone-independent form, which is what it reports to applications.
Applications consult environment variables and/or user configuration (which can be different for different users or different sessions for the one user) to determine which timezone to report the time in. For this purpose, there are tables kept on disk which hold the offsets of all timezones that the system knows about (these tables need to be continuously updated for political changes to daylight saving algorithms).
以下程序在 EDT 中为我打印“-04:00”,并在我将 TZ 设置为“亚洲/加尔各答”时打印“04:30”:
随意使用/更改您想要的任何内容,然后从 shell 脚本中调用它。
The following program prints '-04:00' for me in EDT and prints '04:30' when I set TZ to 'Asia/Kolkata':
Feel free to use/change whatever you want and then call it from your shell script.
内核在内部保留 GMT 时间,当请求本地时间时,使用时区信息计算偏移量。这样,如果需要更改时区,则内部时钟不需要更改。
The kernel keeps GMT time internally, and when asked for the local time calculates the offset using the timezone information. This way, if a timezone change is required, internally, the clock doesn't need change.
通常,它存储在名为 /etc/localtime 的文件中。该文件通常是指向其他地方的文件的链接,其中包含(以压缩形式)将 GMT 转换为本地时间的所有“规则”,包括夏令时开始和结束的时间、与 GMT 的偏移量等。
In the kernel or a driver, no.
Usually, it's stored in a file called /etc/localtime. That file is often a link to a file elsewhere that contains (in compressed form) all the "rules" for converting GMT to the local time, including when daylight saving time begins and ends, the offset from GMT, and so forth.