Technological measures are generally ineffective at solving these sorts of social problems. Manual moderation is pretty much the only really big useful thing you can do.
Successful sites of this nature tend to leverage the community to help with the task of moderation, by recruiting volunteer moderators from the more devoted regulars and/or providing post voting / flagging mechanisms (e.g. Stack Overflow).
Don't allow 'dislike' or vote down style 'voting'. Bullying will still occur in text. That is life and will likely require manual moderation even if you filter abusive words.
Default to private profiles. You can't stalk someone you're not friends with as you can't see their info.
No suggestion as this is a very difficult, if not impossible problem. You could take simple steps of filtering email addresses out as they're easily identifiable but there are always work-around's and there's much more personal info than email addresses.
See above.
Ultimately a site like this requires manual moderation if it is going to be a friendly place for children to visit online
The best thing you can do to protect children from abuse of your site is to never go public with it in the first place.
That's not what you wanted to hear. But when you set up any kind of social whatzit site, the question is not if it will be abused, but when. And when that happens, you won't have a chance to be concerned about children because you'll be busy fighting legal battles that threaten to sue your pants off and throw you in the slammer.
To try to be positive, the second best thing you can do is rigorously filter who gets membership on your site. Also, I see no way to get around the requirement for heavy monitoring and moderation.
这种性质的成功网站倾向于利用社区来帮助完成审核任务,方法是从更忠诚的常客中招募志愿者版主和/或提供投票后/标记机制(例如 Stack Overflow)。
Technological measures are generally ineffective at solving these sorts of social problems. Manual moderation is pretty much the only really big useful thing you can do.
Successful sites of this nature tend to leverage the community to help with the task of moderation, by recruiting volunteer moderators from the more devoted regulars and/or providing post voting / flagging mechanisms (e.g. Stack Overflow).
Ultimately a site like this requires manual moderation if it is going to be a friendly place for children to visit online
The best thing you can do to protect children from abuse of your site is to never go public with it in the first place.
That's not what you wanted to hear. But when you set up any kind of social whatzit site, the question is not if it will be abused, but when. And when that happens, you won't have a chance to be concerned about children because you'll be busy fighting legal battles that threaten to sue your pants off and throw you in the slammer.
To try to be positive, the second best thing you can do is rigorously filter who gets membership on your site. Also, I see no way to get around the requirement for heavy monitoring and moderation.