在 Objective C 中使用 MGTwitterEngine 解析搜索结果
我在 iPhone 项目中使用 Matt Gemmell 令人惊叹的 MGTwitterEngine,由于我对 Obj-C 和 JSON 解析缺乏熟悉,这使得一项简单的工作看起来相当令人畏惧。
如果我像这样对 getSearchResultsForQuery 的输出执行 NSLog:
NSLog(@"getSearchResultsForQuery: connectionIdentifier = %@", [myTwitterEngine getSearchResultsForQuery:@"#joke" sinceID:0 startingAtPage:1 count:5]);
2009-12-05 00:14:46.518 Entendu[90565:207] getSearchResultsForQuery: connectionIdentifier = DED541CB-A3DA-4C04-8B23-ED20D13B147E
2009-12-05 00:14:46.843 Entendu[90565:207] Request succeeded for connectionIdentifier = DED541CB-A3DA-4C04-8B23-ED20D13B147E
2009-12-05 00:14:46.884 Entendu[90565:207] Got search results for DED541CB-A3DA-4C04-8B23-ED20D13B147E:
"created_at" = 1259989857;
"from_user" = royanramadhan;
"from_user_id" = 64716299;
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id = 6361369664;
"iso_language_code" = sv;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/455943541/Dup_01_Foto006_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://m.twitter.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">mobile web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "kenapa di keybord komputer tulisnya \"ENTER\" ? #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259988269;
"from_user" = alivenkickin;
"from_user_id" = 2547330;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360783744;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/65068323/calvin_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://www.tweetdeck.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">TweetDeck</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @andycrash: A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy...#joke http://bit.ly/BGDfJ";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259988217;
"from_user" = lilbytes;
"from_user_id" = 18943691;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360764474;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/477338701/twitterProfilePhoto_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @Pyeman: LOL - Great post RT @cahlan: RT @jac_: Christmas light fun: http://bit.ly/828q7K #lol #funny #joke #christmas";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259987890;
"from_user" = jscognam;
"from_user_id" = 41472147;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360648482;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/432856397/AJ_normal.png";
source = "<a href=\"http://www.tweetdeck.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">TweetDeck</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @jokestweet: Give me ambiguity or give me something else. #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259987587;
"from_user" = jokestweet;
"from_user_id" = 54008906;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360534281;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/403925746/jokes_twitter_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "Give me ambiguity or give me something else. #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259987426;
"from_user" = RickyRicardoABN;
"from_user_id" = 79758746;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360472740;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/554599647/l_92120d47e5744fee9da32c4ac71b9eee_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Why do people tell you when they are speechless? #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259984750;
"from_user" = socialEspeaking;
"from_user_id" = 80950838;
geo = <null>;
id = 6359413973;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/542502866/jack_sm_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://apiwiki.twitter.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">API</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @andycrash A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy...#joke http://x4.lol.0sp.in o_O";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259984140;
"from_user" = oceanbutterfly7;
"from_user_id" = 70740820;
geo = <null>;
id = 6359164521;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/558958306/Tiger-puppy_love_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"/devices\" rel=\"nofollow\">txt</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "@jokestweet: \" Hire a teenage while they still know everything,\" #joke";
"to_user" = jokestweet;
"to_user_id" = 54008906;
"created_at" = 1259983842;
"from_user" = "Fab_DTY";
"from_user_id" = 51115644;
geo = <null>;
id = 6359037805;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/515204077/moto_0326_normal.jpeg";
source = "<a href=\"http://ubertwitter.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">UberTwitter</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @nutshellcards: Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery. lmao #Joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983640;
"from_user" = chunyip;
"from_user_id" = 1221169;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358953626;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://s.twimg.com/a/1259808911/images/default_profile_6_normal.png";
source = "<a href=\"http://mobileways.de/gravity\" rel=\"nofollow\">Gravity</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @jokestweet: If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean that morality comes from morons? #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983356;
"from_user" = nutshellcards;
"from_user_id" = 54486591;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358837191;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/515618469/blue_normal.png";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery. lmao\n#Joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983222;
"from_user" = sagewhistler;
"from_user_id" = 3737203;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358780332;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/552759084/cowboycig_normal.GIF";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Joke \"What's the shotgun for?\" asks the homeowner. The bear remover replies, \"If the bear knocks me off the roof, shoot the dog.\" [end]";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983181;
"from_user" = sagewhistler;
"from_user_id" = 3737203;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358763080;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/552759084/cowboycig_normal.GIF";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Joke The bear will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage in the back of the van.\"He hands the shotgun to the homeowner...";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983144;
"from_user" = sagewhistler;
"from_user_id" = 3737203;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358748440;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/552759084/cowboycig_normal.GIF";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Joke When the bear falls off, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not let go...";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983112;
"from_user" = sagewhistler;
"from_user_id" = 3737203;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358736099;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/552759084/cowboycig_normal.GIF";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Joke \"I'm going to put this ladder up against the roof, then I'm going to go up there & knock the bear off the roof with this baseball bat";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"completed_in" = 0;
"max_id" = 6361369664;
"next_page" = "?page=2&max_id=6361369664&q=%23joke";
page = 1;
query = "%23joke";
"refresh_url" = "?since_id=6361369664&q=%23joke";
"results_per_page" = 15;
"since_id" = 0;
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
奇怪的是我有 count:5,但我得到了更多结果。
对于实际的解析,我是否会将输出保存到 NSArray,然后保存到 NSDictionary,例如我可以使用 valueForKey:@"text" 进行查询?
我知道也调用了两个委托方法( requestSucceeded: 和 searchResultsReceived:forRequest: ),但我不确定这如何影响解析。
searchResultsReceived:forRequest: 的实际委托方法是:
- (void)searchResultsReceived:(NSArray *)searchResults forRequest:(NSString *)connectionIdentifier
NSLog(@"Got search results for %@:\r%@", connectionIdentifier, searchResults);
这表明结果实际上由变量 searchResults 存储。
I'm using Matt Gemmell's amazing MGTwitterEngine for an iPhone project, and my lack of familiarity with Obj-C and JSON parsing is making a simple job seem rather daunting.
I've read this link, and while it helps me understand how the data is structured, I still can't seem to be able to parse it.
If I do an NSLog of the output of getSearchResultsForQuery like so:
NSLog(@"getSearchResultsForQuery: connectionIdentifier = %@", [myTwitterEngine getSearchResultsForQuery:@"#joke" sinceID:0 startingAtPage:1 count:5]);
I get this in the console:
2009-12-05 00:14:46.518 Entendu[90565:207] getSearchResultsForQuery: connectionIdentifier = DED541CB-A3DA-4C04-8B23-ED20D13B147E
2009-12-05 00:14:46.843 Entendu[90565:207] Request succeeded for connectionIdentifier = DED541CB-A3DA-4C04-8B23-ED20D13B147E
2009-12-05 00:14:46.884 Entendu[90565:207] Got search results for DED541CB-A3DA-4C04-8B23-ED20D13B147E:
"created_at" = 1259989857;
"from_user" = royanramadhan;
"from_user_id" = 64716299;
geo = <null>;
id = 6361369664;
"iso_language_code" = sv;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/455943541/Dup_01_Foto006_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://m.twitter.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">mobile web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "kenapa di keybord komputer tulisnya \"ENTER\" ? #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259988269;
"from_user" = alivenkickin;
"from_user_id" = 2547330;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360783744;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/65068323/calvin_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://www.tweetdeck.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">TweetDeck</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @andycrash: A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy...#joke http://bit.ly/BGDfJ";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259988217;
"from_user" = lilbytes;
"from_user_id" = 18943691;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360764474;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/477338701/twitterProfilePhoto_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @Pyeman: LOL - Great post RT @cahlan: RT @jac_: Christmas light fun: http://bit.ly/828q7K #lol #funny #joke #christmas";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259987890;
"from_user" = jscognam;
"from_user_id" = 41472147;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360648482;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/432856397/AJ_normal.png";
source = "<a href=\"http://www.tweetdeck.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">TweetDeck</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @jokestweet: Give me ambiguity or give me something else. #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259987587;
"from_user" = jokestweet;
"from_user_id" = 54008906;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360534281;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/403925746/jokes_twitter_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "Give me ambiguity or give me something else. #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259987426;
"from_user" = RickyRicardoABN;
"from_user_id" = 79758746;
geo = <null>;
id = 6360472740;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/554599647/l_92120d47e5744fee9da32c4ac71b9eee_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Why do people tell you when they are speechless? #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259984750;
"from_user" = socialEspeaking;
"from_user_id" = 80950838;
geo = <null>;
id = 6359413973;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/542502866/jack_sm_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"http://apiwiki.twitter.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">API</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @andycrash A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy...#joke http://x4.lol.0sp.in o_O";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259984140;
"from_user" = oceanbutterfly7;
"from_user_id" = 70740820;
geo = <null>;
id = 6359164521;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/558958306/Tiger-puppy_love_normal.jpg";
source = "<a href=\"/devices\" rel=\"nofollow\">txt</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "@jokestweet: \" Hire a teenage while they still know everything,\" #joke";
"to_user" = jokestweet;
"to_user_id" = 54008906;
"created_at" = 1259983842;
"from_user" = "Fab_DTY";
"from_user_id" = 51115644;
geo = <null>;
id = 6359037805;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/515204077/moto_0326_normal.jpeg";
source = "<a href=\"http://ubertwitter.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">UberTwitter</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @nutshellcards: Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery. lmao #Joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983640;
"from_user" = chunyip;
"from_user_id" = 1221169;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358953626;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://s.twimg.com/a/1259808911/images/default_profile_6_normal.png";
source = "<a href=\"http://mobileways.de/gravity\" rel=\"nofollow\">Gravity</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "RT @jokestweet: If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean that morality comes from morons? #joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983356;
"from_user" = nutshellcards;
"from_user_id" = 54486591;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358837191;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/515618469/blue_normal.png";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery. lmao\n#Joke";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983222;
"from_user" = sagewhistler;
"from_user_id" = 3737203;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358780332;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/552759084/cowboycig_normal.GIF";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Joke \"What's the shotgun for?\" asks the homeowner. The bear remover replies, \"If the bear knocks me off the roof, shoot the dog.\" [end]";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983181;
"from_user" = sagewhistler;
"from_user_id" = 3737203;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358763080;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/552759084/cowboycig_normal.GIF";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Joke The bear will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage in the back of the van.\"He hands the shotgun to the homeowner...";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983144;
"from_user" = sagewhistler;
"from_user_id" = 3737203;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358748440;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/552759084/cowboycig_normal.GIF";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Joke When the bear falls off, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not let go...";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"created_at" = 1259983112;
"from_user" = sagewhistler;
"from_user_id" = 3737203;
geo = <null>;
id = 6358736099;
"iso_language_code" = en;
"profile_image_url" = "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/552759084/cowboycig_normal.GIF";
source = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/\">web</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
text = "#Joke \"I'm going to put this ladder up against the roof, then I'm going to go up there & knock the bear off the roof with this baseball bat";
"to_user_id" = <null>;
"completed_in" = 0;
"max_id" = 6361369664;
"next_page" = "?page=2&max_id=6361369664&q=%23joke";
page = 1;
query = "%23joke";
"refresh_url" = "?since_id=6361369664&q=%23joke";
"results_per_page" = 15;
"since_id" = 0;
"source_api_request_type" = 37;
The strange thing is I have count:5, yet I'm getting many more results.
For the actual parsing, would I save the output to an NSArray, and then an NSDictionary, which I can query with valueForKey:@"text" for example?
I know two delegate methods are being called too (requestSucceeded: and searchResultsReceived:forRequest: ) but I'm not sure how this affects parsing.
The actual delegate method for searchResultsReceived:forRequest: is:
- (void)searchResultsReceived:(NSArray *)searchResults forRequest:(NSString *)connectionIdentifier
NSLog(@"Got search results for %@:\r%@", connectionIdentifier, searchResults);
This suggests that the results are actually stored by variable searchResults.
Still, how do I get the individual strings?
Thanks for the help!
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
委托中的 searchResults 变量是一个字典数组。您只需索引该数组,然后开始获取字典中键的值。例如
The searchResults variable in your delegate is an array of dictionaries. You just index into that array and then start grabbing values for the keys in the dictionaries. For example
形式返回,这意味着您根本不需要进行任何解析。I'm not sure what parsing you need to do. You're supposed to be supplying a delegate to the engine (like a callback, but an actual object), which the engine will use to notify you when it has results. The results should be coming back as an
s, which means you don't have to do any parsing at all.