
发布于 2024-08-13 07:35:46 字数 138 浏览 3 评论 0原文

谁能用通俗易懂的语言解释一下云计算是如何工作的? 我已阅读维基百科文章,但仍不确定我是否了解云的实际工作原理。

Could anybody explain in plain words how Cloud computing works?
I have read the Wikipedia article, but still not sure that I understand how cloud actually works.

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零度℉ 2024-08-20 07:35:47


假设您正在创建一个个人财务 Web 应用程序。您联系了几家银行提出您的建议,他们喜欢这个想法,但拒绝允许您访问他们的服务器以获取 Web 服务。在云计算中,银行可以在 Microsoft Azure 等云服务中创建 Web 服务,从其服务器中提取数据。然后,您可以从云端调用他们的 Web 服务,而不是他们的服务器。基本上是由 Microsoft、IBM、Google 等信誉良好的公司运行的中间服务器中的“云”。

另一方面,对于银行来说,它减轻了管理所需的 Web 服务和硬件/软件的责任和成本。如果小型信用合作社只有数据存储服务器而没有 Web 服务器,云将为他们提供与大型银行相同的参与您的应用程序的机会。

因此基本上您可以将云想象为 Web 服务和/或数据存储的中介。

I'll explain how I've come to understand cloud computing using a couple examples:

Let's say you are creating a personal finances web application. You contact several banks with your proposal and they like the idea but they refuse to allow you access to their servers for a Web Service. In cloud computing, the banks could create a web service in a cloud service like Microsoft's Azure that would extract the data from their server. You would then call their web service from the cloud not their servers. Basically the "cloud" in an intermediary server run by a reputable company like Microsoft, IBM, Google, etc.

On the other hand for the bank it lessens the responsibility and cost of managing the web services and hardware/software required. If a small credit union has only data storage servers and no web server the cloud affords them the same opportunity to participate in your application as a large bank could.

So basically you can imagine the cloud as an intermediary of web services and/or data storage.

懵少女 2024-08-20 07:35:47




Cloud computing is a type of shared computing where one utilizes large-scale computing infrastructure. In other words, powerful hardware is interlinked, often to fully realize the benefits of virtualization. This hardware can be shared among many users in the form of a public cloud or dedicated to one entity as it is used in private cloud computing.

The public cloud is defined as a multi-tenant environment, where you buy a “server slice” in a cloud computing environment that is shared with a number of other clients or tenants.

Private cloud computing, on the other hand, by definition is a single-tenant environment where the hardware, storage and network are dedicated to a single client or company.

凡尘雨 2024-08-20 07:35:47

它是一种分布在互联网上的计算。这个想法是,您不需要创建自己的资源,而是将数据、应用程序放在云中。假设该云具有 100% 的可用性和无限的可扩展性。欲了解更多详细信息:http://vineetgupta.spaces.live.com/博客/cns!8DE4BDC896BEE1AD!1326.entry

It is a computing that happens in distributed on the Internet. The idea is that instead of creating your own resources, you put your data,apps in a Cloud. This cloud is assumed to have 100% availability, and infinite scalability. For more detail :http://vineetgupta.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!8DE4BDC896BEE1AD!1326.entry

随风而去 2024-08-20 07:35:47





None of those things makes your application a cloud application. It's a cloud application if it runs in a cloud. What is a cloud?

Difference between cloud computing and distributed computing?

The web site development model does tend to be amenable to running in a cloud because many parts of the system are inherently parallel. However, there are various design decisions (er, mistakes?) you could make that would limit the amount of parallelism that could be achieved, though. You can still run such a program in a cloud but it won't get nearly the kind of benefit that a highly parallel application would.

The technologies that you are talking about can be used to create highly parallel applications, but this isn't automatic, you still have to understand what you're doing.

强辩 2024-08-20 07:35:47

这类似于在 ATM 的帮助下使用银行服务或从自动售货机购买东西。



Cloud computing is just a specific way to order, use and discard computers.
It is similar to using banking services with help of ATM or buying things from vending machines.

The goal of cloud computing is to completely exclude any live person from provider's side.

Any other good and bad properties of cloud computing are just a byproduct of this idea.

陪我终i 2024-08-20 07:35:47


http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=XdBd14rjcs0&feature=lated

简而言之:Google 和 Salesforce.com 等公司出售计算机空间和“虚拟化”应用程序环境,让您可以在他们的计算机上运行程序。与虚拟网络托管类似,但适用于程序和应用程序,而不仅仅是网站。它现在是一个很大的流行词,因为大公司确实在推动它作为一种从他们的基础设施和未使用的时钟周期中赚更多钱的方式。尤其是 Salesforce,您可以将最新版本的“云计算”归咎于他们和“Force.com”,因为他们一直在大力使用“云计算”一词以及“云”的概念来营销其服务。计算本身。

I like this video's explanation:


The short version: Google and Salesforce.com, among others, sell computer space and 'virtualized' application environments that let you run your program on their machines. Like virtual webhosting, but for programs and applications, not just websites. It's a big buzzword now because the big players are really pushing it as a way to make more money off of their infrastructures and unused clock cycles. Salesforce especially, you can kind of blame this most recent version of 'cloud computing' on them and 'Force.com', since they've been very heavily marketing their service using the term cloud computing, and by proxy, the idea of cloud computing itself.

别闹i 2024-08-20 07:35:47


I think it is just like a computer which is having services offering from clouds instead of server systems. Clouds may spread along world wide. So clouds only can distribute the services much faster when compares it to any other.

久光 2024-08-20 07:35:46



  • IaaS:基础设施即服务(例如 Amazon EC2)
  • Paas:平台即服务(例如 Google AppEngine)
  • DaaS:数据库即服务(例如 Amazon RDS)
  • SaaS:软件即服务(例如 Salesforce)


  1. 如果您通过 Web 界面公开服务,您可以将其分类在云计算箱中
  2. 传统网站本身不属于CC类别(参见上面的部分)
  3. 我不知道“云应用程序”是什么:您是否试图定义一个新术语? ;-)

First, to get this out of the way: Cloud Computing is a marketing buzzword and ill-defined one (at least at the moment).

I would recommend dissecting this overarching buzzword and in market segments, namely:

  • IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service (e.g. Amazon EC2)
  • Paas: Platform as a Service (e.g. Google AppEngine)
  • DaaS: Database as a Service (e.g. Amazon RDS)
  • SaaS: Software as a Service (e.g. Salesforce)

Coming back to your points:

  1. If you expose a Service through a Web Interface, you could classify this in the Cloud Computing bin
  2. Traditional Web Sites per-se would not fall in the CC category (see above segments)
  3. I do not know what a "Cloud Application" is: are you trying to define a new term ? ;-)
温暖的光 2024-08-20 07:35:46


基本上,您的程序所需的所有资源都保存在互联网的“某个地方”。您通过定义的服务合同与他们互动; SOAP、REST、POX 或其他方式以及之后发生的事情取决于服务提供商。您不关心您的信息如何存储或如何提供服务,您只关心它就是这样。


如果您有一个应用程序,那么它也可以在云中运行(假设它合适)。例如,Live Mesh 是一个虚拟机,您可以在本地和云中对其进行编码并运行您的软件,因此您的用户只需访问 URI 并找到您的程序,您不关心它在哪里,除了它在某个地方可用之外在云上。

Aside from the latest marketing term?

Basically all the resources your program needs are held "somewhere" on the internet. You interact with them via a defined service contract; SOAP, REST, POX or whatever and what happens after that is up to the service provider. You don't care about how your information is stored or how the service is provided, just that it is.

If, for example, you wanted to store files, you may choose to use Amazon's S3 cloud system. You connect to the service and upload your files; you don't know or care where the files are stored, only the location of the entry point to that service.

If you have an application then it may also be ran in the cloud, assuming it's suitable. Live Mesh for example is a virtual machine which you can code against and run your software both locally and within the cloud, so your user simply goes to a URI and finds your program, you don't care where it is beyond it being available somewhere on the cloud.

暖风昔人 2024-08-20 07:35:46


  • 服务按需提供;客户可以随用随付,无需投资数据中心。
  • 硬件管理是从客户那里抽象出来的。
  • 基础设施容量具有弹性,可以轻松扩展和缩减。



Cloud computing is about hardware-based services (involving computing, network and storage capacities), where:

  • Services are provided on-demand; customers can pay for them as they go, without the need to invest into a datacenter.
  • Hardware management is abstracted from the customers.
  • Infrastructure capacities are elastic and can easily scale up and down.

There is a powerful economic force behind this simple model: providing and consuming cloud computing services generally allows to have far more efficient resource utilization, compared to self-hosting and data center type of hosting.

Snippet from this article on cloud computing.

黯然#的苍凉 2024-08-20 07:35:46

基本上是当下的营销术语。问 5 个人,你会得到 6 个答案。我听说有些人将云计算描述为 Google Docs,因为您将数据存储在“云中”。其他人更多地认为它是动态分配和托管,例如亚马逊的 EC2 或谷歌应用程序引擎。

Basically the marketing term of the hour. Ask 5 people and you'll get 6 answers. I've heard some people describe cloud computing as Google Docs because you store your data "in the cloud". Others think of it more as dynamic allocation and hosting, such as Amazon's EC2 or Google App Engine.

清风不识月 2024-08-20 07:35:46



亚马逊的S3服务只提供磁盘空间,它并不关心谁使用它或他们位于世界的哪个地方。当然,Google 的办公工具(以及 Microsoft 的网络产品)提供的是服务,而不是特定的机器,它将满足您的应用程序需求。同样,您可以创建并使用电子表格,但您不知道该电子表格存储在哪里,也不知道它在哪台计算机上运行 - 只是知道它在您需要时可用。

Web 2.0 是另一个难以找到定义的术语,但您可以想象您的电子表格使用嵌入到另一台计算机某处的计算,并将其计算结果存储在 Amazon S3 上。此时,界限正在消失。


The term is so new that there's no accepted definition, particularly since Dell (!) failed to trademark the term.

Essentially the idea is similar to that of a utility - you want electricity, but you don't care which power station supplies it because there's a network supplying electricity to everyone, and you can just tap into it. Which works for electricity, but the Internet isn't quite that sophisticated just yet. But that's the Vision.

Amazon's S3 service just provides disk space, and it doesn't care who uses it or where they are located in the world. Certainly Google's office tools (and Microsoft's web offering) offers a service, not a particular machine, which will look after your application needs. Again, you can create and work with a spreadsheet but you don't know where that spreadsheet is stored, or which machine it runs on - just that it's available when you want it.

Web 2.0 is another term struggling to find a definition, but you can imagine your spreadsheet using calculations which are embedded in another machine somewhere, and storing results of its calculations on Amazon S3. Boundaries are fading away at this point.

Because it's available wherever you log in from, it could be accessed from anywhere in the world. It's "in the cloud" because it can be seen from anywhere (not a good analogy, but ...)

决绝 2024-08-20 07:35:46



通过 SSH 连接到远程 PC 来执行代码 =>云计算
网络邮件 =>云邮件
通过 SSH 连接到远程 PC 来执行预测天气的代码 =>通过云计算进行云计算

(我尝试了一个 html 表,但它没有渲染...)


Even something simple such as webmail can be considered to hold our information "in the cloud". That is to say that the data isn't held locally, it's stored on that magical cloud thing called the internet.

It's basically just a buzzword for storing stuff remotely. This list summarises why it's used.

FTP backup => Storing files in the cloud
SSHing into a remote PC to execute code => Cloud computing
Webmail => Cloud mail
SSHing into a remote PC to execute code that predicts the weather => Cloud computing via Cloud computing

(I tried an html table but it didn't render...)

Sounds cooler doesn't it!

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