为什么人们不停止开发网站来迎合 IE6?

发布于 2024-08-13 03:49:47 字数 233 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我不明白为什么开发人员继续编写程序来适应 IE6。人们应该更新他们使用的浏览器,对吧?

我已经看到许多公司完全停止了 IE6 的开发,并在他们的首页上发表了一篇大文章阐述了他们的更新建议。

继续开发这种有缺陷的老恐龙的理由是什么?如果您说您必须为您的工作而努力,请说明您的组织为何继续针对 IE6 进行开发。


I don't understand why developers continue to program things to accommodate IE6. People should update the browser they use, right?

I've already seen many firms completely stop developing for IE6, with a big article on their front page stating their update recommendations.

What are your reasons to continue developing for this buggy old dinosaur? If you say you must for your work, state why your organization continues to develop for IE6.

Of course, a community wiki, just because I'd like to see some reasons (if any).

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镜花水月 2024-08-20 03:49:47


在我工作过的系统中,75% 使用此浏览器。很糟糕吗?是的。但作为每一项工作,你都必须解决这些问题。

如果您能够承受失去 75% 的用户,那么祝您好运。

Because the users pay my bills.

I've worked in systems where 75% of them used this browser. It sucks? Yes. But as every job, you have to address these issues.

If you can afford to lose 75% of your users, good luck.

濫情▎り 2024-08-20 03:49:47

我们针对 IE6 进行开发,因为它在我们的合同中明确规定,我们只需交付可在其上运行的代码。


测试更容易,如果它在 IE6 中工作,它就可以工作!

We develop for IE6 because it specifically says in our contract that we only have to deliver code that works on it.

It sucks in many ways, as it's a terrible browser and it forces users of the system to stay with it, but...

Testing is easier, if it works in IE6 it works!

波浪屿的海角声 2024-08-20 03:49:47

一句话公司,他们将 IE6 作为他们的首选浏览器,直到现在他们才缓慢地过渡到 IE8(大多数人跳过了 IE7)。

我可以清楚地说,对于我的公司(超过 5000 名员工,分布在超过 15 个县),他们现在刚刚为用户设置 IE8,我已经为我的公司进行了内部“beta”测试几个月了 :P

One word Corporations, they have IE6 as their GO-TO browser, only now are they SLOWLYYY transitioning into IE8 (most skipped IE7).

I can clearly say, for my company (5000+ employees, located in over 15 counties), that they are just NOW getting IE8 setup for users, I have been a 'beta' tested internally for my company for months now :P

游魂 2024-08-20 03:49:47

MS 对 IE6 的支持尚未正式停产。 2010 年中期(如果我没记错的话是七月半)。然后我们就可以安全地停止 IE6 的开发,并且我们也为客户提供了足够有力的论据。

不过,自从 IE8 发布以来,我已经不再对 IE6 进行任何像素精确的布局修复/对齐。太多太多努力。我只修复了 hasLayout/boxmodel 错误和一些可能影响功能的小 CSS 继承问题。

IE6 support by MS is still not officially EOL. Mid of 2010 it will (half July if I recall correctly). Then we can all safely stop developing for IE6 and we have then also a strong enough argument for the customer.

Though, since IE8 came out I already don't do any pixel-precise layout fixes/alignments for IE6 anymore. Too much effort. I only fix the hasLayout/boxmodel bugs and some minor CSS inheritance issues which may affect functionality.

梦忆晨望 2024-08-20 03:49:47



"People should update the browser they use, right?"

Right, they should. But they don't.

沉睡月亮 2024-08-20 03:49:47

它与浏览器的年龄无关,我们仍然为其开发,因为用户使用率(来自分析)范围为 30-40%。因此,停止使用它就像对 30-40% 的潜在客户说“不要购买我们的产品”。

这并不是一个好的举措。为 IE6 开发并使网站正常运行并不难,只是需要一点额外的时间。事实上,我已经从那些去过开发公司并被告知我们不测试 IE6 的公司那里获得了合同。


我也把它看作是把一辆 10 年车龄的汽车带到加油站,他们说“对不起,你的车太旧了,不适合这种燃料”-是的,他们提供新的燃料,但仍然支持旧的,在网络开发中大致相同。

Its got nothing to do with how old the browser is, we still develop for it because the user useage (From Analytics) ranges from 30-40%. So to stop using it would be like saying "dont buy our products" to 30-40% of potential clients.Hardly a good move.

Its not that hard to develop for IE6 and make a site work, it just takes a bit of extra time. I've actually picked up contracts from companies who have been to development houses and have been told we dont test IE6.

When customers stop using i'll stop
developing, and they will only stop
using when i stop developing which will only happen when they stop using....etc etc

I also look at it like taking a 10 year old car into the petrol station and them saying "Sorry, your car's too old for this fuel" - Yes they offer new fuels, but still support the old, much the same in web-dev.

廻憶裏菂餘溫 2024-08-20 03:49:47

大公司开发了严格在 IE6 上运行的网络应用程序。因此,他们宁愿继续使用未更新的浏览器,也不愿花费数百万美元来更新这些应用程序。


Big companies developed web apps that run strictly on IE6. So rather than spend millions to update these apps, they would rather just keep on trucking with a non updated browser.

That's what I've always heard.

掐死时间 2024-08-20 03:49:47

我们的主要原因是因为客户要求我们支持。顾客永远是对的……对吧?此外,我还看到 IT 部门仍在使用 IE6,因为他们依赖于与 IE6 配合使用的旧应用程序。

并不是说IE6会永远存在,大多数地方都在缓慢升级。无论如何,真正的 IT 人员都使用 Firefox。

Our main reason is because the customers demand that we support it. The customer is always right... right? Also, I've seen IT departments still using IE6 because they rely on older apps that work with IE6.

Not to say that IE6 will stick forever, most places are slowly upgrading. Real IT people use firefox anyways.

弃爱 2024-08-20 03:49:47

另外,我很确定我奶奶根本不知道她甚至使用 IE6,更不用说为了网络标准和与时俱进而需要升级了。我还猜测我奶奶并不孤单。


Also, i'm pretty sure my grandma has no idea that she even uses IE6, much less needs to upgrade for the sake of web standards and keeping up with the times. i'm also guessing that my grandma isnt alone in this.

Not that she shouldnt update, i just know that if any updating were to happen it would either have to be insanely simple or i would have to do it for her.

你穿错了嫁妆 2024-08-20 03:49:47

我们为其开发软件的大多数大企业客户都运行 IE6 作为其公司浏览器。当他们当前的软件运行良好时,他们只是拒绝将资金再投资于另一个浏览器平台的开发。 (如果它没有坏,就不要修复它的哲学)



Most of the big corporate clients we develop software for all run IE6 as their company browser. They simply refuse to reinvest the money in developing for another browser platform when their current software is working fine. (If it ain't broke, don't fix it philosophy)

I don't like it, but the client is king...


奈何桥上唱咆哮 2024-08-20 03:49:47

IE6 不久前问世时是一项很好的技术。它给人留下了如此深刻的印象,以至于它成为 Windows 系统的默认设置。

许多非技术人员仍然对退出 IE6 感到不舒服。不过,微软自己推动 IE6 退出市场的时机已经到来。

希望在未来一年左右,我们不必专门为 IE6 编写代码。

总的来说,如果所有浏览器至少都同意一个特定的 html/css/js 标准,那将会有很大帮助。

IE6 when it came out looong back was a good piece of technology. It had left such great impressions that it became the default on windows systems.

Many non-tech folks are still uncomfortable moving out of IE6. Though, the time has come with MS themselves pushing to move IE6 out of the market.

Hopefully, in coming year or so, we wouldn't have to write for IE6 specifically..

Still in general, it would help a great deal if all browsers agreed to one particular standard of html/css/js atleast.

归属感 2024-08-20 03:49:47

简单回答:因为统计数据。大约 20% 访问我们网页的人仍在使用 IE6。我们的政策是针对在我们指标中占有至少 5% 份额的浏览器优化我们的网页。


我们目前正在开发一个内网工具,我们仍然需要针对IE6进行优化,即使整个公司都将使用Firefox几个月后。现在,这有多愚蠢? :p

Easy answer: because of statistics. About 20% of people visiting our webpages are still using IE6. Our policy is to optimize our webpages for browsers that have at least 5% share in our metrics.

Our company will mass-migrate to Firefox very soon, so at least our intranet webbies will be optimized just for it :)

We are currently developing an intranet tool and we still require to optimize it for IE6, even if whole company will be using Firefox in few months. Now, how stupid is that? :p

可爱暴击 2024-08-20 03:49:47


Because many have customers who would never update their browsers. As to why, it is a much better question than this one.

凹づ凸ル 2024-08-20 03:49:47


Large corporate base of users who still have it installed because it works with legacy software they run...

痴者 2024-08-20 03:49:47

我为公众开发网站。如果其中 15% 仍在使用 IE6,我必须决定我的网站无法运行是否足以让他们升级浏览器,或者他们是否不会使用我的网站。



I develop sites for the general public. If 15% of them are still using IE6, I have to decide whether my site not working is enough to get them to upgrade their browser, or if they'll just not use my site.

I usually decide that the user won't upgrade, so I support IE6.

Some people are not in control of their browser version, and cannot upgrade it. For example, locked down PCs at work.

百变从容 2024-08-20 03:49:47

我尝试让我们的 Web 应用程序变得简单,在 IE7 上进行测试,并希望它仍然可以在 IE6 上运行。有时我会收到客户(既是最终用户又是提供商,因为它是内部 Intranet 应用程序)的投诉,称它无法在 IE6 上运行,我会抓狂并尝试尽我所能修复它。我还询问我们的现场支持人员为什么他们不升级,但除了“公司政策”之外我没有得到任何好的答案。尽管我们知道这是一个糟糕的政策......

I try to make our web applications simple, testing on IE7, and hope that it still works on IE6. Sometimes I get complaints from our customers (which is both end user and provider, since it is internal intranet application) that it does not work on IE6 and I tear my hair off and try to fix it as best I can. I also ask our on site support person why they don't upgrade, but I get no good answer other than "company policy". Even though we know it's a bad policy...

你好,陌生人 2024-08-20 03:49:47

我们必须。客户端希望与所有浏览器兼容。对于我自己来说,我永远也不会为 IE6 开发网站。

We have to. The client want to be all browser compatible. For myself, I never and I will never develop a website for IE6.

假装不在乎 2024-08-20 03:49:47



我们仍然需要迎合这些人和这个浏览器,因为它仍然被广泛使用 - 因为有必要将我们的产品提供给用户,无论他们使用什么浏览器。

但最终 - 这是您的决定。

You're right. People should upgrade their browser.

But experience and time tells us that just because the users should do something, that doesn't necessarily mean they are going to do something.

We still need to cater to these people and this browser because it is still so widely used - because it is necessary to get our products out there to the users, no matter what browser they're using.

Ultimately, though - it's your decision.

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