为什么 C 语言中需要预先声明函数?
Why do functions need to be prior declared in C ?
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为什么 C 语言中需要预先声明函数?
Why do functions need to be prior declared in C ?
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现代 C 语言中的函数需要预先声明,原因有两个:1)告诉编译器特定名称是函数的名称(而不是其他名称),2)告诉编译器确切的返回类型函数,以便编译器可以正确处理该返回。
在 C 中,可以使用或不使用原型来声明函数。原型声明为编译器提供了更多信息。它包括有关函数参数(如果有)的数量和类型的信息,从而帮助编译器正确准备函数调用的参数。
在 C 语言的 C89/90 版本中,函数不必事先声明,这导致编译器在调用时对函数做出假设。不用说,在许多情况下这被证明是危险的。
Functions in modern C language need to be prior-declared for two reasons: 1) to tell the compiler that a specific name is the name of a function (and not of something else), 2) to tell the compiler the exact return type of the function so that the compiler can handle that return correctly.
In C a function can be declared with or without prototype. A prototype declaration provides more information to the compiler. It includes information about the number and the types of function parameters (if any), thus helping the compiler to prepare the arguments for the function call properly.
In C89/90 version of C language the functions didn't have to be prior declared, which resulted in the compiler making assumptions about the function at the point of the call. Needless to say, in many cases this proved to be dangerous.
So that the compiler will be able to detect type errors when you call functions. Of course there are ways around that, but that's the way they chose.
字节发送到函数(通过堆栈或寄存器,具体取决于平台) 。但该函数只会查看 1 个字节,这会给出错误的结果。So that the one-pass compiler knows how many bytes to pass for each argument.
Without a prototype, the compiler will assume that
accepts ints, and sendsizeof(int)
bytes to the function (through stack or registers, depending on the platform). But the function will only look at 1 byte, which will give the wrong result.因为旧的编译器速度和内存有限,所以他们希望一切都可以一次性完成(只需从上到下读取文件,一切就都可以理解)。
Because old compilers have limited speed and memory, so they want everything can be done in one pass (just read the file from top to bottom and everything is understood).
Modern-designed compilers can look for functions up, down, even in different files when it is not yet declared at a point.
很多编译器会假设你正在调用 int Function() 签名,如果你还没有声明它。链接器......嗯......可能不会吃那个。
- 参数传递和返回值预编码的编码
后者实际上必须为每次调用确定。正是在第二个代码生成步骤中,C 编译器真正错过了声明(这就是函数签名的原因)。
Basically, you don't....
A lot of compilers will assume you're calling a int Function() signature, if you haven't declared it yet. The linker... hmmm.. will probably not eat that.
The compiler will mind if the signature of the declared Functions doesn't match the calling statement, but it is at a second step where things go wrong:
- coding for argument passing and return value pre-code
The latter actually has to be determined for each calling. It's at this second code-generation step that C compiler really misses the declaration (which is what makes a function signature).
Then the linker also needs to turn symbolic calls of functions into actual... er... calls. But if the function exists "somewhere" (go investigate the extern modifier), the linker won't be a show stopper.
The exception to all this is the function pointer mechanism, where you tell the compiler and linker the signature to be expected, but the call itself is not decided by the compiler , neither you have a "hardcoded" call by the linker... check it out.
我正在使用 gcc 进行编译:
这将生成一个目标文件 function.o。现在,当我想编译我的主函数时,我不必再编译我的 function.c 文件,我只需要知道头文件和目标文件中的声明:
I am sure this is not the only reason, but you can compile files with calls to other functions when you only know the declaration of the function for example from a header file. This is possible without recompiling the definition of the function itself (which might be in another file). But to verify the function is called correctly, the compiler has to know its declaration. Then the linker will take care of the rest.
Here a little example
I am using gcc to compile like that:
this will produce an object file function.o. Now, when I want to compile my main function, I don't have to compile my function.c file anymore, I only have to know the declaration from the header file and the object file:
Now, the object file will get linked into my program without recompiling.