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Closed 10 years ago.
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评论(7),如果您想了解 VoIP 平台和协议,这是一个很好的资源指南,大部分是开放的-以来源为导向,你会在那里找到好文章。, is a nice resource guide if you wanna learn about VoIP platforms and protocols, is mostly open-source oriented and you'll find good articles there.
您可以从 w3c 的语音浏览器标准 和 IETF SIP 工作组。
You could start with w3c's voice browser standards and the IETF SIP working group.
这个合理的高级教程包含大量信息,包括常见的 VOIP 问题和 SIP 功能的讨论,以及书籍推荐。
SWIK 站点 上有更多关于介绍性软件实现的具体教程(例如使用 Asterisk)。
This reasonably high-level tutorial has lots of information, including common VOIP questions and a discussion of SIP functions, and book recommendations.
There are more specific tutorials dealing with introductory software implementations (e.g. using Asterisk) on the SWIK site.
如果您想了解有关 SIP 的详细信息,最好的资源之一是 Tech Invite。
其他非常有用的工具是 SIPP,它是 SIP 数据包模拟器,使用 XML 脚本语言轻松构建,允许您进行测试不同的场景。
If you want to find details on SIP, one of the best resources is Tech Invite.
Other very useful tool is SIPP which is SIP packets emulator with easy biult in XML scripting language which allows you to test different scenarios.
我个人会选择 Yate
I would personally go with either Yate
or PjSIP
The code is complete, cross-platform and has lots of examples.
PJSIP 是一个用 C 语言编写的免费开源多媒体堆栈,支持音频、视频、状态和即时消息功能。它的设计占用空间非常小,具有高性能且非常灵活。
您也可以参考其他链接 link1, link2,链接3,链接4。
PJSIP is a free and open source multimedia stack written in C and it supports audio, video, presence and instant messaging capabilities.It is designed to be very small in footprint, have high performance, and very flexible.
You can go refer other links also as link1, link2, link3, link4.
Are you familiar with Asterisk?