
发布于 2024-08-12 15:00:29 字数 352 浏览 18 评论 0原文



现在的问题是如何使用霍夫曼或算术编码或LZ编码等标准算法来压缩数据(又名减少冗余)...哪种编码最适合此类数据?? ..



i have a task to compress a stock market data somehow...the data is in a file where the stock value for each day is given in one line and so on...so it's a really big file.


now the question is how to compress the data (aka reduce the redundancy) using standard algorithms like Huffman or Arithmetic coding or LZ coding...which coding is most preferable for this sort of data??...

I have noticed that if i take the first data and then consider the difference between each consecutive data, there is lot of repetition in the difference values...this makes me wonder if first taking these differences, finding their frequency and hence probalility and then using huffman coding would be a way??...

Am i right?...can anyone give me some suggestions.

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草莓酥 2024-08-19 15:00:30


不过数据量并不是很大。即使您在过去 30 年里每天每秒都有 300 个库存的数据,您仍然可以设法将所有这些数据存储在更高端的家用计算机(例如 MAC Pro)中,因为这相当于 5Tb 未压缩。

我写了一个快速而肮脏的脚本,它将每天追踪雅虎中的 IBM 股票,并“正常”存储它(仅调整后的收盘价)并使用您提到的“差异方法”,然后使用 gzip 压缩它们。您确实节省了 16K 与 10K。问题是我没有存储日期,而且我不知道什么值对应于什么日期,当然,你必须包含它。


import urllib as ul
import binascii as ba

# root URL
url = 'http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?%s'

# dictionary of options appended to URL (encoded)
opt = ul.urlencode({
    's':'IBM',       # Stock symbol or ticker; IBM
    'a':'00',        # Month January; index starts at zero
    'b':'2',         # Day 2
    'c':'1978',      # Year 2009
    'd':'10',        # Month November; index starts at zero
    'e':'30',        # Day 30
    'f':'2009',      # Year 2009
    'g':'d',         # Get daily prices
    'ignore':'.csv', # CSV format

# get the data
data = ul.urlopen(url % opt)

# get only the "Adjusted Close" (last column of every row; the 7th)

close = []

for entry in data:

# get rid of the first element (it is only the string 'Adj Close') 

# write to file
f1 = open('raw.dat','w')
for element in close:

# simple function to convert string to scaled number
def scale(x):
    return int(float(x)*100)

# apply the previously defined function to the list
close = map(scale,close)

# it is important to store the first element (it is the base scale)
base = close[0]

# normalize all data (difference from nom)
close = [ close[k+1] - close[k] for k in range(len(close)-1)]

# introduce the base to the data

# define a simple function to convert the list to a single string
def l2str(list):
    out = ''
    for item in list:
        if item>=0:
            out += '+'+str(item)
            out += str(item)
    return out

# convert the list to a string
close = l2str(close)

f2 = open('comp.dat','w')


:sandbox jarrieta$ ls -lh
total 152
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff    23K Nov 30 09:28 comp.dat
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff    47K Nov 30 09:28 raw.dat
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff   1.7K Nov 30 09:13 stock.py
:sandbox jarrieta$ gzip --best *.dat
:sandbox jarrieta$ ls -lh
total 64
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff    10K Nov 30 09:28 comp.dat.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff    16K Nov 30 09:28 raw.dat.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff   1.7K Nov 30 09:13 stock.py

I think your problem is more complex than merely subtracting the stock prices. You also need to store the date (unless you have a consistent time span that can be inferred from the file name).

The amount of data is not very large, though. Even if you have data every second for every day for every year for the last 30 years for 300 stockd, you could still manage to store all that in a higher end home computer (say, a MAC Pro), as that amounts to 5Tb UNCOMPRESSED.

I wrote a quick and dirty script which will chase the IBM stock in Yahoo for every day, and store it "normally" (only the adjusted close) and using the "difference method" you mention, then compressing them using gzip. You do obtain savings: 16K vs 10K. The problem is that I did not store the date, and I don't know what value correspond to what date, you would have to include this, of course.

Good luck.

import urllib as ul
import binascii as ba

# root URL
url = 'http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?%s'

# dictionary of options appended to URL (encoded)
opt = ul.urlencode({
    's':'IBM',       # Stock symbol or ticker; IBM
    'a':'00',        # Month January; index starts at zero
    'b':'2',         # Day 2
    'c':'1978',      # Year 2009
    'd':'10',        # Month November; index starts at zero
    'e':'30',        # Day 30
    'f':'2009',      # Year 2009
    'g':'d',         # Get daily prices
    'ignore':'.csv', # CSV format

# get the data
data = ul.urlopen(url % opt)

# get only the "Adjusted Close" (last column of every row; the 7th)

close = []

for entry in data:

# get rid of the first element (it is only the string 'Adj Close') 

# write to file
f1 = open('raw.dat','w')
for element in close:

# simple function to convert string to scaled number
def scale(x):
    return int(float(x)*100)

# apply the previously defined function to the list
close = map(scale,close)

# it is important to store the first element (it is the base scale)
base = close[0]

# normalize all data (difference from nom)
close = [ close[k+1] - close[k] for k in range(len(close)-1)]

# introduce the base to the data

# define a simple function to convert the list to a single string
def l2str(list):
    out = ''
    for item in list:
        if item>=0:
            out += '+'+str(item)
            out += str(item)
    return out

# convert the list to a string
close = l2str(close)

f2 = open('comp.dat','w')

Now compare the "raw data" (raw.dat) versus the "compressed format" you propose (comp.dat)

:sandbox jarrieta$ ls -lh
total 152
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff    23K Nov 30 09:28 comp.dat
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff    47K Nov 30 09:28 raw.dat
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff   1.7K Nov 30 09:13 stock.py
:sandbox jarrieta$ gzip --best *.dat
:sandbox jarrieta$ ls -lh
total 64
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff    10K Nov 30 09:28 comp.dat.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff    16K Nov 30 09:28 raw.dat.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jarrieta  staff   1.7K Nov 30 09:13 stock.py
吃素的狼 2024-08-19 15:00:30

如今,许多压缩工具结合使用这些技术来为各种数据提供良好的比率。可能值得从一些相当通用和现代的东西开始,比如 bzip2 它使用霍夫曼编码结合各种打乱数据以产生各种冗余的技巧(页面包含指向下面各种实现的链接)。

Many compression tools these days use a combination of these techniques to give good ratios on a variety of data. Might be worth starting out with something fairly general and modern like bzip2 which uses Huffman coding combined with various tricks that shuffle the data around to bring out various kinds of redundancy (page contains links to various implementations further down).

柠栀 2024-08-19 15:00:30

游程编码可能合适吗?请查看此处。举一个极端简单的例子来说明它是如何工作的,这里有一行 ASCII 代码的数据...30 个字节长,


应用 RLE 到它,你会得到 8 个字节:

  • 九个 H
  • 七个 E
  • 八个 L
  • 六个 O

减少了大约 27 % 结果(示例行的压缩率为 8/30)



Run length encoding might be suitable? Check it out here. To give an extreme simple example of how it works, here's a line of data in ascii code...30 bytes long


Apply RLE to it and you get this in 8 bytes:

  • Nine H's
  • Seven E's
  • Eight L's
  • Six O's

A reduction of about 27% as a result (compression ratio for the example line is 8/30)

What do you think?

Hope this helps,
Best regards,

指尖上得阳光 2024-08-19 15:00:30



Caculate the difference of consecutive data , and then use Run Length Encoding (RLE).

And you also need to convert the data to integer and then caculate the difference.

素罗衫 2024-08-19 15:00:30



what would be best would be an adaptive differential compression (i forget the correct name). Where not only do you just take the differences each day, you can calculate a predictor and actually do your differencing off of that. Typically outperforms normal linear predictors.

if you want to get fancy what you could do is cross adapative, in which the stock market overall has it's own trend that cane be used to pick better predictors for the compression.

無心 2024-08-19 15:00:30


I would suggest you to break down the main file in to a segmented blocked format then compress individual segments separately; this should result in maximum optimized compression.
At the decompression side you will have to decompress these individual segments separately and then reconstruct the original text file.

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