查找 Eclipse 依赖项(例如 red5)
您必须使用 Eclipse 的Java EE 发行版。 标准 Java 发行版将无法工作。
但到底需要 Java EE 发行版的哪一部分呢?这样我就可以将当前的 Eclipse 发行版提升到 Red5 所需的级别,而无需专门为 Red5 安装全新的发行版。
According to the Red5 plugin for eclipse,
You must use the Java EE distribution of Eclipse. The standard Java distribution will not work.
But what part exacty of the Java EE distribution is needed. This way I can bring my current distribution of Eclipse to the level needed for Red5 without having to install an entirely new distribution just for Red5.
If you don't have an answer, but can point me to a way I can find it out for myself somehow what that dependency could be, that would be good enough too.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

每个 Eclipse 插件都有一个(唯一的)标识符和一个包含它所依赖的标识符的列表。如果解压缩 jar 文件,您将找到一个目录“META-INF”,其中包含文本文件“MANIFEST.MF”。将有一个条目“Require-Bundle:”,其中包含捆绑包列表(例如org.junit4;bundle-version =“4.5.0”)。此列表告诉您必须安装什么插件才能工作。
插件的 id 是条目“Bundle-SymbolicName:”。有了手头的 ID,您应该能够确定需要安装哪些插件。
Every eclipse plugin has an (unique) identifier and a list with identifier it depends upon. If you unzip the jar file you will find a directory "META-INF" with a textfile "MANIFEST.MF". There will be an entry "Require-Bundle:" with a list of bundles (e.g. org.junit4;bundle-version="4.5.0"). This list tells you what you have to install for the plugin to work.
The id of the plugin is the entry "Bundle-SymbolicName:". With the ids on hand you should be able to determine what plugins exactly you have to install.
本页中描述的安装过程是通过旧的预P2 区域与 eclipse3.3
您可以尝试使用 basic eclipse3.5.1 的相同更新站点: P2 配置机制 应该为您列出所有缺少的组件。
然后,您可以将缺少的软件包与不同的 Eclipse 发行版进行比较并亲自查看如果您确实需要 Red5 eclipse 插件的 J2EE 发行版,那么到底是哪一部分。
The installation processed described in this page is through an old pre-P2 area with eclipse3.3
(source: red5.org)
You could try the same update site, with an basic eclipse3.5.1: the P2 provisioning mechanism should list for you all the missing components.
You can then compare the missing packages with the different eclipse distros and see for yourself exactly what part if the J2EE distro you actually need for the Red5 eclipse plugin.
您主要需要 Eclipse 本身提供的 JST 和 WST 插件。
You mainly need the JST and WST plugins available from Eclipse themselves.