使用 USB 设备打开 PC
我希望能够使用通过 USB 连接到 PC 的红外远程传感器来打开和关闭我的 PC。该传感器是采用 AVR 微处理器和 V-USB 软件 USB 实现实现的定制 PCB。
(请注意,我不是在谈论从 USB 记忆棒或 USB 电源启动...)
I want to be able to turn my PC on and off using an IR-remote sensor that is connected via USB to the PC. The sensor is a custom PCB implemented with an AVR microprocessor and V-USB software USB-implementation.
Now, turning off the PC is no problem with software, but is there any way to turn ON the PC using USB?
(Please note, I'm not talking about booting from USB-stick or USB-power supply ...)
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在 PC 关闭时保持 USB 通电。似乎大多数主板都有一个用于此功能的跳线。
让电脑起死回生。似乎没有这方面的标准功能。解决方案是通过USB板上的AVR“按下”PC的电源按钮。我知道,这意味着从 USB 到 PC 需要额外的电缆,但这似乎是最简单的解决方案。
另一种解决方法是通过以太网将开机信号发送到 PC。但我想这会比电源按钮解决方案更复杂,而且还涉及额外的电缆。
There seem to be two problems:
keeping the USB powered on while the PC is off. It seems that most mainboard have a jumper for this functionality.
bringing the PC back to life. There seems to be no standard functionality for this. The solution is to "press" the PCs power button through the AVR on the USB board. I know, this means extra cable from the USB to the PC, but it seems to be the easiest solution.
Another workaround could be to send the power-on signal to the PC over ethernet. But I guess this will be more complicated than the power button solution and it involves extra cables too.
这篇 Microsoft 知识库文章介绍了如何为 USB 鼠标启用“USB 唤醒”。我刚刚检查过,我的键盘设备条目(在 Windows Vista 上)有相同的选择,已经检查过。
因此,如果您的 AVR 正在模拟 USB 键盘或鼠标,则应该可以通过发送正确的数据来唤醒计算机。
This Microsoft knowledgebase article describes how to enable "wake on USB" for a USB mouse. I just checked, and my keyboard device entry (on Windows Vista) has the same choice, already checked.
So, if your AVR is emulating a USB keyboard or mouse, it should be possible to wake the computer by sending the proper data.
肯定有办法用 USB 来实现这一点,因为有些 PC 可以通过键盘来启动。我认为这将是一些看看你的主板/BIOS是否支持它(可能你需要在BIOS中打开它,这也可能会确保你的设备从USB获取电源,尽管PC已关闭),以及V是否支持-USB(我不知道)可以发送“唤醒”信号。
祝你好运 !
there must be a way to do this with USB, since some PCs can be switched on with the keyboard. I think this will be some looking whether your mainboard/BIOS support it (it may be you need to turn it on in BIOS, this will probably also ensure your device gets power from USB although the PC is switched off), and whether that V-USB (unknown to me) can send the "wakeup"-signal.
good luck !
PC 需要“关闭”到什么程度?从睡眠/暂停中唤醒就足够了吗? USB标准描述了“远程唤醒”。
除了启用远程唤醒(如展开提到的那样)之外,PC 上的软件不参与此工作。
How "off" does the PC need to be? Is waking from sleep/suspend enough? The USB standard describes "remote wake-up".
Aside from enabling remote-wakeup, like unwind mentions, software on the PC is not involved in making this work.