Tab triggers are also useful when they match program keywords and lead to actions (such as inserting snippets) that do what you would normally do after entering the keyword.
, the closest eclipse feature for that would be Preferences / Java / Editor / Templates (the difference being that is is triggered not by Tab, but rather by Ctrl+Space...)
The example for instance allows you to insert quite a bit of code after typing only three letters...
如果我正确阅读 TextMate 的选项卡触发器,尤其是说明的部分:
,最接近的 Eclipse 功能是 Preferences / Java / Editor / Templates
(区别在于它不是由 Tab 触发,而是由 Ctrl+Space 触发...)
If I read Tab Triggers of TextMate correctly, especially the part stating:
, the closest eclipse feature for that would be Preferences / Java / Editor / Templates
(the difference being that is is triggered not by Tab, but rather by Ctrl+Space...)
The example for instance allows you to insert quite a bit of code after typing only three letters...