我应该为 SCJP 准备多长时间?

发布于 2024-08-12 02:56:54 字数 1459 浏览 1 评论 0原文

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枫林﹌晚霞¤ 2024-08-19 02:56:55



  • 您已经知道多少
  • 您有多少时间 您
  • 想在考试中表现如何

我认为 3 - 6 个月的学习时间应该足以通过,如果您已经精通 Java,则可能会更少。根据我自己的经验,我对 Java 的了解只是短暂的,但为了 SCJP 学习了几次。我没有最后期限,并且想在考试中取得“好成绩”,所以考虑了 6 - 8 个月的学习时间。然而,生活会让人分心,我会暂时停止学习。我不经常使用 Java,所以当我恢复时我必须重新开始。最终,生活带来了终极的干扰(孩子),但我仍然没有获得 SCJP。 (但是,我开始定期使用 Java,因此情况可能会改变。)

JavaRanch 是另一个不错的网站用于 SCJP 准备。

Views on certification certainly seem to be a mixed. Some employers say they won't hire if you don't have one; others don't care; and others seem downright hostile toward certs. So, having one could help, but not necessarily. My viewpoint is that if you're using it to improve your skills then get it. If your skills are already at a point where the certification is easy, then it's only worthwhile if you're convinced it will help you get the sort of job you want... or if your employer is requiring you to get it.

As for the time to spend on preparing, this varies also. Some factors:

  • How much you already know
  • How much time you have
  • How well you want to perform on the test

I'd think 3 - 6 months of studying should be adequate to pass, probably less if you're already good with Java. From my own experience, I had only a passing familiarity with Java, but studied toward an SCJP a couple times. I had no deadline and wanted to "ace" the test, so was thinking 6 - 8 months of study time. However, life would present distractions and I'd suspend studying for a bit. I wasn't using Java regularly, so I would have to start over somewhat when I resumed. Eventually life presented the ultimate distraction (a child) and I still haven't gotten that SCJP. (However, I'm starting to use Java regularly, so that may change.)

JavaRanch is another good site to use for SCJP preparation.

如梦亦如幻 2024-08-19 02:56:54

我花了3周的时间准备Java 6考试,我有0专业的Java编程经验。对于每天使用该语言的人(例如 java 程序员)来说,这应该更容易。我很高兴能够尽快完成它,因此我在 http://www.amazon.com/SCJP-Certified-Programmer-Java-310-065/dp/0071591060 有一天将其运送给我,以便我收到星期六。一到,我就开始读书。这花了大约两周的时间,因为这本书是一本 800 页的怪物,书中有一些自我测试,既可以给你很好的练习,又可以教你一些本书在实际章节中没有提到的具体细节(很多你可以猜到但不能猜到)全部...)。上周,我回顾了所有 2 分钟练习,并重新阅读了 API 较多的章节。还有很多表(重要的字符串方法、线程方法、文件 API 方法和并发)。我还参加了书中包含的两次硕士考试。我让他们进入学习模式并尝试提出问题,然后如果它说错了,我就去尝试找出为什么错了,然后如果需要的话我会去参考/提示。考试当天,我在考试前一小时复习了文件/字符串/集合 API 并参加了考试。

我的得分为 90%,考虑到我根本没有任何 Java 工作经验并且在 3 周内做好了准备,这真是太棒了。对于任何专业 Java 开发人员来说,准备/学习应该要容易得多。虽然自从 Java 出现以来我就知道它了,并且我在大学的研究生和本科课程中偶尔使用过它,所以我并不是完全陌生的。另外,我了解其他 C 语言,所以我习惯了很多控制结构等...但是,如果我能在三周内弄清楚 API/语言的工作原理,足以获得 90% 的分数,那么任何有经验的 java 程序员都应该没有问题弄清楚足以通过。虽然那本书很大,但每天坐两个小时的火车上班对读完这本书还是有很大帮助的。

有人说你必须编写一百个小程序才能解决问题。不过这本书在细节上讲得很好。编写程序时最重要的事情(也许我写了 10 个)是构造函数/初始化块/静态初始化块/准确找出继承的内容并巩固顺序。当将子类转换为其父类时,重要的是要了解访问变量/重载方法时会发生什么。虽然重载方法很简单并且符合预期,但访问变量却不是那么简单。相信我,写一些关于它的程序,特别是当超类型/子类型具有同名实例变量时。

我认为我从 SCJP 中获得的主要收获是对该语言的广泛概述。 Java 是一头野兽,API/语言非常庞大。通常,我只是使用 Java 中每个项目/活动所需的语言部分,并在使用过程中查找 API。有些关键词(比如瞬态)我只是不知道。还有一些面试琐事(比如如果你覆盖等于你还必须覆盖什么)我不知道(至少根据朋友告诉我的)。另外,我对国际化类 Locale、Calendar、DateFormat、NumberFormat 和 Date 等一无所知。事实上,如果我正在编写严肃的 Java 软件,我可能会使用 Calendar 来满足日期算术需求。我认为这不会帮助我找到一份 Java 工作,因为似乎每个人在面试之前都希望拥有 Java 经验。但如果我真的得到了面试机会,我从准备考试中获得的知识肯定会帮助我更好地回答问题(尽管我确信很多具体的 API 细节会随着时间的推移而消失)。现在我对 Java 也更有信心了。但我仍然不能说我可以在白板上编写一个完全可以工作的 Java 程序,因为 API 非常复杂。像 C 这样的语言非常小,包含 stdio.h/stdlib.h/string.h 并记住 30 个函数,你可以做很多事情。 Java 有更多的包/类以及更多的 API。此外,表达式还有大量的规则、促销、选角、自动装箱等,这很容易搞砸。尽管 C 具有优先级地狱,但使用正确的括号,您可以逃脱很多惩罚。 Java 对事物更加严格(即 if(0) 是一个错误)。但是,仅仅为了一些额外的琐事,考试就值得了,尽管考试有点令人沮丧,如果你看一下这本书,它几乎会告诉你,考试故意挑选棘手的问题和边缘情况,试图让你感到困惑。它会故意给出不好的缩进和其他东西来试图变得棘手。我讨厌这一点,因为它不是专注于让你合理地了解材料,而是专注于试图让你感到困惑。

值得注意的一件事是,不要被硕士考试所困扰。我尝试以考试模式参加一门考试,他们在 1.5 小时内给出了 75 个问题,我几乎决定推迟考试。真正的考试有 60 个问题,时间为 3 小时。此外,实际考试的问题比硕士考试的问题要简单得多。我的硕士考试成绩是 37%.... 我最近两次只是在学习指导模式下做的,尝试每个问题/如果答案错误又累了/在 A 考试中查看参考资料一次,在 B 考试中查看参考资料一次..我考试成绩很好,我真的很高兴我没有因为学习指南而推迟考试,因为现在已经结束了,我可以放松了......

It took me 3 weeks to prepare for the Java 6 exam, I have 0 professional Java programming experience. For someone who uses the language daily (like a java programmer) it should be even easier. I was very excited to get it over with as soon as possible, so I ordered the Kathy Sierra SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide at http://www.amazon.com/SCJP-Certified-Programmer-Java-310-065/dp/0071591060 and one day shipped it to me so that I received it on a Saturday. As soon as it came, I started reading. That took about two weeks as the book is an 800 page monster with some self tests in the book that both give you good practice and teach you some specific details that the book did not mention in the actual chapter (a lot you can guess but not all...). For the last week I reviewed all the 2 Minute Drills and re-read the chapters that were API heavy. Also there are a lot of tables (important string methods, thread methods, file API methods, and concurrency). I also took the two master exams included in the book. I took them in study mode and attempted the question, then if it said wrong, I went and tried to figure out why it is wrong, then I went to the reference/hints if I needed. On the day of the exam I reviewed the File/String/Collections API an hour prior to the exam and took it.

I scored 90% so that's GREAT considering I do not have any Java work experience at all and prepared in 3 weeks. It should be much easier for any professional Java developer to prep/take. Although I have known of Java since it came out, and I used it for the occasional graduate and undergraduate program in college so I'm not totally new. Also, I know other C languages so I am used to much of the control structures, etc... However if I can figure out the API/language workings in three weeks enough to get a 90% any experienced java programmer should have no problem figuring out enough to pass. Still that book is giant, the 2 hours of daily train riding to work was a big help in getting the reading done.

Some people say you have to write a hundred small programs to figure things out. But that book is pretty good on details. The most important thing to write programs about (maybe I wrote 10) are the constructors/initializer blocks/static initializer blocks/to find out exactly what is inherited and to cement the order. And when casting a sub class as its parent, it is important to see what happens when you access the variables/overloaded methods. While the overloaded methods are simple and what is expected, accessing variables is not so straight forward. Trust me, write a few programs about it, especially where the super type/sub type have instance variables with the same name.

I think the main thing I got out of SCJP is a broad overview of the language. Java is a beast, the API/language is huge. Typically I just used the parts of the language I needed for each project/activity in Java and looked up the API as I went. Some key words (like transient) I just did not know. Also some interview trivia (like if you override equals what else must you override) I did not know (at least according to what a friend told me). Also I had no idea about things like the internationalization classes Locale, Calendar, DateFormat, NumberFormat, and Date. Really if I was writing serious Java software, I would probably use Calendar for date arithmetic needs. I don't think it will help me land a Java job as everyone seems to want Java experience prior to even giving you an interview. But if I ever do get an interview, the knowledge I gained from preparing the exam would definitely help me to better answer the questions (though I'm sure a lot of the specific API details will fade with time). Also now I feel more confident with Java. Still I can't say that I can just whip up a Java program on the white board that fully works because the API is very complex. A language like C is pretty small, include stdio.h/stdlib.h/string.h and memorize 30 functions and you can do a lot. Java has way more packages/classes to include and way more API. Also with expressions there are a ton of rules, promotions, casting, autoboxing, etc. which would be really easy to mess up. Though C has precedence hell, with the right parenthesis you can get away with a lot. Java is more strict on things (ie if(0) is an error). But the exam is worth it just for some additional trivia, although the exam is a bit frustrating, and if you look at the book it pretty much tells you that the exam deliberately picks tricky questions and edge cases in an attempt to confuse you. It will deliberately give bad indentation and other stuff to try to be tricky. I hate that because rather than focusing on you knowing the material reasonably, it focuses on trying to confuse you.

One thing of note, don't get thrown by the Master exam. I tried to take one in exam mode, and they gave 75 questions in 1.5 hours and I nearly decided to postpone the exam. The real exam is 60 questions and you get 3 hours. Also the questions on the actual exam are MUCH easier than on the master exam. My master exam score was 37%.... My last two times I just did it in study guide mode, attempted each question/if answer was wrong tired again/viewed reference once with the A exam and once with the B exam... I did fine on the exam and I am really really happy that I did not postpone it over the study guide, because now it is over and I can relax....

日久见人心 2024-08-19 02:56:54


因此,真正的问题不是 SCJP 是否会帮助您找到工作,而是它是否会帮助您在您想要工作的地方找到工作。例如,Google 有很多非常聪明的程序员,他们使用 Java,而在我认识的所有在那里工作的人中, 都考过 SCJP,所以这可能不是一个大问题。


如果您要来我的公司面试,它不会对您有帮助,而且实际上可能会伤害您(特别是如果您引起注意),如果您看起来< em>仅限 Java 程序员。我们需要优秀的程序员,而不是优秀的 Java 程序员。

我没有参加过 SCJP,但我怀疑它就像所有其他标准化测试一样:它更重要的是您参加 SCJP 的能力,而不是您的 Java 能力。当您面试时,我们将查看您已经编写的代码(开源项目很棒)以及您在面试期间编写的代码。 Sun对你的看法与我们无关。 (我们不可能在一年内打电话给 Gosling 说“伙计,你告诉我们这个失败者懂得 Java!你完全欠我们一年的开发时间”。)


因此,弄清楚您想在哪里工作(特定地点或某种类型的地点),然后看看 SCJP 是否会为您提供帮助。还有很多其他方法可以让您在节省时间的同时精通 Java。首先,编写真正的Java程序。 :-) 如果您将它们开源,那么每个人都可以看到您所做的很酷的事情,那就太好了。如果你写一篇关于所有血淋淋的细节的博客,那就加倍奖励。其次,学习Java以外的东西。例如,如果您花 6 个月学习 Haskell,我保证它将对您的 Java 有很大帮助。

In the Parachute book, the author tells of how he likes showing off résumés to his friends, who remark that "This résumé will never get anyone hired!", to which he responds "Oh, but it already did!". The lesson is that every employer is different.

So the real question is not whether the SCJP will help you get a job, but whether it'll help you get a job at one of the places you want to work. Google has a lot of pretty smart programmers who use Java, for example, and of all the people I know who work there, zero have taken the SCJP, so it's probably not a big concern there.

Now, some more personal (i.e., less universal) feedback:

It would not help you if you were to interview at my company, and in fact might hurt (especially if you call attention to it), if it looks like you're only a Java programmer. We need good programmers, not good Java programmers.

I've not taken the SCJP, but I suspect it's like every other standardized test: it's as much about your SCJP-taking ability than your Java ability. When you interview, we're going to look at the code you've already written (open-source projects are great), and the code you write during the interview. What Sun thought of you is not our concern. (We can't exactly call up Gosling in a year and say "Dude, you told us this loser knew Java! You totally owe us one year of dev time".)

Some people have suggested that it'll make you look good over another candidate, if all else is equal. First, all else is never equal when it comes to interviews. In fact, I've rarely interviewed somebody and been neutral: it's either an immediate "No" or an emphatic "Yes". Second, unless it's a really tiny company, everybody needs more great programmers, so if two "Yes"s walk in the door at the same time, we'll hire them both. Yes, even today, in this economy.

So figure out where you want to work (a specific place, or a type of place), and see if the SCJP will help you there. There are lots of other ways to get good at Java in the time you might save. First of all, writing real Java programs. :-) Bonus if you open-source them so everybody can see the cool stuff you've done. Double bonus if you write a blog about all the gory details. Second, learn something other than Java. If you spend 6 months learning Haskell, for example, I guarantee it'll significantly help your Java.

雨落星ぅ辰 2024-08-19 02:56:54

我用 O'Reilly 的书(遗憾的是不是 Head First)为 1.4 Java 版本 SCJP 准备了大约 3 个月的时间。我认为 1.5 规范的 SCJP 考试更难,这要归功于泛型。


I prepare it for about 3 Months for 1.4 Java Version SCJP with an O'Reilly book (not an Head First sadly) I think that the SCJP Exam for the 1.5 specification is harder thank's to generics.

Anyway, the most important is to focus during the test, almost all questions have a trick,as you could see on the preparation book mock test.

谈下烟灰 2024-08-19 02:56:54


但是,如果您正在学习真正深入了解 JDK 及其内部问题,那么我会说更像是六到九个月

您提到的这本书应该很好,但请确保您执行示例程序并真正探索每章中向您介绍的概念。我绝对推荐的一个网站是 JavaCertificate.com:



强烈建议参加 SCJP,它会让您领先于大多数平庸的 Java 黑客。不幸的是,我认识的大多数雇主都不太了解该认证,也不了解它的好处。我真的希望 Sun 能够对您最终获得的认证进行评分 - 90% 及以上为 1 级,80 - 90% 为 2 级,等等......

It really depends on what you're doing the certification for. If you just want to pass the exam you could probably do it in around three months.

However, if you're studying to really get an in depth understanding of the JDK and the intracacies then I'd say more like six to nine months.

The book you mentioned should be fine, but make sure you do example programs and really explore the concepts presented to you in each chapter. One site I would definitely recommend is JavaCertificate.com:


It's worth spending the money to do the practice questions and the mock exams, but don't do this too early on.

I highly recommend doing the SCJP, it will put you ahead of most of the mediocre Java hackers out there. Unfortunately, most employers I know of are not that aware of the certification - nor it's benefits. I really wish Sun would grade the certification you get in the end - 90% and plus would be Level 1, 80 - 90% would be Level 2 etc...

何时共饮酒 2024-08-19 02:56:54

Sun 认证专家维基百科页面,我了解到 SCJP 是获得许多认证的先决条件其他与 Java 相关的认证,所以我确实认为它确实值得。它不仅会在您的简历上看起来不错,而且会开辟一条新的认证机会之路,从长远来看,让您获得更好的就业机会,这不仅是因为认证,还因为您将获得的经验。

有关此问题的广泛讨论,您可以查看 论坛帖子。

From the Sun Certified Professional Wikipedia page, I understand that SCJP is a prerequisite to a number of the other Java-related certifications, so indeed I would say it really is worthed. Not only it will look good on your resume, but it will open a path of new certification opportunities and allow you to gain better chances of employment in the long run, not only due to certification, but also due to the experience you will gain.

For an extensive discussion upon this matter, you could take a look at this forum post.

梦旅人picnic 2024-08-19 02:56:54

我从来不知道获得认证会有多大帮助,但我不住在美国,也不是 IT 行业的温床。其他人也许能够对这个话题有更多的阐述,但我只能假设,在一个更有活力的 IT 城市,比如硅谷或纽约,如果两个或更多候选人旗鼓相当,可能看起来会更令人印象深刻。但如果你的面试技巧或现场思考能力较弱,获得认证可能并没有多大帮助。

你提到的那本书听起来不错,可能就足够了。我也一直很喜欢 Head First 系列,在你的例子中,也许是 Head First Java< /a> 可能值得一看(还有 Kathy Sierra 和 Bert Bates)。

其他一些与 SCJP 相关的帖子也可能有帮助:

Scjp 有帮助吗

scjp 证书值得

I've never known being certified to help greatly but I don't live in the US or a hot bed of the IT industry. Someone else may be able to shed more light on this topic, but I can only assume that in a more vibing city for IT such as Silicon Valley or perhaps NY, it may look a little more impressive if two or more candidates are evenly matched. But if you're weak in interviewing skills or thinking on the spot etc, being certified might not help too greatly.

The book you mentioned sounds good and will probably be sufficient. I've always enjoyed the head first series too and in your case perhaps the Head First Java might be worth a look (also Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates).

Some other posts relating to SCJP may be of help too:

Does scjp help

is an scjp certificate worthwhile

鹤舞 2024-08-19 02:56:54

虽然我花了很长时间准备 SCJP 考试(因为当时我白天工作),但我认为 7 个月足够长,也许太长了,具体取决于你的疯狂技能。

当时我拥有的唯一资源是 Kathy Sierra 和 Bert Bates 编写的 Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide。我想这就是我需要的全部资源。尽管我不得不承认,我必须一遍又一遍地阅读这些章节,并多次回答测验和练习考试,以确保我把它记在脑子里。

据我所知,诸如“实现这个和这个”或“编写一段代码,它可以......”之类的问题是针对 SCJD 考试的,而不是针对 SCJP 的。 Sierra 和 Bates 的书中也提到了这一点,以及有关考试的其他信息。

Although it took me a long time to prepare for the SCJP exam (because I was working during the day that time), I think 7 months is long enough and perhaps too long depending on your mad skills.

The only resource I had that time was Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. I think it was all the resource I needed. Although I have to admit that I had to read the chapters again and again and answered the quizzes and practice exam multiple times to make sure I got it in my head.

As far as I know, questions such as "implement this and this" or "write a piece of code which does..." is for the SCJD exam, not SCJP. This is also mentioned in the book by Sierra and Bates, together with other information about the exam.

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