SVN 无法在 Eclipse 中运行
有一天我在 Eclipse Help
-> 中按下检查更新
然后在我与 SVN 一起使用的项目中,“团队”的整个子菜单以及显示该内容的小图标有些文件没有提交,它们全部消失了。
- 从
选项卡恢复 - ,从
选项卡卸载, - 将
Program Files
替换为从 eclipse 网站下载了一个新版本并尝试再次安装, - 在网上搜索了如何安装它
但是在上述情况下,如果我按 Ctrl+N 则没有 SVN 组; 如果我右键单击一个项目并选择 Team
-> 共享项目
,出现一个带有CVS的窗口,但没有SVN。 如果我选择文件
-> 导入
我在任何地方都找不到 SVN。
-> 关于 Eclipse
-> 安装详细信息
我在 2009 年 6 月 25 日 09:59:08 GMT+03:00(SVN 工作时)的安装历史记录
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.2
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.3
SVNKit Library
code> 选项卡 我现在已经安装了
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers epp.package.jee
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.5
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.6
SVNKit Library
如何使 SVN 工作?
eclipse 在哪里存储它的文件,因为当我用一个新的目录更改 eclipse 目录时,我的所有东西都在那里(我安装但没有成功的:SVN、Subversive、Subclipse、SVNKit,...)
One day I pressed in Eclipse Help
-> Check for Updates
(and I learnt that I should Never Ever update a software which works fine.)
Then in a project that I used with SVN the whole submenu of "Team" and the little icons that showed that some files weren't commited, they all dissapeared.
I tried everything:
- revert from
Instalation History
tab - uninstall from
Installed Software
tab - replaced the folder
inProgram Files
with a new one downloaded from eclipse website and tried to install again - searched how to install it on the net
But in none of the cases above if I press Ctrl+N There is no SVN group;
If i right click on a project and select Team
-> Share project
, a window with CVS appears, but no SVN.
If I choose File
-> Import
I can't find SVN anywhere.
If I go to Help
-> About Eclipse
-> Instalation details
I see at Instalation History
in 25.06.2009, 09:59:08 GMT+03:00 (when SVN worked)
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.2
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.3
SVNKit Library
In the Installed Software
tab I have now installed
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers epp.package.jee
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.5
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.6
SVNKit Library
How can I make SVN to work?
Where does eclipse store its files, because when I changed the eclipse directory with a new one all my stuff was there (the ones that I installed with no success: SVN, Subversive, Subclipse, SVNKit, ...)
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

Subversive 是我最喜欢的 Eclipse 中的 SVN 实现,因为它比其他实现更好,并且可以巧妙地集成到 UI 中。
目录。然后从第 3 步开始。Subversive is my favorite SVN implementation in Eclipse because it works better than the others and it integrates neatly into the UI.
I suggest you follow these steps:
in your user directory)Help
, thenInstall New Software...
If you aren't prompted to install a connector, you can always do so from the preferences screen:
If the above doesn't work for you, it seems that your workspace isn't cleaned out. Locate your default workspace and try getting things working without any projects before you continue.
You could then also try deleting the
directory in your user directory. And starting over from step 3.我遇到的问题是 svn 图标没有显示在包资源管理器中。
我的解决方案是删除工作区文件夹中的 .metadata 文件夹(这将重置所有工作区,包括首选项和存储库配置)
The problem I had was that svn icons where not showing in the package explorer.
The solution for me was to delete the .metadata folder in the workspace folder (which will reset all your workspace including preferences and repository configurations)
After that all the icons appeared.
当 SVN 连接器无法连接 Eclipse 中的 SVN 存储库时,我遇到了同样的问题。
I had same issue when SVN connector was not able to connect SVN repository in Eclipse.
Then, I do the following step's :-
It's working :)
Eclipse 使用本地 SVN 库,这些库是已安装插件的一部分。用于 SVN 支持的插件,无论是 SVNkit 还是 JavaHL。 Netbeans 使用独立安装的 SVN 库。
I found a problem related to installing plugins here. I also could not get the SVN stuff to show up in the preferences because of some bug with the software updater updating the Mylin plugins. You'll likely have to get your Eclipse installation straightened out first and you can do this by just using a new workspace. You don't have to blow away the .metadata folder if you point Eclipse temporarily at a new workspace folder. When the Eclipse installation is clean, you can start installing plugins again, but make sure to uncheck the box labeled
Contact all update sites during install to find required software
Eclipse uses local SVN libraries that are part of an installed plugin for SVN support, be it SVNkit or JavaHL. Netbeans uses SVN libraries that are installed independently.
我以前在 Eclipse 及其支持的各种 SVN 插件中也遇到过这种情况。由于某种原因,SVN 插件有时会失去 SVN 连接。最好的办法是简单地删除该项目并重新从 svn 中签出它。如果您有需要提交的更改,可以使用命令行。
您可能遇到的另一个问题是您的插件和存储库在版本号方面不同步。在使用为 svn 1.6.x 设计的插件和仍为 svn 1.4 或 1.5 的存储库之前,我遇到了问题。
I have had this happen before with Eclipse and the various SVN plugins that it supports. The SVN plugin, for some reason, sometimes looses the SVN connection. Your best bet is to simply delete the project and re-check it out of svn. If you have changes that need to be committed you can use the command line.
Another problem you may have is that your plugin and your repository are out of sync in terms of version numbers. I have had problems before using a plugin designed for svn 1.6.x and a repository that was still at svn 1.4 or 1.5.
只需从 eclipse 中删除所有项目并再次重新导入所有项目即可。
Just delete all projects from eclipse and Re-Import the all projects again.
It is working for me.
Just try it
如果你想完全重新开始使用 Eclipse,你还需要删除你的工作空间(你第一次启动 Eclipse 时看到的路径)。只需重新安装 Eclipse 文件并指向相同的默认工作空间不会为您带来任何改变。
您最好的选择是删除 Eclipse 和您的工作区并重新开始,因为您在尝试解决最初的问题时可能无意中破坏了插件的其他部分。
If you want to completely start over with eclipse, you need to delete your workspace as well (the path you see when you first start eclipse). Just re-installing the eclipse files and pointing to the same default workspace will not change anything for you.
Your best bet is to remove eclipse and your workspace and start over because you probably inadvertently broke some other parts of the plug in while you were trying to fix your initial problem.
即使您按照所说安装了所有内容,Subversive 和 SVN Connector (svnkit 1.xx),在项目中您可能看不到 svn 工作。就我而言,我必须从工作区中删除该项目并再次导入它。然后它出现了。 (刷新、清理不起作用)。
Even if you install everything as it is said, Subversive and SVN Connector (svnkit 1.x.x), in the project you may not see svn working. In my case I had to remove the project from workspace and import it again. Then it appears. (Refresh, clean did not worked).